Abstract:In this study, we introduce a method for estimating sound fields in reverberant environments using a conditional invertible neural network (CINN). Sound field reconstruction can be hindered by experimental errors, limited spatial data, model mismatches, and long inference times, leading to potentially flawed and prolonged characterizations. Further, the complexity of managing inherent uncertainties often escalates computational demands or is neglected in models. Our approach seeks to balance accuracy and computational efficiency, while incorporating uncertainty estimates to tailor reconstructions to specific needs. By training a CINN with Monte Carlo simulations of random wave fields, our method reduces the dependency on extensive datasets and enables inference from sparse experimental data. The CINN proves versatile at reconstructing Room Impulse Responses (RIRs), by acting either as a likelihood model for maximum a posteriori estimation or as an approximate posterior distribution through amortized Bayesian inference. Compared to traditional Bayesian methods, the CINN achieves similar accuracy with greater efficiency and without requiring its adaptation to distinct sound field conditions.
Abstract:Gridless direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation with multiple frequencies can be applied in acoustics source localization problems. We formulate this as an atomic norm minimization (ANM) problem and derive an equivalent regularization-free semi-definite program (SDP) thereby avoiding regularization bias. The DOA is retrieved using a Vandermonde decomposition on the Toeplitz matrix obtained from the solution of the SDP. We also propose a fast SDP program to deal with non-uniform array and frequency spacing. For non-uniform spacings, the Toeplitz structure will not exist, but the DOA is retrieved via irregular Vandermonde decomposition (IVD), and we theoretically guarantee the existence of the IVD. We extend ANM to the multiple measurement vector (MMV) cases and derive its equivalent regularization-free SDP. Using multiple frequencies and the MMV model, we can resolve more sources than the number of physical sensors for a uniform linear array. Numerical results demonstrate that the regularization-free framework is robust to noise and aliasing, and it overcomes the regularization bias.
Abstract:The physics-informed neural network (PINN) is capable of recovering partial differential equation (PDE) coefficients that remain constant throughout the spatial domain directly from physical measurements. In this work, we propose a spatially dependent physics-informed neural network (SD-PINN), which enables the recovery of coefficients in spatially-dependent PDEs using a single neural network, eliminating the requirement for domain-specific physical expertise. The proposed method exhibits robustness to noise owing to the incorporation of physical constraints. It can also incorporate the low-rank assumption of the spatial variation for the PDE coefficients to recover the coefficients at locations without available measurements.
Abstract:In a spoofing attack, an attacker impersonates a legitimate user to access or modify data belonging to the latter. Typical approaches for spoofing detection in the physical layer declare an attack when a change is observed in certain channel features, such as the received signal strength (RSS) measured by spatially distributed receivers. However, since channels change over time, for example due to user movement, such approaches are impractical. To sidestep this limitation, this paper proposes a scheme that combines the decisions of a position-change detector based on a deep neural network to distinguish spoofing from movement. Building upon community detection on graphs, the sequence of received frames is partitioned into subsequences to detect concurrent transmissions from distinct locations. The scheme can be easily deployed in practice since it just involves collecting a small dataset of measurements at a few tens of locations that need not even be computed or recorded. The scheme is evaluated on real data collected for this purpose.
Abstract:In a spoofing attack, an attacker impersonates a legitimate user to access or tamper with data intended for or produced by the legitimate user. In wireless communication systems, these attacks may be detected by relying on features of the channel and transmitter radios. In this context, a popular approach is to exploit the dependence of the received signal strength (RSS) at multiple receivers or access points with respect to the spatial location of the transmitter. Existing schemes rely on long-term estimates, which makes it difficult to distinguish spoofing from movement of a legitimate user. This limitation is here addressed by means of a deep neural network that implicitly learns the distribution of pairs of short-term RSS vector estimates. The adopted network architecture imposes the invariance to permutations of the input (commutativity) that the decision problem exhibits. The merits of the proposed algorithm are corroborated on a data set that we collected.
Abstract:Traditionally source identification is solved using threshold based energy detection algorithms. These algorithms frequently sum up the activity in regions, and consider regions above a specific activity threshold to be sources. While these algorithms work for the majority of cases, they often fail to detect signals that occupy small frequency bands, fail to distinguish sources with overlapping frequency bands, and cannot detect any signals under a specified signal to noise ratio. Through the conversion of raw signal data to spectrogram, source identification can be framed as an object detection problem. By leveraging modern advancements in deep learning based object detection, we propose a system that manages to alleviate the failure cases encountered when using traditional source identification algorithms. Our contributions include framing source identification as an object detection problem, the publication of a spectrogram object detection dataset, and evaluation of the RetinaNet and YOLOv5 object detection models trained on the dataset. Our final models achieve Mean Average Precisions of up to 0.906. With such a high Mean Average Precision, these models are sufficiently robust for use in real world applications.
Abstract:This paper presents a graph-based estimation method for sequential direction finding. The proposed method estimates an unknown number of directions of arrivals (DOAs) by performing message passing on the factor graph that represents the statistical model of the estimation problem. At each time step, belief propagation predicts the number of DOAs and their DOAs based on a new state-transition model and utilizing posterior probability density functions from previous time steps. Mean field message passing updates the DOAs and their number iteratively. The method promotes sparse solutions through a Bernoulli-Gaussian amplitude model, is gridless, and provides marginal posterior probability density functions from which DOA estimates and their uncertainties can be extracted. To propagate source existence and DOA information across time steps, a Bernoulli-von Mises state transition model is introduced. Compared to non-sequential approaches, the method can reduce DOA estimation errors in scenarios involving multiple time steps and time-varying DOAs. Simulation results demonstrate performance improvements compared to state-of-the-art methods. We evaluate the proposed method using ocean acoustic experimental data.
Abstract:Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is widely applied in acoustic source localization. A multi-frequency model is suitable for characterizing the broadband structure in acoustic signals. In this paper, the continuous (gridless) DOA estimation problem with multiple frequencies is considered. This problem is formulated as an atomic norm minimization (ANM) problem. The ANM problem is equivalent to a semi-definite program (SDP) which can be solved by an off-the-shelf SDP solver. The dual certificate condition is provided to certify the optimality of the SDP solution so that the sources can be localized by finding the roots of a polynomial. We also construct the dual polynomial to satisfy the dual certificate condition and show that such a construction exists when the source amplitude has a uniform magnitude. In multi-frequency ANM, spatial aliasing of DOAs at higher frequencies can cause challenges. We discuss this issue extensively and propose a robust solution to combat aliasing. Numerical results support our theoretical findings and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:We present a system for localizing sound sources in a room with several microphone arrays. Unlike most existing approaches, the positions of the arrays in space are assumed to be unknown. Each circular array performs direction of arrival (DOA) estimation independently. The DOAs are then fed to a fusion center where they are concatenated and used to perform the localization based on two proposed methods, which require only few labeled source locations for calibration. The first proposed method is based on principal component analysis (PCA) of the observed DOA and does not require any calibration. The array cluster can then perform localization on a manifold defined by the PCA of concatenated DOAs over time. The second proposed method performs localization using an affine transformation between the DOA vectors and the room manifold. The PCA approach has fewer requirements on the training sequence, but is less robust to missing DOAs from one of the arrays. The approach is demonstrated with a set of five 8-microphone circular arrays, placed at unknown fixed locations in an office. Both the PCA approach and the direct approach can easily map out a rectangle based on a few calibration points with similar accuracy as calibration points. The methods demonstrated here provide a step towards monitoring activities in a smart home and require little installation effort as the array locations are not needed.
Abstract:We present a gridless sparse iterative covariance-based estimation method based on alternating projections for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. The gridless DOA estimation is formulated in the reconstruction of Toeplitz-structured low rank matrix, and is solved efficiently with alternating projections. The method improves resolution by achieving sparsity, deals with single-snapshot data and coherent arrivals, and, with co-prime arrays, estimates more DOAs than the number of sensors. We evaluate the proposed method using simulation results focusing on co-prime arrays.