The University of Adelaide
Abstract:Deep learning plays a critical role in vision-based satellite pose estimation. However, the scarcity of real data from the space environment means that deep models need to be trained using synthetic data, which raises the Sim2Real domain gap problem. A major cause of the Sim2Real gap are novel lighting conditions encountered during test time. Event sensors have been shown to provide some robustness against lighting variations in vision-based pose estimation. However, challenging lighting conditions due to strong directional light can still cause undesirable effects in the output of commercial off-the-shelf event sensors, such as noisy/spurious events and inhomogeneous event densities on the object. Such effects are non-trivial to simulate in software, thus leading to Sim2Real gap in the event domain. To close the Sim2Real gap in event-based satellite pose estimation, the paper proposes a test-time self-supervision scheme with a certifier module. Self-supervision is enabled by an optimisation routine that aligns a dense point cloud of the predicted satellite pose with the event data to attempt to rectify the inaccurately estimated pose. The certifier attempts to verify the corrected pose, and only certified test-time inputs are backpropagated via implicit differentiation to refine the predicted landmarks, thus improving the pose estimates and closing the Sim2Real gap. Results show that the our method outperforms established test-time adaptation schemes.
Abstract:Gate quantum computers generate significant interest due to their potential to solve certain difficult problems such as prime factorization in polynomial time. Computer vision researchers have long been attracted to the power of quantum computers. Robust fitting, which is fundamentally important to many computer vision pipelines, has recently been shown to be amenable to gate quantum computing. The previous proposed solution was to compute Boolean influence as a measure of outlyingness using the Bernstein-Vazirani quantum circuit. However, the method assumed a quantum implementation of an $\ell_\infty$ feasibility test, which has not been demonstrated. In this paper, we take a big stride towards quantum robust fitting: we propose a quantum circuit to solve the $\ell_\infty$ feasibility test in the 1D case, which allows to demonstrate for the first time quantum robust fitting on a real gate quantum computer, the IonQ Aria. We also show how 1D Boolean influences can be accumulated to compute Boolean influences for higher-dimensional non-linear models, which we experimentally validate on real benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Synthetic Lunar Terrain (SLT) is an open dataset collected from an analogue test site for lunar missions, featuring synthetic craters in a high-contrast lighting setup. It includes several side-by-side captures from event-based and conventional RGB cameras, supplemented with a high-resolution 3D laser scan for depth estimation. The event-stream recorded from the neuromorphic vision sensor of the event-based camera is of particular interest as this emerging technology provides several unique advantages, such as high data rates, low energy consumption and resilience towards scenes of high dynamic range. SLT provides a solid foundation to analyse the limits of RGB-cameras and potential advantages or synergies in utilizing neuromorphic visions with the goal of enabling and improving lunar specific applications like rover navigation, landing in cratered environments or similar.
Abstract:Infrared imaging offers resilience against changing lighting conditions by capturing object temperatures. Yet, in few scenarios, its lack of visual details compared to daytime visible images, poses a significant challenge for human and machine interpretation. This paper proposes a novel diffusion method, dubbed Temporally Consistent Patch Diffusion Models (TC-DPM), for infrared-to-visible video translation. Our method, extending the Patch Diffusion Model, consists of two key components. Firstly, we propose a semantic-guided denoising, leveraging the strong representations of foundational models. As such, our method faithfully preserves the semantic structure of generated visible images. Secondly, we propose a novel temporal blending module to guide the denoising trajectory, ensuring the temporal consistency between consecutive frames. Experiment shows that TC-PDM outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 35.3% in FVD for infrared-to-visible video translation and by 6.1% in AP50 for day-to-night object detection. Our code is publicly available at
Abstract:Prior to deployment, an object detector is trained on a dataset compiled from a previous data collection campaign. However, the environment in which the object detector is deployed will invariably evolve, particularly in outdoor settings where changes in lighting, weather and seasons will significantly affect the appearance of the scene and target objects. It is almost impossible for all potential scenarios that the object detector may come across to be present in a finite training dataset. This necessitates continuous updates to the object detector to maintain satisfactory performance. Test-time domain adaptation techniques enable machine learning models to self-adapt based on the distributions of the testing data. However, existing methods mainly focus on fully automated adaptation, which makes sense for applications such as self-driving cars. Despite the prevalence of fully automated approaches, in some applications such as surveillance, there is usually a human operator overseeing the system's operation. We propose to involve the operator in test-time domain adaptation to raise the performance of object detection beyond what is achievable by fully automated adaptation. To reduce manual effort, the proposed method only requires the operator to provide weak labels, which are then used to guide the adaptation process. Furthermore, the proposed method can be performed in a streaming setting, where each online sample is observed only once. We show that the proposed method outperforms existing works, demonstrating a great benefit of human-in-the-loop test-time domain adaptation. Our code is publicly available at
Abstract:As space missions aim to explore increasingly hazardous terrain, accurate and timely position estimates are required to ensure safe navigation. Vision-based navigation achieves this goal through correlating impact craters visible through onboard imagery with a known database to estimate a craft's pose. However, existing literature has not sufficiently evaluated crater-detection algorithm (CDA) performance from imagery containing off-nadir view angles. In this work, we evaluate the performance of Mask R-CNN for crater detection, comparing models pretrained on simulated data containing off-nadir view angles and to pretraining on real-lunar images. We demonstrate pretraining on real-lunar images is superior despite the lack of images containing off-nadir view angles, achieving detection performance of 63.1 F1-score and ellipse-regression performance of 0.701 intersection over union. This work provides the first quantitative analysis of performance of CDAs on images containing off-nadir view angles. Towards the development of increasingly robust CDAs, we additionally provide the first annotated CDA dataset with off-nadir view angles from the Chang'e 5 Landing Camera.
Abstract:Event sensors offer high temporal resolution visual sensing, which makes them ideal for perceiving fast visual phenomena without suffering from motion blur. Certain applications in robotics and vision-based navigation require 3D perception of an object undergoing circular or spinning motion in front of a static camera, such as recovering the angular velocity and shape of the object. The setting is equivalent to observing a static object with an orbiting camera. In this paper, we propose event-based structure-from-orbit (eSfO), where the aim is to simultaneously reconstruct the 3D structure of a fast spinning object observed from a static event camera, and recover the equivalent orbital motion of the camera. Our contributions are threefold: since state-of-the-art event feature trackers cannot handle periodic self-occlusion due to the spinning motion, we develop a novel event feature tracker based on spatio-temporal clustering and data association that can better track the helical trajectories of valid features in the event data. The feature tracks are then fed to our novel factor graph-based structure-from-orbit back-end that calculates the orbital motion parameters (e.g., spin rate, relative rotational axis) that minimize the reprojection error. For evaluation, we produce a new event dataset of objects under spinning motion. Comparisons against ground truth indicate the efficacy of eSfO.
Abstract:We present, QP-SBGD, a novel layer-wise stochastic optimiser tailored towards training neural networks with binary weights, known as binary neural networks (BNNs), on quantum hardware. BNNs reduce the computational requirements and energy consumption of deep learning models with minimal loss in accuracy. However, training them in practice remains to be an open challenge. Most known BNN-optimisers either rely on projected updates or binarise weights post-training. Instead, QP-SBGD approximately maps the gradient onto binary variables, by solving a quadratic constrained binary optimisation. Under practically reasonable assumptions, we show that this update rule converges with a rate of $\mathcal{O}(1 / \sqrt{T})$. Moreover, we show how the $\mathcal{NP}$-hard projection can be effectively executed on an adiabatic quantum annealer, harnessing recent advancements in quantum computation. We also introduce a projected version of this update rule and prove that if a fixed point exists in the binary variable space, the modified updates will converge to it. Last but not least, our algorithm is implemented layer-wise, making it suitable to train larger networks on resource-limited quantum hardware. Through extensive evaluations, we show that QP-SBGD outperforms or is on par with competitive and well-established baselines such as BinaryConnect, signSGD and ProxQuant when optimising the Rosenbrock function, training BNNs as well as binary graph neural networks.
Abstract:As satellites become smaller, the ability to maintain stable pointing decreases as external forces acting on the satellite come into play. At the same time, reaction wheels used in the attitude determination and control system (ADCS) introduce high frequency jitter which can disrupt pointing stability. For space domain awareness (SDA) tasks that track objects tens of thousands of kilometres away, the pointing accuracy offered by current nanosats, typically in the range of 10 to 100 arcseconds, is not sufficient. In this work, we develop a novel payload that utilises a neuromorphic event sensor (for high frequency and highly accurate relative attitude estimation) paired in a closed loop with a piezoelectric stage (for active attitude corrections) to provide highly stable sensor-specific pointing. Event sensors are especially suited for space applications due to their desirable characteristics of low power consumption, asynchronous operation, and high dynamic range. We use the event sensor to first estimate a reference background star field from which instantaneous relative attitude is estimated at high frequency. The piezoelectric stage works in a closed control loop with the event sensor to perform attitude corrections based on the discrepancy between the current and desired attitude. Results in a controlled setting show that we can achieve a pointing accuracy in the range of 1-5 arcseconds using our novel payload at an operating frequency of up to 50Hz using a prototype built from commercial-off-the-shelf components. Further details can be found at
Abstract:The advent of satellite-borne machine learning hardware accelerators has enabled the on-board processing of payload data using machine learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNN). A notable example is using a CNN to detect the presence of clouds in hyperspectral data captured on Earth observation (EO) missions, whereby only clear sky data is downlinked to conserve bandwidth. However, prior to deployment, new missions that employ new sensors will not have enough representative datasets to train a CNN model, while a model trained solely on data from previous missions will underperform when deployed to process the data on the new missions. This underperformance stems from the domain gap, i.e., differences in the underlying distributions of the data generated by the different sensors in previous and future missions. In this paper, we address the domain gap problem in the context of on-board hyperspectral cloud detection. Our main contributions lie in formulating new domain adaptation tasks that are motivated by a concrete EO mission, developing a novel algorithm for bandwidth-efficient supervised domain adaptation, and demonstrating test-time adaptation algorithms on space deployable neural network accelerators. Our contributions enable minimal data transmission to be invoked (e.g., only 1% of the weights in ResNet50) to achieve domain adaptation, thereby allowing more sophisticated CNN models to be deployed and updated on satellites without being hampered by domain gap and bandwidth limitations.