Abstract:The training, testing, and deployment, of autonomous vehicles requires realistic and efficient simulators. Moreover, because of the high variability between different problems presented in different autonomous systems, these simulators need to be easy to use, and easy to modify. To address these problems we introduce TorchDriveSim and its benchmark extension TorchDriveEnv. TorchDriveEnv is a lightweight reinforcement learning benchmark programmed entirely in Python, which can be modified to test a number of different factors in learned vehicle behavior, including the effect of varying kinematic models, agent types, and traffic control patterns. Most importantly unlike many replay based simulation approaches, TorchDriveEnv is fully integrated with a state of the art behavioral simulation API. This allows users to train and evaluate driving models alongside data driven Non-Playable Characters (NPC) whose initializations and driving behavior are reactive, realistic, and diverse. We illustrate the efficiency and simplicity of TorchDriveEnv by evaluating common reinforcement learning baselines in both training and validation environments. Our experiments show that TorchDriveEnv is easy to use, but difficult to solve.
Abstract:Current state-of-the-art methods for video inpainting typically rely on optical flow or attention-based approaches to inpaint masked regions by propagating visual information across frames. While such approaches have led to significant progress on standard benchmarks, they struggle with tasks that require the synthesis of novel content that is not present in other frames. In this paper we reframe video inpainting as a conditional generative modeling problem and present a framework for solving such problems with conditional video diffusion models. We highlight the advantages of using a generative approach for this task, showing that our method is capable of generating diverse, high-quality inpaintings and synthesizing new content that is spatially, temporally, and semantically consistent with the provided context.
Abstract:Score function estimation is the cornerstone of both training and sampling from diffusion generative models. Despite this fact, the most commonly used estimators are either biased neural network approximations or high variance Monte Carlo estimators based on the conditional score. We introduce a novel nearest neighbour score function estimator which utilizes multiple samples from the training set to dramatically decrease estimator variance. We leverage our low variance estimator in two compelling applications. Training consistency models with our estimator, we report a significant increase in both convergence speed and sample quality. In diffusion models, we show that our estimator can replace a learned network for probability-flow ODE integration, opening promising new avenues of future research.
Abstract:Simulation of autonomous vehicle systems requires that simulated traffic participants exhibit diverse and realistic behaviors. The use of prerecorded real-world traffic scenarios in simulation ensures realism but the rarity of safety critical events makes large scale collection of driving scenarios expensive. In this paper, we present DJINN - a diffusion based method of generating traffic scenarios. Our approach jointly diffuses the trajectories of all agents, conditioned on a flexible set of state observations from the past, present, or future. On popular trajectory forecasting datasets, we report state of the art performance on joint trajectory metrics. In addition, we demonstrate how DJINN flexibly enables direct test-time sampling from a variety of valuable conditional distributions including goal-based sampling, behavior-class sampling, and scenario editing.
Abstract:The maximum likelihood principle advocates parameter estimation via optimization of the data likelihood function. Models estimated in this way can exhibit a variety of generalization characteristics dictated by, e.g. architecture, parameterization, and optimization bias. This work addresses model learning in a setting where there further exists side-information in the form of an oracle that can label samples as being outside the support of the true data generating distribution. Specifically we develop a new denoising diffusion probabilistic modeling (DDPM) methodology, Gen-neG, that leverages this additional side-information. Our approach builds on generative adversarial networks (GANs) and discriminator guidance in diffusion models to guide the generation process towards the positive support region indicated by the oracle. We empirically establish the utility of Gen-neG in applications including collision avoidance in self-driving simulators and safety-guarded human motion generation.
Abstract:When training object detection models on synthetic data, it is important to make the distribution of synthetic data as close as possible to the distribution of real data. We investigate specifically the impact of object placement distribution, keeping all other aspects of synthetic data fixed. Our experiment, training a 3D vehicle detection model in CARLA and testing on KITTI, demonstrates a substantial improvement resulting from improving the object placement distribution.
Abstract:The development of algorithms that learn behavioral driving models using human demonstrations has led to increasingly realistic simulations. In general, such models learn to jointly predict trajectories for all controlled agents by exploiting road context information such as drivable lanes obtained from manually annotated high-definition (HD) maps. Recent studies show that these models can greatly benefit from increasing the amount of human data available for training. However, the manual annotation of HD maps which is necessary for every new location puts a bottleneck on efficiently scaling up human traffic datasets. We propose a drone birdview image-based map (DBM) representation that requires minimal annotation and provides rich road context information. We evaluate multi-agent trajectory prediction using the DBM by incorporating it into a differentiable driving simulator as an image-texture-based differentiable rendering module. Our results demonstrate competitive multi-agent trajectory prediction performance when using our DBM representation as compared to models trained with rasterized HD maps.
Abstract:We present a novel, conditional generative probabilistic model of set-valued data with a tractable log density. This model is a continuous normalizing flow governed by permutation equivariant dynamics. These dynamics are driven by a learnable per-set-element term and pairwise interactions, both parametrized by deep neural networks. We illustrate the utility of this model via applications including (1) complex traffic scene generation conditioned on visually specified map information, and (2) object bounding box generation conditioned directly on images. We train our model by maximizing the expected likelihood of labeled conditional data under our flow, with the aid of a penalty that ensures the dynamics are smooth and hence efficiently solvable. Our method significantly outperforms non-permutation invariant baselines in terms of log likelihood and domain-specific metrics (offroad, collision, and combined infractions), yielding realistic samples that are difficult to distinguish from real data.
Abstract:We introduce CriticSMC, a new algorithm for planning as inference built from a novel composition of sequential Monte Carlo with learned soft-Q function heuristic factors. This algorithm is structured so as to allow using large numbers of putative particles leading to efficient utilization of computational resource and effective discovery of high reward trajectories even in environments with difficult reward surfaces such as those arising from hard constraints. Relative to prior art our approach is notably still compatible with model-free reinforcement learning in the sense that the implicit policy we produce can be used at test time in the absence of a world model. Our experiments on self-driving car collision avoidance in simulation demonstrate improvements against baselines in terms of infraction minimization relative to computational effort while maintaining diversity and realism of found trajectories.