Abstract:A primary challenge in large language model (LLM) development is their onerous pre-training cost. Typically, such pre-training involves optimizing a self-supervised objective (such as next-token prediction) over a large corpus. This paper explores a promising paradigm to improve LLM pre-training efficiency and quality by suitably leveraging a small language model (SLM). In particular, this paradigm relies on an SLM to both (1) provide soft labels as additional training supervision, and (2) select a small subset of valuable ("informative" and "hard") training examples. Put together, this enables an effective transfer of the SLM's predictive distribution to the LLM, while prioritizing specific regions of the training data distribution. Empirically, this leads to reduced LLM training time compared to standard training, while improving the overall quality. Theoretically, we develop a statistical framework to systematically study the utility of SLMs in enabling efficient training of high-quality LLMs. In particular, our framework characterizes how the SLM's seemingly low-quality supervision can enhance the training of a much more capable LLM. Furthermore, it also highlights the need for an adaptive utilization of such supervision, by striking a balance between the bias and variance introduced by the SLM-provided soft labels. We corroborate our theoretical framework by improving the pre-training of an LLM with 2.8B parameters by utilizing a smaller LM with 1.5B parameters on the Pile dataset.
Abstract:Modern ML systems increasingly augment input instances with additional relevant information to enhance final prediction. Despite growing interest in such retrieval-augmented models, their fundamental properties and training are not well understood. We propose a statistical framework to study such models with two components: 1) a {\em retriever} to identify the relevant information out of a large corpus via a data-dependent metric; and 2) a {\em predictor} that consumes the input instances along with the retrieved information to make the final predictions. We present a principled method for end-to-end training of both components and draw connections with various training approaches in the literature. Furthermore, we establish excess risk bounds for retrieval-augmented models while delineating the contributions of both retriever and predictor towards the model performance. We validate the utility of our proposed training methods along with the key takeaways from our statistical analysis on open domain question answering task where retrieval augmentation is important.
Abstract:In text generation, hallucinations refer to the generation of seemingly coherent text that contradicts established knowledge. One compelling hypothesis is that hallucinations occur when a language model is given a generation task outside its parametric knowledge (due to rarity, recency, domain, etc.). A common strategy to address this limitation is to infuse the language models with retrieval mechanisms, providing the model with relevant knowledge for the task. In this paper, we leverage the planning capabilities of instruction-tuned LLMs and analyze how planning can be used to guide retrieval to further reduce the frequency of hallucinations. We empirically evaluate several variations of our proposed approach on long-form text generation tasks. By improving the coverage of relevant facts, plan-guided retrieval and generation can produce more informative responses while providing a higher rate of attribution to source documents.
Abstract:Recent research has shown that Transformers with linear attention are capable of in-context learning (ICL) by implementing a linear estimator through gradient descent steps. However, the existing results on the optimization landscape apply under stylized settings where task and feature vectors are assumed to be IID and the attention weights are fully parameterized. In this work, we develop a stronger characterization of the optimization and generalization landscape of ICL through contributions on architectures, low-rank parameterization, and correlated designs: (1) We study the landscape of 1-layer linear attention and 1-layer H3, a state-space model. Under a suitable correlated design assumption, we prove that both implement 1-step preconditioned gradient descent. We show that thanks to its native convolution filters, H3 also has the advantage of implementing sample weighting and outperforming linear attention in suitable settings. (2) By studying correlated designs, we provide new risk bounds for retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and task-feature alignment which reveal how ICL sample complexity benefits from distributional alignment. (3) We derive the optimal risk for low-rank parameterized attention weights in terms of covariance spectrum. Through this, we also shed light on how LoRA can adapt to a new distribution by capturing the shift between task covariances. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings. Overall, this work explores the optimization and risk landscape of ICL in practically meaningful settings and contributes to a more thorough understanding of its mechanics.
Abstract:Cross-Encoder (CE) and Dual-Encoder (DE) models are two fundamental approaches for query-document relevance in information retrieval. To predict relevance, CE models use joint query-document embeddings, while DE models maintain factorized query and document embeddings; usually, the former has higher quality while the latter benefits from lower latency. Recently, late-interaction models have been proposed to realize more favorable latency-quality tradeoffs, by using a DE structure followed by a lightweight scorer based on query and document token embeddings. However, these lightweight scorers are often hand-crafted, and there is no understanding of their approximation power; further, such scorers require access to individual document token embeddings, which imposes an increased latency and storage burden. In this paper, we propose novel learnable late-interaction models (LITE) that resolve these issues. Theoretically, we prove that LITE is a universal approximator of continuous scoring functions, even for relatively small embedding dimension. Empirically, LITE outperforms previous late-interaction models such as ColBERT on both in-domain and zero-shot re-ranking tasks. For instance, experiments on MS MARCO passage re-ranking show that LITE not only yields a model with better generalization, but also lowers latency and requires 0.25x storage compared to ColBERT.
Abstract:Reducing serving cost and latency is a fundamental concern for the deployment of language models (LMs) in business applications. To address this, cascades of LMs offer an effective solution that conditionally employ smaller models for simpler queries. Cascaded systems are typically built with independently trained models, neglecting the advantages of considering inference-time interactions of the cascaded LMs during training. In this paper, we present cascade-aware training(CAT), an approach to optimizing the overall quality-cost performance tradeoff of a cascade of LMs. We achieve inference-time benefits by training the small LM with awareness of its place in a cascade and downstream capabilities. We demonstrate the value of the proposed method with over 60 LM tasks of the SuperGLUE, WMT22, and FLAN2021 datasets.
Abstract:Cascades and speculative decoding are two common approaches to improving language models' inference efficiency. Both approaches involve interleaving models of different sizes, but via fundamentally distinct mechanisms: cascades employ a deferral rule that invokes the larger model only for "hard" inputs, while speculative decoding uses speculative execution to primarily invoke the larger model in parallel verification mode. These mechanisms offer different benefits: empirically, cascades are often capable of yielding better quality than even the larger model, while theoretically, speculative decoding offers a guarantee of quality-neutrality. In this paper, we leverage the best of both these approaches by designing new speculative cascading techniques that implement their deferral rule through speculative execution. We characterize the optimal deferral rule for our speculative cascades, and employ a plug-in approximation to the optimal rule. Through experiments with T5 models on benchmark language tasks, we show that the proposed approach yields better cost-quality trade-offs than cascading and speculative decoding baselines.
Abstract:Recent advances in language models (LMs) have led to significant improvements in quality on complex NLP tasks, but at the expense of increased inference costs. Cascading offers a simple strategy to achieve more favorable cost-quality tradeoffs: here, a small model is invoked for most "easy" instances, while a few "hard" instances are deferred to the large model. While the principles underpinning cascading are well-studied for classification tasks - with deferral based on predicted class uncertainty favored theoretically and practically - a similar understanding is lacking for generative LM tasks. In this work, we initiate a systematic study of deferral rules for LM cascades. We begin by examining the natural extension of predicted class uncertainty to generative LM tasks, namely, the predicted sequence uncertainty. We show that this measure suffers from the length bias problem, either over- or under-emphasizing outputs based on their lengths. This is because LMs produce a sequence of uncertainty values, one for each output token; and moreover, the number of output tokens is variable across examples. To mitigate this issue, we propose to exploit the richer token-level uncertainty information implicit in generative LMs. We argue that naive predicted sequence uncertainty corresponds to a simple aggregation of these uncertainties. By contrast, we show that incorporating token-level uncertainty through learned post-hoc deferral rules can significantly outperform such simple aggregation strategies, via experiments on a range of natural language benchmarks with FLAN-T5 models. We further show that incorporating embeddings from the smaller model and intermediate layers of the larger model can give an additional boost in the overall cost-quality tradeoff.
Abstract:Transformer-based language models are trained on large datasets to predict the next token given an input sequence. Despite this simple training objective, they have led to revolutionary advances in natural language processing. Underlying this success is the self-attention mechanism. In this work, we ask: $\textit{What}$ $\textit{does}$ $\textit{a}$ $\textit{single}$ $\textit{self-attention}$ $\textit{layer}$ $\textit{learn}$ $\textit{from}$ $\textit{next-token}$ $\textit{prediction?}$ We show that training self-attention with gradient descent learns an automaton which generates the next token in two distinct steps: $\textbf{(1)}$ $\textbf{Hard}$ $\textbf{retrieval:}$ Given input sequence, self-attention precisely selects the $\textit{high-priority}$ $\textit{input}$ $\textit{tokens}$ associated with the last input token. $\textbf{(2)}$ $\textbf{Soft}$ $\textbf{composition:}$ It then creates a convex combination of the high-priority tokens from which the next token can be sampled. Under suitable conditions, we rigorously characterize these mechanics through a directed graph over tokens extracted from the training data. We prove that gradient descent implicitly discovers the strongly-connected components (SCC) of this graph and self-attention learns to retrieve the tokens that belong to the highest-priority SCC available in the context window. Our theory relies on decomposing the model weights into a directional component and a finite component that correspond to hard retrieval and soft composition steps respectively. This also formalizes a related implicit bias formula conjectured in [Tarzanagh et al. 2023]. We hope that these findings shed light on how self-attention processes sequential data and pave the path toward demystifying more complex architectures.
Abstract:Modern language models rely on the transformer architecture and attention mechanism to perform language understanding and text generation. In this work, we study learning a 1-layer self-attention model from a set of prompts and associated output data sampled from the model. We first establish a precise mapping between the self-attention mechanism and Markov models: Inputting a prompt to the model samples the output token according to a context-conditioned Markov chain (CCMC) which weights the transition matrix of a base Markov chain. Additionally, incorporating positional encoding results in position-dependent scaling of the transition probabilities. Building on this formalism, we develop identifiability/coverage conditions for the prompt distribution that guarantee consistent estimation and establish sample complexity guarantees under IID samples. Finally, we study the problem of learning from a single output trajectory generated from an initial prompt. We characterize an intriguing winner-takes-all phenomenon where the generative process implemented by self-attention collapses into sampling a limited subset of tokens due to its non-mixing nature. This provides a mathematical explanation to the tendency of modern LLMs to generate repetitive text. In summary, the equivalence to CCMC provides a simple but powerful framework to study self-attention and its properties.