Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) is an appealing paradigm for training intelligent agents, enabling policy acquisition from the agent's own autonomously acquired experience. However, the training process of RL is far from automatic, requiring extensive human effort to reset the agent and environments. To tackle the challenging reset-free setting, we first demonstrate the superiority of model-based (MB) RL methods in such setting, showing that a straightforward adaptation of MBRL can outperform all the prior state-of-the-art methods while requiring less supervision. We then identify limitations inherent to this direct extension and propose a solution called model-based reset-free (MoReFree) agent, which further enhances the performance. MoReFree adapts two key mechanisms, exploration and policy learning, to handle reset-free tasks by prioritizing task-relevant states. It exhibits superior data-efficiency across various reset-free tasks without access to environmental reward or demonstrations while significantly outperforming privileged baselines that require supervision. Our findings suggest model-based methods hold significant promise for reducing human effort in RL. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/morefree
Abstract:The transition to sustainable energy is a key challenge of our time, requiring modifications in the entire pipeline of energy production, storage, transmission, and consumption. At every stage, new sequential decision-making challenges emerge, ranging from the operation of wind farms to the management of electrical grids or the scheduling of electric vehicle charging stations. All such problems are well suited for reinforcement learning, the branch of machine learning that learns behavior from data. Therefore, numerous studies have explored the use of reinforcement learning for sustainable energy. This paper surveys this literature with the intention of bridging both the underlying research communities: energy and machine learning. After a brief introduction of both fields, we systematically list relevant sustainability challenges, how they can be modeled as a reinforcement learning problem, and what solution approaches currently exist in the literature. Afterwards, we zoom out and identify overarching reinforcement learning themes that appear throughout sustainability, such as multi-agent, offline, and safe reinforcement learning. Lastly, we also cover standardization of environments, which will be crucial for connecting both research fields, and highlight potential directions for future work. In summary, this survey provides an extensive overview of reinforcement learning methods for sustainable energy, which may play a vital role in the energy transition.
Abstract:Scaling up language models to billions of parameters has opened up possibilities for in-context learning, allowing instruction tuning and few-shot learning on tasks that the model was not specifically trained for. This has achieved breakthrough performance on language tasks such as translation, summarization, and question-answering. Furthermore, in addition to these associative "System 1" tasks, recent advances in Chain-of-thought prompt learning have demonstrated strong "System 2" reasoning abilities, answering a question in the field of artificial general intelligence whether LLMs can reason. The field started with the question whether LLMs can solve grade school math word problems. This paper reviews the rapidly expanding field of prompt-based reasoning with LLMs. Our taxonomy identifies different ways to generate, evaluate, and control multi-step reasoning. We provide an in-depth coverage of core approaches and open problems, and we propose a research agenda for the near future. Finally, we highlight the relation between reasoning and prompt-based learning, and we discuss the relation between reasoning, sequential decision processes, and reinforcement learning. We find that self-improvement, self-reflection, and some metacognitive abilities of the reasoning processes are possible through the judicious use of prompts. True self-improvement and self-reasoning, to go from reasoning with LLMs to reasoning by LLMs, remains future work.
Abstract:Research on causal effects often relies on synthetic data due to the scarcity of real-world datasets with ground-truth effects. Since current data-generating tools do not always meet all requirements for state-of-the-art research, ad-hoc methods are often employed. This leads to heterogeneity among datasets and delays research progress. We address the shortcomings of current data-generating libraries by introducing CausalPlayground, a Python library that provides a standardized platform for generating, sampling, and sharing structural causal models (SCMs). CausalPlayground offers fine-grained control over SCMs, interventions, and the generation of datasets of SCMs for learning and quantitative research. Furthermore, by integrating with Gymnasium, the standard framework for reinforcement learning (RL) environments, we enable online interaction with the SCMs. Overall, by introducing CausalPlayground we aim to foster more efficient and comparable research in the field. All code and API documentation is available at https://github.com/sa-and/CausalPlayground.
Abstract:Search algorithms are often categorized by their node expansion strategy. One option is the depth-first strategy, a simple backtracking strategy that traverses the search space in the order in which successor nodes are generated. An alternative is the best-first strategy, which was designed to make it possible to use domain-specific heuristic information. By exploring promising parts of the search space first, best-first algorithms are usually more efficient than depth-first algorithms. In programs that play minimax games such as chess and checkers, the efficiency of the search is of crucial importance. Given the success of best-first algorithms in other domains, one would expect them to be used for minimax games too. However, all high-performance game-playing programs are based on a depth-first algorithm. This study takes a closer look at a depth-first algorithm, AB, and a best-first algorithm, SSS. The prevailing opinion on these algorithms is that SSS offers the potential for a more efficient search, but that its complicated formulation and exponential memory requirements render it impractical. The theoretical part of this work shows that there is a surprisingly straightforward link between the two algorithms -- for all practical purposes, SSS is a special case of AB. Subsequent empirical evidence proves the prevailing opinion on SSS to be wrong: it is not a complicated algorithm, it does not need too much memory, and it is also not more efficient than depth-first search.
Abstract:Large-scale survey tools enable the collection of citizen feedback in opinion corpora. Extracting the key arguments from a large and noisy set of opinions helps in understanding the opinions quickly and accurately. Fully automated methods can extract arguments but (1) require large labeled datasets that induce large annotation costs and (2) work well for known viewpoints, but not for novel points of view. We propose HyEnA, a hybrid (human + AI) method for extracting arguments from opinionated texts, combining the speed of automated processing with the understanding and reasoning capabilities of humans. We evaluate HyEnA on three citizen feedback corpora. We find that, on the one hand, HyEnA achieves higher coverage and precision than a state-of-the-art automated method when compared to a common set of diverse opinions, justifying the need for human insight. On the other hand, HyEnA requires less human effort and does not compromise quality compared to (fully manual) expert analysis, demonstrating the benefit of combining human and artificial intelligence.
Abstract:Although Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) methods can learn effective policies for challenging problems such as Atari games and robotics tasks, algorithms are complex and training times are often long. This study investigates how evolution strategies (ES) perform compared to gradient-based deep reinforcement learning methods. We use ES to optimize the weights of a neural network via neuroevolution, performing direct policy search. We benchmark both regular networks and policy networks consisting of a single linear layer from observations to actions; for three classical ES methods and for three gradient-based methods such as PPO. Our results reveal that ES can find effective linear policies for many RL benchmark tasks, in contrast to DRL methods that can only find successful policies using much larger networks, suggesting that current benchmarks are easier to solve than previously assumed. Interestingly, also for higher complexity tasks, ES achieves results comparable to gradient-based DRL algorithms. Furthermore, we find that by directly accessing the memory state of the game, ES are able to find successful policies in Atari, outperforming DQN. While gradient-based methods have dominated the field in recent years, ES offers an alternative that is easy to implement, parallelize, understand, and tune.
Abstract:Causal discovery is the challenging task of inferring causal structure from data. Motivated by Pearl's Causal Hierarchy (PCH), which tells us that passive observations alone are not enough to distinguish correlation from causation, there has been a recent push to incorporate interventions into machine learning research. Reinforcement learning provides a convenient framework for such an active approach to learning. This paper presents CORE, a deep reinforcement learning-based approach for causal discovery and intervention planning. CORE learns to sequentially reconstruct causal graphs from data while learning to perform informative interventions. Our results demonstrate that CORE generalizes to unseen graphs and efficiently uncovers causal structures. Furthermore, CORE scales to larger graphs with up to 10 variables and outperforms existing approaches in structure estimation accuracy and sample efficiency. All relevant code and supplementary material can be found at https://github.com/sa-and/CORE
Abstract:Extracting structured representations from raw visual data is an important and long-standing challenge in machine learning. Recently, techniques for unsupervised learning of object-centric representations have raised growing interest. In this context, enhancing the robustness of the latent features can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the training of downstream tasks. A promising step in this direction is to disentangle the factors that cause variation in the data. Previously, Invariant Slot Attention disentangled position, scale, and orientation from the remaining features. Extending this approach, we focus on separating the shape and texture components. In particular, we propose a novel architecture that biases object-centric models toward disentangling shape and texture components into two non-overlapping subsets of the latent space dimensions. These subsets are known a priori, hence before the training process. Experiments on a range of object-centric benchmarks reveal that our approach achieves the desired disentanglement while also numerically improving baseline performance in most cases. In addition, we show that our method can generate novel textures for a specific object or transfer textures between objects with distinct shapes.
Abstract:Due to the empirical success of reinforcement learning, an increasing number of students study the subject. However, from our practical teaching experience, we see students entering the field (bachelor, master and early PhD) often struggle. On the one hand, textbooks and (online) lectures provide the fundamentals, but students find it hard to translate between equations and code. On the other hand, public codebases do provide practical examples, but the implemented algorithms tend to be complex, and the underlying test environments contain multiple reinforcement learning challenges at once. Although this is realistic from a research perspective, it often hinders educational conceptual understanding. To solve this issue we introduce EduGym, a set of educational reinforcement learning environments and associated interactive notebooks tailored for education. Each EduGym environment is specifically designed to illustrate a certain aspect/challenge of reinforcement learning (e.g., exploration, partial observability, stochasticity, etc.), while the associated interactive notebook explains the challenge and its possible solution approaches, connecting equations and code in a single document. An evaluation among RL students and researchers shows 86% of them think EduGym is a useful tool for reinforcement learning education. All notebooks are available from https://sites.google.com/view/edu-gym/home, while the full software package can be installed from https://github.com/RLG-Leiden/edugym.