Abstract:Despite the considerable progress achieved in the long video generation problem, there is still significant room to improve the consistency of the videos, particularly in terms of smoothness and transitions between scenes. We address these issues to enhance the consistency and coherence of videos generated with either single or multiple prompts. We propose the Time-frequency based temporal Attention Reweighting Algorithm (TiARA), which meticulously edits the attention score matrix based on the Discrete Short-Time Fourier Transform. Our method is supported by a theoretical guarantee, the first-of-its-kind for frequency-based methods in diffusion models. For videos generated by multiple prompts, we further investigate key factors affecting prompt interpolation quality and propose PromptBlend, an advanced prompt interpolation pipeline. The efficacy of our proposed method is validated via extensive experimental results, exhibiting consistent and impressive improvements over baseline methods. The code will be released upon acceptance.
Abstract:In this work, we extend the concept of the $p$-mean welfare objective from social choice theory (Moulin 2004) to study $p$-mean regret in stochastic multi-armed bandit problems. The $p$-mean regret, defined as the difference between the optimal mean among the arms and the $p$-mean of the expected rewards, offers a flexible framework for evaluating bandit algorithms, enabling algorithm designers to balance fairness and efficiency by adjusting the parameter $p$. Our framework encompasses both average cumulative regret and Nash regret as special cases. We introduce a simple, unified UCB-based algorithm (Explore-Then-UCB) that achieves novel $p$-mean regret bounds. Our algorithm consists of two phases: a carefully calibrated uniform exploration phase to initialize sample means, followed by the UCB1 algorithm of Auer, Cesa-Bianchi, and Fischer (2002). Under mild assumptions, we prove that our algorithm achieves a $p$-mean regret bound of $\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{T^{\frac{1}{2|p|}}}}\right)$ for all $p \leq -1$, where $k$ represents the number of arms and $T$ the time horizon. When $-1<p<0$, we achieve a regret bound of $\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{\frac{k^{1.5}}{T^{\frac{1}{2}}}}\right)$. For the range $0< p \leq 1$, we achieve a $p$-mean regret scaling as $\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{T}}\right)$, which matches the previously established lower bound up to logarithmic factors (Auer et al. 1995). This result stems from the fact that the $p$-mean regret of any algorithm is at least its average cumulative regret for $p \leq 1$. In the case of Nash regret (the limit as $p$ approaches zero), our unified approach differs from prior work (Barman et al. 2023), which requires a new Nash Confidence Bound algorithm. Notably, we achieve the same regret bound up to constant factors using our more general method.
Abstract:Semi-supervised learning (SSL), exemplified by FixMatch (Sohn et al., 2020), has shown significant generalization advantages over supervised learning (SL), particularly in the context of deep neural networks (DNNs). However, it is still unclear, from a theoretical standpoint, why FixMatch-like SSL algorithms generalize better than SL on DNNs. In this work, we present the first theoretical justification for the enhanced test accuracy observed in FixMatch-like SSL applied to DNNs by taking convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on classification tasks as an example. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the semantic feature learning processes in FixMatch and SL are rather different. In particular, FixMatch learns all the discriminative features of each semantic class, while SL only randomly captures a subset of features due to the well-known lottery ticket hypothesis. Furthermore, we show that our analysis framework can be applied to other FixMatch-like SSL methods, e.g., FlexMatch, FreeMatch, Dash, and SoftMatch. Inspired by our theoretical analysis, we develop an improved variant of FixMatch, termed Semantic-Aware FixMatch (SA-FixMatch). Experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings and the enhanced generalization capability of SA-FixMatch.
Abstract:We propose a {\em novel} piecewise stationary linear bandit (PSLB) model, where the environment randomly samples a context from an unknown probability distribution at each changepoint, and the quality of an arm is measured by its return averaged over all contexts. The contexts and their distribution, as well as the changepoints are unknown to the agent. We design {\em Piecewise-Stationary $\varepsilon$-Best Arm Identification$^+$} (PS$\varepsilon$BAI$^+$), an algorithm that is guaranteed to identify an $\varepsilon$-optimal arm with probability $\ge 1-\delta$ and with a minimal number of samples. PS$\varepsilon$BAI$^+$ consists of two subroutines, PS$\varepsilon$BAI and {\sc Na\"ive $\varepsilon$-BAI} (N$\varepsilon$BAI), which are executed in parallel. PS$\varepsilon$BAI actively detects changepoints and aligns contexts to facilitate the arm identification process. When PS$\varepsilon$BAI and N$\varepsilon$BAI are utilized judiciously in parallel, PS$\varepsilon$BAI$^+$ is shown to have a finite expected sample complexity. By proving a lower bound, we show the expected sample complexity of PS$\varepsilon$BAI$^+$ is optimal up to a logarithmic factor. We compare PS$\varepsilon$BAI$^+$ to baseline algorithms using numerical experiments which demonstrate its efficiency. Both our analytical and numerical results corroborate that the efficacy of PS$\varepsilon$BAI$^+$ is due to the delicate change detection and context alignment procedures embedded in PS$\varepsilon$BAI.
Abstract:We study EgalMAB, an egalitarian assignment problem in the context of stochastic multi-armed bandits. In EgalMAB, an agent is tasked with assigning a set of users to arms. At each time step, the agent must assign exactly one arm to each user such that no two users are assigned to the same arm. Subsequently, each user obtains a reward drawn from the unknown reward distribution associated with its assigned arm. The agent's objective is to maximize the minimum expected cumulative reward among all users over a fixed horizon. This problem has applications in areas such as fairness in job and resource allocations, among others. We design and analyze a UCB-based policy EgalUCB and establish upper bounds on the cumulative regret. In complement, we establish an almost-matching policy-independent impossibility result.
Abstract:Motivated by real-world applications that necessitate responsible experimentation, we introduce the problem of best arm identification (BAI) with minimal regret. This innovative variant of the multi-armed bandit problem elegantly amalgamates two of its most ubiquitous objectives: regret minimization and BAI. More precisely, the agent's goal is to identify the best arm with a prescribed confidence level $\delta$, while minimizing the cumulative regret up to the stopping time. Focusing on single-parameter exponential families of distributions, we leverage information-theoretic techniques to establish an instance-dependent lower bound on the expected cumulative regret. Moreover, we present an intriguing impossibility result that underscores the tension between cumulative regret and sample complexity in fixed-confidence BAI. Complementarily, we design and analyze the Double KL-UCB algorithm, which achieves asymptotic optimality as the confidence level tends to zero. Notably, this algorithm employs two distinct confidence bounds to guide arm selection in a randomized manner. Our findings elucidate a fresh perspective on the inherent connections between regret minimization and BAI.
Abstract:We develop a general framework for clustering and distribution matching problems with bandit feedback. We consider a $K$-armed bandit model where some subset of $K$ arms is partitioned into $M$ groups. Within each group, the random variable associated to each arm follows the same distribution on a finite alphabet. At each time step, the decision maker pulls an arm and observes its outcome from the random variable associated to that arm. Subsequent arm pulls depend on the history of arm pulls and their outcomes. The decision maker has no knowledge of the distributions of the arms or the underlying partitions. The task is to devise an online algorithm to learn the underlying partition of arms with the least number of arm pulls on average and with an error probability not exceeding a pre-determined value $\delta$. Several existing problems fall under our general framework, including finding $M$ pairs of arms, odd arm identification, and $M$-ary clustering of $K$ arms belong to our general framework. We derive a non-asymptotic lower bound on the average number of arm pulls for any online algorithm with an error probability not exceeding $\delta$. Furthermore, we develop a computationally-efficient online algorithm based on the Track-and-Stop method and Frank--Wolfe algorithm, and show that the average number of arm pulls of our algorithm asymptotically matches that of the lower bound. Our refined analysis also uncovers a novel bound on the speed at which the average number of arm pulls of our algorithm converges to the fundamental limit as $\delta$ vanishes.
Abstract:In this work, we study the robust phase retrieval problem where the task is to recover an unknown signal $\theta^* \in \mathbb{R}^d$ in the presence of potentially arbitrarily corrupted magnitude-only linear measurements. We propose an alternating minimization approach that incorporates an oracle solver for a non-convex optimization problem as a subroutine. Our algorithm guarantees convergence to $\theta^*$ and provides an explicit polynomial dependence of the convergence rate on the fraction of corrupted measurements. We then provide an efficient construction of the aforementioned oracle under a sparse arbitrary outliers model and offer valuable insights into the geometric properties of the loss landscape in phase retrieval with corrupted measurements. Our proposed oracle avoids the need for computationally intensive spectral initialization, using a simple gradient descent algorithm with a constant step size and random initialization instead. Additionally, our overall algorithm achieves nearly linear sample complexity, $\mathcal{O}(d \, \mathrm{polylog}(d))$.
Abstract:We study a robust online convex optimization framework, where an adversary can introduce outliers by corrupting loss functions in an arbitrary number of rounds k, unknown to the learner. Our focus is on a novel setting allowing unbounded domains and large gradients for the losses without relying on a Lipschitz assumption. We introduce the Log Exponential Adjusted Robust and iNvex (LEARN) loss, a non-convex (invex) robust loss function to mitigate the effects of outliers and develop a robust variant of the online gradient descent algorithm by leveraging the LEARN loss. We establish tight regret guarantees (up to constants), in a dynamic setting, with respect to the uncorrupted rounds and conduct experiments to validate our theory. Furthermore, we present a unified analysis framework for developing online optimization algorithms for non-convex (invex) losses, utilizing it to provide regret bounds with respect to the LEARN loss, which may be of independent interest.
Abstract:Distributed gradient descent algorithms have come to the fore in modern machine learning, especially in parallelizing the handling of large datasets that are distributed across several workers. However, scant attention has been paid to analyzing the behavior of distributed gradient descent algorithms in the presence of adversarial corruptions instead of random noise. In this paper, we formulate a novel problem in which adversarial corruptions are present in a distributed learning system. We show how to use ideas from (lazy) mirror descent to design a corruption-tolerant distributed optimization algorithm. Extensive convergence analysis for (strongly) convex loss functions is provided for different choices of the stepsize. We carefully optimize the stepsize schedule to accelerate the convergence of the algorithm, while at the same time amortizing the effect of the corruption over time. Experiments based on linear regression, support vector classification, and softmax classification on the MNIST dataset corroborate our theoretical findings.