Abstract:Accurate and comprehensive 3D sensing using LiDAR systems is crucial for various applications in photogrammetry and robotics, including facility inspection, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and robot navigation. Motorized LiDAR systems can expand the Field of View (FoV) without adding multiple scanners, but existing motorized LiDAR systems often rely on constant-speed motor control, leading to suboptimal performance in complex environments. To address this, we propose UA-MPC, an uncertainty-aware motor control strategy that balances scanning accuracy and efficiency. By predicting discrete observabilities of LiDAR Odometry (LO) through ray tracing and modeling their distribution with a surrogate function, UA-MPC efficiently optimizes motor speed control according to different scenes. Additionally, we develop a ROS-based realistic simulation environment for motorized LiDAR systems, enabling the evaluation of control strategies across diverse scenarios. Extensive experiments, conducted on both simulated and real-world scenarios, demonstrate that our method significantly improves odometry accuracy while preserving the scanning efficiency of motorized LiDAR systems. Specifically, it achieves over a 60\% reduction in positioning error with less than a 2\% decrease in efficiency compared to constant-speed control, offering a smarter and more effective solution for active 3D sensing tasks. The simulation environment for control motorized LiDAR is open-sourced at: \url{https://github.com/kafeiyin00/UA-MPC.git}.
Abstract:Robot navigation in dense human crowds poses a significant challenge due to the complexity of human behavior in dynamic and obstacle-rich environments. In this work, we propose a dynamic weight adjustment scheme using a neural network to predict the optimal weights of objectives in an optimization-based motion planner. We adopt a spatial-temporal trajectory planner and incorporate diverse objectives to achieve a balance among safety, efficiency, and goal achievement in complex and dynamic environments. We design the network structure, observation encoding, and reward function to effectively train the policy network using reinforcement learning, allowing the robot to adapt its behavior in real time based on environmental and pedestrian information. Simulation results show improved safety compared to the fixed-weight planner and the state-of-the-art learning-based methods, and verify the ability of the learned policy to adaptively adjust the weights based on the observed situations. The approach's feasibility is demonstrated in a navigation task using an autonomous delivery robot across a crowded corridor over a 300 m distance.
Abstract:Loop closure is an important task in robot navigation. However, existing methods mostly rely on some implicit or heuristic features of the environment, which can still fail to work in common environments such as corridors, tunnels, and warehouses. Indeed, navigating in such featureless, degenerative, and repetitive (FDR) environments would also pose a significant challenge even for humans, but explicit text cues in the surroundings often provide the best assistance. This inspires us to propose a multi-modal loop closure method based on explicit human-readable textual cues in FDR environments. Specifically, our approach first extracts scene text entities based on Optical Character Recognition (OCR), then creates a local map of text cues based on accurate LiDAR odometry and finally identifies loop closure events by a graph-theoretic scheme. Experiment results demonstrate that this approach has superior performance over existing methods that rely solely on visual and LiDAR sensors. To benefit the community, we release the source code and datasets at \url{https://github.com/TongxingJin/TXTLCD}.
Abstract:Helmet-mounted wearable positioning systems are crucial for enhancing safety and facilitating coordination in industrial, construction, and emergency rescue environments. These systems, including LiDAR-Inertial Odometry (LIO) and Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO), often face challenges in localization due to adverse environmental conditions such as dust, smoke, and limited visual features. To address these limitations, we propose a novel head-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) dataset with ground truth, aimed at advancing data-driven IMU pose estimation. Our dataset captures human head motion patterns using a helmet-mounted system, with data from ten participants performing various activities. We explore the application of neural networks, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Transformer networks, to correct IMU biases and improve localization accuracy. Additionally, we evaluate the performance of these methods across different IMU data window dimensions, motion patterns, and sensor types. We release a publicly available dataset, demonstrate the feasibility of advanced neural network approaches for helmet-based localization, and provide evaluation metrics to establish a baseline for future studies in this field. Data and code can be found at \url{https://lqiutong.github.io/HelmetPoser.github.io/}.
Abstract:A differential dynamic programming (DDP)-based framework for inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is introduced to recover the parameters in the cost function, system dynamics, and constraints from demonstrations. Different from existing work, where DDP was used for the inner forward problem with inequality constraints, our proposed framework uses it for efficient computation of the gradient required in the outer inverse problem with equality and inequality constraints. The equivalence between the proposed method and existing methods based on Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (PMP) is established. More importantly, using this DDP-based IRL with an open-loop loss function, a closed-loop IRL framework is presented. In this framework, a loss function is proposed to capture the closed-loop nature of demonstrations. It is shown to be better than the commonly used open-loop loss function. We show that the closed-loop IRL framework reduces to a constrained inverse optimal control problem under certain assumptions. Under these assumptions and a rank condition, it is proven that the learning parameters can be recovered from the demonstration data. The proposed framework is extensively evaluated through four numerical robot examples and one real-world quadrotor system. The experiments validate the theoretical results and illustrate the practical relevance of the approach.
Abstract:Inspired by the behavior of birds, we present AirCrab, a hybrid aerial ground manipulator (HAGM) with a single active wheel and a 3-degree of freedom (3-DoF) manipulator. AirCrab leverages a single point of contact with the ground to reduce position drift and improve manipulation accuracy. The single active wheel enables locomotion on narrow surfaces without adding significant weight to the robot. To realize accurate attitude maintenance using propellers on the ground, we design a control allocation method for AirCrab that prioritizes attitude control and dynamically adjusts the thrust input to reduce energy consumption. Experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed control method and the gain in manipulation accuracy with ground contact. A series of operations to complete the letters 'NTU' demonstrates the capability of the robot to perform challenging hybrid aerial-ground manipulation missions.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a cost-effective strategy for heterogeneous UAV swarm systems for cooperative aerial inspection. Unlike previous swarm inspection works, the proposed method does not rely on precise prior knowledge of the environment and can complete full 3D surface coverage of objects in any shape. In this work, agents are partitioned into teams, with each drone assign a different task, including mapping, exploration, and inspection. Task allocation is facilitated by assigning optimal inspection volumes to each team, following best-first rules. A voxel map-based representation of the environment is used for pathfinding, and a rule-based path-planning method is the core of this approach. We achieved the best performance in all challenging experiments with the proposed approach, surpassing all benchmark methods for similar tasks across multiple evaluation trials. The proposed method is open source at https://github.com/ntu-aris/caric_baseline and used as the baseline of the Cooperative Aerial Robots Inspection Challenge at the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2023.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a continuous-time lidar-inertial odometry (CT-LIO) system named SLICT2, which promotes two main insights. One, contrary to conventional wisdom, CT-LIO algorithm can be optimized by linear solvers in only a few iterations, which is more efficient than commonly used nonlinear solvers. Two, CT-LIO benefits more from the correct association than the number of iterations. Based on these ideas, we implement our method with a customized solver where the feature association process is performed immediately after each incremental step, and the solution can converge within a few iterations. Our implementation can achieve real-time performance with a high density of control points while yielding competitive performance in highly dynamical motion scenarios. We demonstrate the advantages of our method by comparing with other existing state-of-the-art CT-LIO methods. The source code will be released for the benefit of the community.
Abstract:This paper presents the design, modeling, and experimental validation of CapsuleBot, a compact hybrid aerial-ground vehicle designed for long-term covert reconnaissance. CapsuleBot combines the manoeuvrability of bicopter in the air with the energy efficiency and noise reduction of ground vehicles on the ground. To accomplish this, a structure named actuated-wheel-rotor has been designed, utilizing a sole motor for both the unilateral rotor tilting in the bicopter configuration and the wheel movement in ground mode. CapsuleBot comes equipped with two of these structures, enabling it to attain hybrid aerial-ground propulsion with just four motors. Importantly, the decoupling of motion modes is achieved without the need for additional drivers, enhancing the versatility and robustness of the system. Furthermore, we have designed the full dynamics and control for aerial and ground locomotion based on the bicopter model and the two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle model. The performance of CapsuleBot has been validated through experiments. The results demonstrate that CapsuleBot produces 40.53% less noise in ground mode and consumes 99.35% less energy, highlighting its potential for long-term covert reconnaissance applications.
Abstract:We present the dynamic model and control of DoubleBee, a novel hybrid aerial-ground vehicle consisting of two propellers mounted on tilting servo motors and two motor-driven wheels. DoubleBee exploits the high energy efficiency of a bicopter configuration in aerial mode, and enjoys the low power consumption of a two-wheel self-balancing robot on the ground. Furthermore, the propeller thrusts act as additional control inputs on the ground, enabling a novel decoupled control scheme where the attitude of the robot is controlled using thrusts and the translational motion is realized using wheels. A prototype of DoubleBee is constructed using commercially available components. The power efficiency and the control performance of the robot are verified through comprehensive experiments. Challenging tasks in indoor and outdoor environments demonstrate the capability of DoubleBee to traverse unstructured environments, fly over and move under barriers, and climb steep and rough terrains.