Abstract:In recent years, there have been significant advancements in applying attention mechanisms to point cloud analysis. However, attention module variants featured in various research papers often operate under diverse settings and tasks, incorporating potential training strategies. This heterogeneity poses challenges in establishing a fair comparison among these attention module variants. In this paper, we address this issue by rethinking and exploring attention module design within a consistent base framework and settings. Both global-based and local-based attention methods are studied, with a focus on the selection basis and scales of neighbors for local-based attention. Different combinations of aggregated local features and computation methods for attention scores are evaluated, ranging from the initial addition/concatenation-based approach to the widely adopted dot product-based method and the recently proposed vector attention technique. Various position encoding methods are also investigated. Our extensive experimental analysis reveals that there is no universally optimal design across diverse point cloud tasks. Instead, drawing from best practices, we propose tailored attention modules for specific tasks, leading to superior performance on point cloud classification and segmentation benchmarks.
Abstract:Panoramic images, capturing a 360{\deg} field of view (FoV), encompass omnidirectional spatial information crucial for scene understanding. However, it is not only costly to obtain training-sufficient dense-annotated panoramas but also application-restricted when training models in a close-vocabulary setting. To tackle this problem, in this work, we define a new task termed Open Panoramic Segmentation (OPS), where models are trained with FoV-restricted pinhole images in the source domain in an open-vocabulary setting while evaluated with FoV-open panoramic images in the target domain, enabling the zero-shot open panoramic semantic segmentation ability of models. Moreover, we propose a model named OOOPS with a Deformable Adapter Network (DAN), which significantly improves zero-shot panoramic semantic segmentation performance. To further enhance the distortion-aware modeling ability from the pinhole source domain, we propose a novel data augmentation method called Random Equirectangular Projection (RERP) which is specifically designed to address object deformations in advance. Surpassing other state-of-the-art open-vocabulary semantic segmentation approaches, a remarkable performance boost on three panoramic datasets, WildPASS, Stanford2D3D, and Matterport3D, proves the effectiveness of our proposed OOOPS model with RERP on the OPS task, especially +2.2% on outdoor WildPASS and +2.4% mIoU on indoor Stanford2D3D. The code will be available at https://junweizheng93.github.io/publications/OPS/OPS.html.
Abstract:Anticipating future actions is inherently uncertain. Given an observed video segment containing ongoing actions, multiple subsequent actions can plausibly follow. This uncertainty becomes even larger when predicting far into the future. However, the majority of existing action anticipation models adhere to a deterministic approach, neglecting to account for future uncertainties. In this work, we rethink action anticipation from a generative view, employing diffusion models to capture different possible future actions. In this framework, future actions are iteratively generated from standard Gaussian noise in the latent space, conditioned on the observed video, and subsequently transitioned into the action space. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets, i.e., Breakfast, 50Salads, EpicKitchens, and EGTEA Gaze+, are performed and the proposed method achieves superior or comparable results to state-of-the-art methods, showing the effectiveness of a generative approach for action anticipation. Our code and trained models will be published on GitHub.
Abstract:Modeling a 3D volumetric shape as an assembly of decomposed shape parts is much more challenging, but semantically more valuable than direct reconstruction from a full shape representation. The neural network needs to implicitly learn part relations coherently, which is typically performed by dedicated network layers that can generate transformation matrices for each part. In this paper, we propose a VoxAttention network architecture for attention-based part assembly. We further propose a variant of using channel-wise part attention and show the advantages of this approach. Experimental results show that our method outperforms most state-of-the-art methods for the part relation-aware 3D shape modeling task.
Abstract:Point cloud sampling is a less explored research topic for this data representation. The most common sampling methods nowadays are still classical random sampling and farthest point sampling. With the development of neural networks, various methods have been proposed to sample point clouds in a task-based learning manner. However, these methods are mostly generative-based, other than selecting points directly with mathematical statistics. Inspired by the Canny edge detection algorithm for images and with the help of the attention mechanism, this paper proposes a non-generative Attention-based Point cloud Edge Sampling method (APES), which can capture the outline of input point clouds. Experimental results show that better performances are achieved with our sampling method due to the important outline information it learned.
Abstract:On robotics computer vision tasks, generating and annotating large amounts of data from real-world for the use of deep learning-based approaches is often difficult or even impossible. A common strategy for solving this problem is to apply simulation-to-reality (sim2real) approaches with the help of simulated scenes. While the majority of current robotics vision sim2real work focuses on image data, we present an industrial application case that uses sim2real transfer learning for point cloud data. We provide insights on how to generate and process synthetic point cloud data in order to achieve better performance when the learned model is transferred to real-world data. The issue of imbalanced learning is investigated using multiple strategies. A novel patch-based attention network is proposed additionally to tackle this problem.
Abstract:We present an improved approach for 3D object detection in point cloud data based on the Frustum PointNet (F-PointNet). Compared to the original F-PointNet, our newly proposed method considers the point neighborhood when computing point features. The newly introduced local neighborhood embedding operation mimics the convolutional operations in 2D neural networks. Thus features of each point are not only computed with the features of its own or of the whole point cloud but also computed especially with respect to the features of its neighbors. Experiments show that our proposed method achieves better performance than the F-Pointnet baseline on 3D object detection tasks.
Abstract:In this paper, we develop a novel benchmark suite including both a 2D synthetic image dataset and a 3D synthetic point cloud dataset. Our work is a sub-task in the framework of a remanufacturing project, in which small electric motors are used as fundamental objects. Apart from the given detection, classification, and segmentation annotations, the key objects also have multiple learnable attributes with ground truth provided. This benchmark can be used for computer vision tasks including 2D/3D detection, classification, segmentation, and multi-attribute learning. It is worth mentioning that most attributes of the motors are quantified as continuously variable rather than binary, which makes our benchmark well-suited for the less explored regression tasks. In addition, appropriate evaluation metrics are adopted or developed for each task and promising baseline results are provided. We hope this benchmark can stimulate more research efforts on the sub-domain of object attribute learning and multi-task learning in the future.
Abstract:To enable automatic disassembly of different product types with uncertain conditions and degrees of wear in remanufacturing, agile production systems that can adapt dynamically to changing requirements are needed. Machine learning algorithms can be employed due to their generalization capabilities of learning from various types and variants of products. However, in reality, datasets with a diversity of samples that can be used to train models are difficult to obtain in the initial period. This may cause bad performances when the system tries to adapt to new unseen input data in the future. In order to generate large datasets for different learning purposes, in our project, we present a Blender add-on named MotorFactory to generate customized mesh models of various motor instances. MotorFactory allows to create mesh models which, complemented with additional add-ons, can be further used to create synthetic RGB images, depth images, normal images, segmentation ground truth masks, and 3D point cloud datasets with point-wise semantic labels. The created synthetic datasets may be used for various tasks including motor type classification, object detection for decentralized material transfer tasks, part segmentation for disassembly and handling tasks, or even reinforcement learning-based robotics control or view-planning.
Abstract:We propose a combined generative and contrastive neural architecture for learning latent representations of 3D volumetric shapes. The architecture uses two encoder branches for voxel grids and multi-view images from the same underlying shape. The main idea is to combine a contrastive loss between the resulting latent representations with an additional reconstruction loss. That helps to avoid collapsing the latent representations as a trivial solution for minimizing the contrastive loss. A novel switching scheme is used to cross-train two encoders with a shared decoder. The switching scheme also enables the stop gradient operation on a random branch. Further classification experiments show that the latent representations learned with our self-supervised method integrate more useful information from the additional input data implicitly, thus leading to better reconstruction and classification performance.