Abstract:Machine learning models are increasingly deployed for critical decision-making tasks, making it important to verify that they do not contain gender or racial biases picked up from training data. Typical approaches to achieve fairness revolve around efforts to clean or curate training data, with post-hoc statistical evaluation of the fairness of the model on evaluation data. In contrast, we propose techniques to \emph{prove} fairness using recently developed formal methods that verify properties of neural network models.Beyond the strength of guarantee implied by a formal proof, our methods have the advantage that we do not need explicit training or evaluation data (which is often proprietary) in order to analyze a given trained model. In experiments on two familiar datasets in the fairness literature (COMPAS and ADULTS), we show that through proper training, we can reduce unfairness by an average of 65.4\% at a cost of less than 1\% in AUC score.
Abstract:Word and graph embeddings are widely used in deep learning applications. We present a data structure that captures inherent hierarchical properties from an unordered flat embedding space, particularly a sense of direction between pairs of entities. Inspired by the notion of \textit{distributional generality}, our algorithm constructs an arborescence (a directed rooted tree) by inserting nodes in descending order of entity power (e.g., word frequency), pointing each entity to the closest more powerful node as its parent. We evaluate the performance of the resulting tree structures on three tasks: hypernym relation discovery, least-common-ancestor (LCA) discovery among words, and Wikipedia page link recovery. We achieve average 8.98\% and 2.70\% for hypernym and LCA discovery across five languages and 62.76\% accuracy on directed Wiki-page link recovery, with both substantially above baselines. Finally, we investigate the effect of insertion order, the power/similarity trade-off and various power sources to optimize parent selection.
Abstract:User interactions with personal assistants like Alexa, Google Home and Siri are typically initiated by a wake term or wakeword. Several personal assistants feature "follow-up" modes that allow users to make additional interactions without the need of a wakeword. For the system to only respond when appropriate, and to ignore speech not intended for it, utterances must be classified as device-directed or non-device-directed. State-of-the-art systems have largely used acoustic features for this task, while others have used only lexical features or have added LM-based lexical features. We propose a directedness classifier that combines semantic lexical features with a lightweight acoustic feature and show it is effective in classifying directedness. The mixed-domain lexical and acoustic feature model is able to achieve 14% relative reduction of EER over a state-of-the-art acoustic-only baseline model. Finally, we successfully apply transfer learning and semi-supervised learning to the model to improve accuracy even further.
Abstract:Latent factor models play a dominant role among recommendation techniques. However, most of the existing latent factor models assume embedding dimensions are independent of each other, and thus regrettably ignore the interaction information across different embedding dimensions. In this paper, we propose a novel latent factor model called COMET (COnvolutional diMEnsion inTeraction), which provides the first attempt to model higher-order interaction signals among all latent dimensions in an explicit manner. To be specific, COMET stacks the embeddings of historical interactions horizontally, which results in two "embedding maps" that encode the original dimension information. In this way, users' and items' internal interactions can be exploited by convolutional neural networks with kernels of different sizes and a fully-connected multi-layer perceptron. Furthermore, the representations of users and items are enriched by the learnt interaction vectors, which can further be used to produce the final prediction. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on various public implicit feedback datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and the rationality of our proposed method.