Abstract:Recent progress in image deblurring techniques focuses mainly on operating in both frequency and spatial domains using the Fourier transform (FT) properties. However, their performance is limited due to the dependency of FT on stationary signals and its lack of capability to extract spatial-frequency properties. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on the Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT), a unified spatial-frequency representation leveraging both spatial and frequency components simultaneously, making it ideal for processing non-stationary signals like images. Specifically, we introduce a Fractional Fourier Transformer (F2former), where we combine the classical fractional Fourier based Wiener deconvolution (F2WD) as well as a multi-branch encoder-decoder transformer based on a new fractional frequency aware transformer block (F2TB). We design F2TB consisting of a fractional frequency aware self-attention (F2SA) to estimate element-wise product attention based on important frequency components and a novel feed-forward network based on frequency division multiplexing (FM-FFN) to refine high and low frequency features separately for efficient latent clear image restoration. Experimental results for the cases of both motion deblurring as well as defocus deblurring show that the performance of our proposed method is superior to other state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches.
Abstract:Payload transport over flat terrain via multi-wheel robot carriers is well-understood, highly effective, and configurable. In this paper, our goal is to provide similar effectiveness and configurability for transport over rough terrain that is more suitable for legs rather than wheels. For this purpose, we consider multi-biped robot carriers, where wheels are replaced by multiple bipedal robots attached to the carrier. Our main contribution is to design a decentralized controller for such systems that can be effectively applied to varying numbers and configurations of rigidly attached bipedal robots without retraining. We present a reinforcement learning approach for training the controller in simulation that supports transfer to the real world. Our experiments in simulation provide quantitative metrics showing the effectiveness of the approach over a wide variety of simulated transport scenarios. In addition, we demonstrate the controller in the real-world for systems composed of two and three Cassie robots. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a scalable multi-biped payload transport system.
Abstract:This paper investigates whether recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) can assist in translating human explanations into a format that can robustly support learning Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) from demonstrations. Both LLMs and optimization-based methods can extract LTL specifications from demonstrations; however, they have distinct limitations. LLMs can quickly generate solutions and incorporate human explanations, but their lack of consistency and reliability hampers their applicability in safety-critical domains. On the other hand, optimization-based methods do provide formal guarantees but cannot process natural language explanations and face scalability challenges. We present a principled approach to combining LLMs and optimization-based methods to faithfully translate human explanations and demonstrations into LTL specifications. We have implemented a tool called Janaka based on our approach. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of combining explanations with demonstrations in learning LTL specifications through several case studies.
Abstract:Clouds in optical satellite images are a major concern since their presence hinders the ability to carry accurate analysis as well as processing. Presence of clouds also affects the image tasking schedule and results in wastage of valuable storage space on ground as well as space-based systems. Due to these reasons, deriving accurate cloud masks from optical remote-sensing images is an important task. Traditional methods such as threshold-based, spatial filtering for cloud detection in satellite images suffer from lack of accuracy. In recent years, deep learning algorithms have emerged as a promising approach to solve image segmentation problems as it allows pixel-level classification and semantic-level segmentation. In this paper, we introduce a deep-learning model based on hybrid transformer architecture for effective cloud mask generation named CLiSA - Cloud segmentation via Lipschitz Stable Attention network. In this context, we propose an concept of orthogonal self-attention combined with hierarchical cross attention model, and we validate its Lipschitz stability theoretically and empirically. We design the whole setup under adversarial setting in presence of Lov\'asz-Softmax loss. We demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative outcomes for multiple satellite image datasets including Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and Cartosat-2s. Performing comparative study we show that our model performs preferably against other state-of-the-art methods and also provides better generalization in precise cloud extraction from satellite multi-spectral (MX) images. We also showcase different ablation studies to endorse our choices corresponding to different architectural elements and objective functions.
Abstract:Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is an essential aspect in the remote sensing domain to analyze and explore different applications related to surface elevation information. In this study, we intend to address the generation of high-resolution DEMs using high-resolution multi-spectral (MX) satellite imagery by incorporating adversarial learning. To promptly regulate this process, we utilize the notion of polarized self-attention of discriminator spatial maps as well as introduce a Densely connected Multi-Residual Block (DMRB) module to assist in efficient gradient flow. Further, we present an objective function related to optimizing Sinkhorn distance with traditional GAN to improve the stability of adversarial learning. In this regard, we provide both theoretical and empirical substantiation of better performance in terms of vanishing gradient issues and numerical convergence. We demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative outcomes with available state-of-the-art methods. Based on our experiments on DEM datasets of Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) and Cartosat-1, we show that the proposed model performs preferably against other learning-based state-of-the-art methods. We also generate and visualize several high-resolution DEMs covering terrains with diverse signatures to show the performance of our model.
Abstract:ADHD is a prevalent disorder among the younger population. Standard evaluation techniques currently use evaluation forms, interviews with the patient, and more. However, its symptoms are similar to those of many other disorders like depression, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder, and these current diagnosis techniques are not very effective. Thus, a sophisticated computing model holds the potential to provide a promising diagnosis solution to this problem. This work attempts to explore methods to diagnose ADHD using combinations of multiple established machine learning techniques like neural networks and SVM models on the ADHD200 dataset and explore the field of neuroscience. In this work, multiclass classification is performed on phenotypic data using an SVM model. The better results have been analyzed on the phenotypic data compared to other supervised learning techniques like Logistic regression, KNN, AdaBoost, etc. In addition, neural networks have been implemented on functional connectivity from the MRI data of a sample of 40 subjects provided to achieve high accuracy without prior knowledge of neuroscience. It is combined with the phenotypic classifier using the ensemble technique to get a binary classifier. It is further trained and tested on 400 out of 824 subjects from the ADHD200 data set and achieved an accuracy of 92.5% for binary classification The training and testing accuracy has been achieved upto 99% using ensemble classifier.
Abstract:Speech recognition on smart devices is challenging owing to the small memory footprint. Hence small size ASR models are desirable. With the use of popular transducer-based models, it has become possible to practically deploy streaming speech recognition models on small devices [1]. Recently, the two-pass model [2] combining RNN-T and LAS modules has shown exceptional performance for streaming on-device speech recognition. In this work, we propose a simple and effective approach to reduce the size of the two-pass model for memory-constrained devices. We employ a popular knowledge distillation approach in three stages using the Teacher-Student training technique. In the first stage, we use a trained RNN-T model as a teacher model and perform knowledge distillation to train the student RNN-T model. The second stage uses the shared encoder and trains a LAS rescorer for student model using the trained RNN-T+LAS teacher model. Finally, we perform deep-finetuning for the student model with a shared RNN-T encoder, RNN-T decoder, and LAS rescorer. Our experimental results on standard LibriSpeech dataset show that our system can achieve a high compression rate of 55% without significant degradation in the WER compared to the two-pass teacher model.
Abstract:Semantic segmentation of medical images is an essential first step in computer-aided diagnosis systems for many applications. However, given many disparate imaging modalities and inherent variations in the patient data, it is difficult to consistently achieve high accuracy using modern deep neural networks (DNNs). This has led researchers to propose interactive image segmentation techniques where a medical expert can interactively correct the output of a DNN to the desired accuracy. However, these techniques often need separate training data with the associated human interactions, and do not generalize to various diseases, and types of medical images. In this paper, we suggest a novel conditional inference technique for DNNs which takes the intervention by a medical expert as test time constraints and performs inference conditioned upon these constraints. Our technique is generic can be used for medical images from any modality. Unlike other methods, our approach can correct multiple structures simultaneously and add structures missed at initial segmentation. We report an improvement of 13.3, 12.5, 17.8, 10.2, and 12.4 times in user annotation time than full human annotation for the nucleus, multiple cells, liver and tumor, organ, and brain segmentation respectively. We report a time saving of 2.8, 3.0, 1.9, 4.4, and 8.6 fold compared to other interactive segmentation techniques. Our method can be useful to clinicians for diagnosis and post-surgical follow-up with minimal intervention from the medical expert. The source-code and the detailed results are available here [1].