Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) often inherit biases from vast amounts of training corpora. Traditional debiasing methods, while effective to some extent, do not completely eliminate memorized biases and toxicity in LLMs. In this paper, we study an unlearning-based approach to debiasing in LLMs by performing gradient ascent on hate speech against minority groups, i.e., minimizing the likelihood of biased or toxic content. Specifically, we propose a mask language modeling unlearning technique, which unlearns the harmful part of the text. This method enables LLMs to selectively forget and disassociate from biased and harmful content. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in diminishing bias while maintaining the language modeling abilities. Surprisingly, the results also unveil an unexpected potential for cross-domain transfer unlearning: debiasing in one bias form (e.g. gender) may contribute to mitigating others (e.g. race and religion).
Abstract:As conventional topic models rely on word co-occurrence to infer latent topics, topic modeling for short texts has been a long-standing challenge. Large Language Models (LLMs) can potentially overcome this challenge by contextually learning the semantics of words via pretraining. This paper studies two approaches, parallel prompting and sequential prompting, to use LLMs for topic modeling. Due to the input length limitations, LLMs cannot process many texts at once. By splitting the texts into smaller subsets and processing them parallelly or sequentially, an arbitrary number of texts can be handled by LLMs. Experimental results demonstrated that our methods can identify more coherent topics than existing ones while maintaining the diversity of the induced topics. Furthermore, we found that the inferred topics adequately covered the input texts, while hallucinated topics were hardly generated.
Abstract:In order to enhance the performance of language models while mitigating the risks of generating harmful content, it is crucial to identify which training dataset affects the model's outputs. Ideally, we can measure the influence of each dataset by removing it from training; however, it is prohibitively expensive to retrain a model multiple times. This paper presents UnTrac, which estimates the influence of a training dataset by unlearning it from the trained model. UnTrac is extremely simple; each training dataset is unlearned by gradient ascent, and we evaluate how much the model's predictions change after unlearning. We empirically examine if our methods can assess the influence of pretraining datasets on generating toxic, biased, and untruthful content. Experimental results demonstrate that our method estimates their influence much more accurately than existing methods while requiring neither excessive memory space nor multiple model checkpoints.
Abstract:Instruction tuning has been attracting much attention to achieve generalization ability across a wide variety of tasks. Although various types of instructions have been manually created for instruction tuning, it is still unclear what kind of instruction is optimal to obtain cross-task generalization ability. This work presents instruction optimization, which optimizes training instructions with respect to generalization ability. Rather than manually tuning instructions, we introduce learnable instructions and optimize them with gradient descent by leveraging bilevel optimization. Experimental results show that the learned instruction enhances the diversity of instructions and improves the generalization ability compared to using only manually created instructions.
Abstract:Automatic literature review generation is one of the most challenging tasks in natural language processing. Although large language models have tackled literature review generation, the absence of large-scale datasets has been a stumbling block to the progress. We release SciReviewGen, consisting of over 10,000 literature reviews and 690,000 papers cited in the reviews. Based on the dataset, we evaluate recent transformer-based summarization models on the literature review generation task, including Fusion-in-Decoder extended for literature review generation. Human evaluation results show that some machine-generated summaries are comparable to human-written reviews, while revealing the challenges of automatic literature review generation such as hallucinations and a lack of detailed information. Our dataset and code are available at https://github.com/tetsu9923/SciReviewGen.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel unsupervised abstractive summarization method for opinionated texts. While the basic variational autoencoder-based models assume a unimodal Gaussian prior for the latent code of sentences, we alternate it with a recursive Gaussian mixture, where each mixture component corresponds to the latent code of a topic sentence and is mixed by a tree-structured topic distribution. By decoding each Gaussian component, we generate sentences with tree-structured topic guidance, where the root sentence conveys generic content, and the leaf sentences describe specific topics. Experimental results demonstrate that the generated topic sentences are appropriate as a summary of opinionated texts, which are more informative and cover more input contents than those generated by the recent unsupervised summarization model (Bra\v{z}inskas et al., 2020). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the variance of latent Gaussians represents the granularity of sentences, analogous to Gaussian word embedding (Vilnis and McCallum, 2015).
Abstract:This paper focuses on the end-to-end abstractive summarization of a single product review without supervision. We assume that a review can be described as a discourse tree, in which the summary is the root, and the child sentences explain their parent in detail. By recursively estimating a parent from its children, our model learns the latent discourse tree without an external parser and generates a concise summary. We also introduce an architecture that ranks the importance of each sentence on the tree to support summary generation focusing on the main review point. The experimental results demonstrate that our model is competitive with or outperforms other unsupervised approaches. In particular, for relatively long reviews, it achieves a competitive or better performance than supervised models. The induced tree shows that the child sentences provide additional information about their parent, and the generated summary abstracts the entire review.