Idiap Research Institute, EPFL
Abstract:SpeechBrain is an open-source Conversational AI toolkit based on PyTorch, focused particularly on speech processing tasks such as speech recognition, speech enhancement, speaker recognition, text-to-speech, and much more. It promotes transparency and replicability by releasing both the pre-trained models and the complete "recipes" of code and algorithms required for training them. This paper presents SpeechBrain 1.0, a significant milestone in the evolution of the toolkit, which now has over 200 recipes for speech, audio, and language processing tasks, and more than 100 models available on Hugging Face. SpeechBrain 1.0 introduces new technologies to support diverse learning modalities, Large Language Model (LLM) integration, and advanced decoding strategies, along with novel models, tasks, and modalities. It also includes a new benchmark repository, offering researchers a unified platform for evaluating models across diverse tasks
Abstract:By training to predict the next token in an unlabeled corpus, large language models learn to perform many tasks without any labeled data. However, their next-token-prediction objective arguably limits their performance in scenarios that require planning, such as writing a coherent article. In this paper, we train a module for planning the future writing process via a self-supervised learning objective. By conditioning on generated latent plans, our model extends the successful language model formula to more abstract planning in an unsupervised way. Empirically, we demonstrate that our method improves language modeling performance in general, particularly with respect to the text structure. Because our framework uses a planner module that is unsupervised and external to the language model, new planner modules can be trained at large scale and easily be shared with the community.
Abstract:Search-based dialog models typically re-encode the dialog history at every turn, incurring high cost. Curved Contrastive Learning, a representation learning method that encodes relative distances between utterances into the embedding space via a bi-encoder, has recently shown promising results for dialog modeling at far superior efficiency. While high efficiency is achieved through independently encoding utterances, this ignores the importance of contextualization. To overcome this issue, this study introduces triple-encoders, which efficiently compute distributed utterance mixtures from these independently encoded utterances through a novel hebbian inspired co-occurrence learning objective without using any weights. Empirically, we find that triple-encoders lead to a substantial improvement over bi-encoders, and even to better zero-shot generalization than single-vector representation models without requiring re-encoding. Our code/model is publicly available.
Abstract:State-of-the-art ASR systems have achieved promising results by modeling local and global interactions separately. While the former can be computed efficiently, global interactions are usually modeled via attention mechanisms, which are expensive for long input sequences. Here, we address this by extending HyperMixer, an efficient alternative to attention exhibiting linear complexity, to the Conformer architecture for speech recognition, leading to HyperConformer. In particular, multi-head HyperConformer achieves comparable or higher recognition performance while being more efficient than Conformer in terms of inference speed, memory, parameter count, and available training data. HyperConformer achieves a word error rate of 2.9% on Librispeech test-clean with less than 8M neural parameters and a peak memory during training of 5.7GB, hence trainable with accessible hardware. Encoder speed is between 38% on mid-length speech and 56% on long speech faster than an equivalent Conformer. (The HyperConformer recipe is publicly available in:
Abstract:Despite the success of Neural Combinatorial Optimization methods for end-to-end heuristic learning, out-of-distribution generalization remains a challenge. In this paper, we present a novel formulation of combinatorial optimization (CO) problems as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) that effectively leverages symmetries of the CO problems to improve out-of-distribution robustness. Starting from the standard MDP formulation of constructive heuristics, we introduce a generic transformation based on bisimulation quotienting (BQ) in MDPs. This transformation allows to reduce the state space by accounting for the intrinsic symmetries of the CO problem and facilitates the MDP solving. We illustrate our approach on the Traveling Salesman, Capacitated Vehicle Routing and Knapsack Problems. We present a BQ reformulation of these problems and introduce a simple attention-based policy network that we train by imitation of (near) optimal solutions for small instances from a single distribution. We obtain new state-of-the-art generalization results for instances with up to 1000 nodes from synthetic and realistic benchmarks that vary both in size and node distributions.
Abstract:Transformer-based architectures are the model of choice for natural language understanding, but they come at a significant cost, as they have quadratic complexity in the input length and can be difficult to tune. In the pursuit of Green AI, we investigate simple MLP-based architectures. We find that existing architectures such as MLPMixer, which achieves token mixing through a static MLP applied to each feature independently, are too detached from the inductive biases required for natural language understanding. In this paper, we propose a simple variant, HyperMixer, which forms the token mixing MLP dynamically using hypernetworks. Empirically, we demonstrate that our model performs better than alternative MLP-based models, and on par with Transformers. In contrast to Transformers, HyperMixer achieves these results at substantially lower costs in terms of processing time, training data, and hyperparameter tuning.
Abstract:Text autoencoders are often used for unsupervised conditional text generation by applying mappings in the latent space to change attributes to the desired values. Recently, Mai et al. (2020) proposed Emb2Emb, a method to learn these mappings in the embedding space of an autoencoder. However, their method is restricted to autoencoders with a single-vector embedding, which limits how much information can be retained. We address this issue by extending their method to Bag-of-Vectors Autoencoders (BoV-AEs), which encode the text into a variable-size bag of vectors that grows with the size of the text, as in attention-based models. This allows to encode and reconstruct much longer texts than standard autoencoders. Analogous to conventional autoencoders, we propose regularization techniques that facilitate learning meaningful operations in the latent space. Finally, we adapt for a training scheme that learns to map an input bag to an output bag, including a novel loss function and neural architecture. Our experimental evaluations on unsupervised sentiment transfer and sentence summarization show that our method performs substantially better than a standard autoencoder.
Abstract:Text autoencoders are commonly used for conditional generation tasks such as style transfer. We propose methods which are plug and play, where any pretrained autoencoder can be used, and only require learning a mapping within the autoencoder's embedding space, training embedding-to-embedding (Emb2Emb). This reduces the need for labeled training data for the task and makes the training procedure more efficient. Crucial to the success of this method is a loss term for keeping the mapped embedding on the manifold of the autoencoder and a mapping which is trained to navigate the manifold by learning offset vectors. Evaluations on style transfer tasks both with and without sequence-to-sequence supervision show that our method performs better than or comparable to strong baselines while being up to four times faster.
Abstract:There is no consensus yet on the question whether adaptive gradient methods like Adam are easier to use than non-adaptive optimization methods like SGD. In this work, we fill in the important, yet ambiguous concept of `ease-of-use' by defining an optimizer's \emph{tunability}: How easy is it to find good hyperparameter configurations using automatic random hyperparameter search? We propose a practical and universal quantitative measure for optimizer tunability that can form the basis for a fair optimizer benchmark. Evaluating a variety of optimizers on an extensive set of standard datasets and architectures, we find that Adam is the most tunable for the majority of problems, especially with a low budget for hyperparameter tuning.
Abstract:We present multi-modal adversarial autoencoders for recommendation and evaluate them on two different tasks: citation recommendation and subject label recommendation. We analyze the effects of adversarial regularization, sparsity, and different input modalities. By conducting 408 experiments, we show that adversarial regularization consistently improves the performance of autoencoders for recommendation. We demonstrate, however, that the two tasks differ in the semantics of item co-occurrence in the sense that item co-occurrence resembles relatedness in case of citations, yet implies diversity in case of subject labels. Our results reveal that supplying the partial item set as input is only helpful, when item co-occurrence resembles relatedness. When facing a new recommendation task it is therefore crucial to consider the semantics of item co-occurrence for the choice of an appropriate model.