Abstract:This study explores speaker-specific features encoded in speaker embeddings and intermediate layers of speech self-supervised learning (SSL) models. By utilising a probing method, we analyse features such as pitch, tempo, and energy across prominent speaker embedding models and speech SSL models, including HuBERT, WavLM, and Wav2vec 2.0. The results reveal that speaker embeddings like CAM++ excel in energy classification, while speech SSL models demonstrate superior performance across multiple features due to their hierarchical feature encoding. Intermediate layers effectively capture a mix of acoustic and para-linguistic information, with deeper layers refining these representations. This investigation provides insights into model design and highlights the potential of these representations for downstream applications, such as speaker verification and text-to-speech synthesis, while laying the groundwork for exploring additional features and advanced probing methods.
Abstract:Language mismatch is among the most common and challenging domain mismatches in deploying speaker verification (SV) systems. Adversarial reprogramming has shown promising results in cross-language adaptation for SV. The reprogramming is implemented by padding learnable parameters on the two sides of input speech signals. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the number of padded parameters and the performance of the reprogrammed models. Sufficient experiments are conducted with different scales of SV models and datasets. The results demonstrate that reprogramming consistently improves the performance of cross-language SV, while the improvement is saturated or even degraded when using larger padding lengths. The performance is mainly determined by the capacity of the original SV models instead of the number of padded parameters. The SV models with larger scales have higher upper bounds in performance and can endure longer padding without performance degradation.
Abstract:Psychotherapy or counseling is typically conducted through spoken conversation between a therapist and a client. Analyzing the speech characteristics of psychotherapeutic interactions can help understand the factors associated with effective psychotherapy. This paper introduces CUEMPATHY, a large-scale speech dataset collected from actual counseling sessions. The dataset consists of 156 counseling sessions involving 39 therapist-client dyads. The process of speech data collection, subjective ratings (one observer and two client ratings), and transcription are described. An automatic speech and text processing system is developed to locate the time stamps of speaker turns in each session. Examining the relationships among the three subjective ratings suggests that observer and client ratings have no significant correlation, while the client-rated measures are significantly correlated. The intensity similarity between the therapist and the client, measured by the averaged absolute difference of speaker-turn-level intensities, is associated with the psychotherapy outcomes. Recent studies on the acoustic and linguistic characteristics of the CUEMPATHY are introduced.
Abstract:This paper presents a user-driven approach for synthesizing highly specific target voices based on user feedback, which is particularly beneficial for speech-impaired individuals who wish to recreate their lost voices but lack prior recordings. Specifically, we leverage the neural analysis and synthesis framework to construct a low-dimensional, yet sufficiently expressive latent speaker embedding space. Within this latent space, we implement a search algorithm that guides users to their desired voice through completing a sequence of straightforward comparison tasks. Both synthetic simulations and real-world user studies demonstrate that the proposed approach can effectively approximate target voices. Moreover, by analyzing the mel-spectrogram generator's Jacobians, we identify a set of meaningful voice editing directions within the latent space. These directions enable users to further fine-tune specific attributes of the generated voice, including the pitch level, pitch range, volume, vocal tension, nasality, and tone color. Audio samples are available at https://myspeechprojects.github.io/voicedesign/.
Abstract:Representing speech as discretized units has numerous benefits in supporting downstream spoken language processing tasks. However, the approach has been less explored in speech synthesis of tonal languages like Mandarin Chinese. Our preliminary experiments on Chinese speech synthesis reveal the issue of "tone shift", where a synthesized speech utterance contains correct base syllables but incorrect tones. To address the issue, we propose the ToneUnit framework, which leverages annotated data with tone labels as CTC supervision to learn tone-aware discrete speech units for Mandarin Chinese speech. Our findings indicate that the discrete units acquired through the TonUnit resolve the "tone shift" issue in synthesized Chinese speech and yield favorable results in English synthesis. Moreover, the experimental results suggest that finite scalar quantization enhances the effectiveness of ToneUnit. Notably, ToneUnit can work effectively even with minimal annotated data.
Abstract:Covering all languages with a multilingual speech recognition model (MASR) is very difficult. Performing language extension on top of an existing MASR is a desirable choice. In this study, the MASR continual learning problem is probabilistically decomposed into language identity prediction (LP) and cross-lingual adaptation (XLA) sub-problems. Based on this, we propose an architecture-based framework for language extension that can fundamentally solve catastrophic forgetting, debudded as PELE. PELE is designed to be parameter-efficient, incrementally incorporating an add-on module to adapt to a new language. Specifically, different parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) modules and their variants are explored as potential candidates to perform XLA. Experiments are carried out on 5 new languages with a wide range of low-resourced data sizes. The best-performing PEFT candidate can achieve satisfactory performance across all languages and demonstrates superiority in three of five languages over the continual joint learning setting. Notably, PEFT methods focusing on weight parameters or input features are revealed to be limited in performance, showing significantly inferior extension capabilities compared to inserting a lightweight module in between layers such as an Adapter.
Abstract:This research is about the creation of personalized synthetic voices for head and neck cancer survivors. It is focused particularly on tongue cancer patients whose speech might exhibit severe articulation impairment. Our goal is to restore normal articulation in the synthesized speech, while maximally preserving the target speaker's individuality in terms of both the voice timbre and speaking style. This is formulated as a task of learning from noisy labels. We propose to augment the commonly used speech reconstruction loss with two additional terms. The first term constitutes a regularization loss that mitigates the impact of distorted articulation in the training speech. The second term is a consistency loss that encourages correct articulation in the generated speech. These additional loss terms are obtained from frame-level articulation scores of original and generated speech, which are derived using a separately trained phone classifier. Experimental results on a real case of tongue cancer patient confirm that the synthetic voice achieves comparable articulation quality to unimpaired natural speech, while effectively maintaining the target speaker's individuality. Audio samples are available at https://myspeechproject.github.io/ArticulationRepair/.
Abstract:Many factors have separately shown their effectiveness on improving multilingual ASR. They include language identity (LID) and phoneme information, language-specific processing modules and cross-lingual self-supervised speech representation, etc. However, few studies work on synergistically combining them to contribute a unified solution, which still remains an open question. To this end, a novel view to incorporate hierarchical information path LUPET into multilingual ASR is proposed. The LUPET is a path encoding multiple information in different granularity from shallow to deep encoder layers. Early information in this path is beneficial for deriving later occurred information. Specifically, the input goes from LID prediction to acoustic unit discovery followed by phoneme sharing, and then dynamically routed by mixture-of-expert for final token recognition. Experiments on 10 languages of Common Voice examined the superior performance of LUPET. Importantly, LUPET significantly boosts the recognition on high-resource languages, thus mitigating the compromised phenomenon towards low-resource languages in a multilingual setting.
Abstract:Counseling is usually conducted through spoken conversation between a therapist and a client. The empathy level of therapist is a key indicator of outcomes. Presuming that therapist's empathy expression is shaped by their past behavior and their perception of the client's behavior, we propose a model to estimate the therapist empathy by considering both intrapersonal and interpersonal influences. These dynamic influences are captured by applying an attention mechanism to the therapist turn and the historical turns of both therapist and client. Our findings suggest that the integration of dynamic influences enhances empathy level estimation. The influence-derived embedding should constitute a minor portion in the target turn representation for optimal empathy estimation. The client's turns (interpersonal influence) appear to slightly surpass the therapist's own turns (intrapersonal influence) in empathy estimation effectiveness. It is noted that concentrating exclusively on recent historical turns can significantly impact the estimation of therapist empathy.
Abstract:Counseling is carried out as spoken conversation between a therapist and a client. The empathy level expressed by the therapist is considered an important index of the quality of counseling and often assessed by an observer or the client. This research investigates the entrainment of speech prosody in relation to subjectively rated empathy. Experimental results show that the entrainment of intensity is more influential to empathy observation than that of pitch or speech rate in client-therapist interaction. The observer and the client have different perceptions of therapist empathy with the same entrained phenomena in pitch and intensity. The client's intention to make adjustment on pitch variation and intensity of speech is considered an indicator of the client's perception of counseling quality.