Abstract:As a common image processing technique, image decomposition is often used to extract complementary information between modalities. In current decomposition-based image fusion methods, typically, source images are decomposed into three parts at single scale (i.e., visible-exclusive part, infrared-exclusive part, and common part) and lacking interaction between modalities during the decomposition process. These results in the inability of fusion images to effectively focus on finer complementary information between modalities at various scales. To address the above issue, a novel decomposition mechanism, Continuous Decomposition Fusion (CDeFuse), is proposed. Firstly, CDeFuse extends the original three-part decomposition to a more general K-part decomposition at each scale through similarity constraints to fuse multi-scale information and achieve a finer representation of decomposition features. Secondly, a Continuous Decomposition Module (CDM) is introduced to assist K-part decomposition. Its core component, State Transformer (ST), efficiently captures complementary information between modalities by utilizing multi-head self-attention mechanism. Finally, a novel decomposition loss function and the corresponding computational optimization strategy are utilized to ensure the smooth progress of the decomposition process while maintaining linear growth in time complexity with the number of decomposition results K. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our CDeFuse achieves comparable performance compared to previous methods. The code will be publicly available.
Abstract:As one of the tasks in Image Fusion, Infrared and Visible Image Fusion aims to integrate complementary information captured by sensors of different modalities into a single image. The Selective State Space Model (SSSM), known for its ability to capture long-range dependencies, has demonstrated its potential in the field of computer vision. However, in image fusion, current methods underestimate the potential of SSSM in capturing the global spatial information of both modalities. This limitation prevents the simultaneous consideration of the global spatial information from both modalities during interaction, leading to a lack of comprehensive perception of salient targets. Consequently, the fusion results tend to bias towards one modality instead of adaptively preserving salient targets. To address this issue, we propose the Saliency-aware Selective State Space Fusion Model (S4Fusion). In our S4Fusion, the designed Cross-Modal Spatial Awareness Module (CMSA) can simultaneously focus on global spatial information from both modalities while facilitating their interaction, thereby comprehensively capturing complementary information. Additionally, S4Fusion leverages a pre-trained network to perceive uncertainty in the fused images. By minimizing this uncertainty, S4Fusion adaptively highlights salient targets from both images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach produces high-quality images and enhances performance in downstream tasks.
Abstract:Generative models are widely utilized to model the distribution of fused images in the field of infrared and visible image fusion. However, current generative models based fusion methods often suffer from unstable training and slow inference speed. To tackle this problem, a novel fusion method based on consistency model is proposed, termed as CoMoFusion, which can generate the high-quality images and achieve fast image inference speed. In specific, the consistency model is used to construct multi-modal joint features in the latent space with the forward and reverse process. Then, the infrared and visible features extracted by the trained consistency model are fed into fusion module to generate the final fused image. In order to enhance the texture and salient information of fused images, a novel loss based on pixel value selection is also designed. Extensive experiments on public datasets illustrate that our method obtains the SOTA fusion performance compared with the existing fusion methods.
Abstract:Infrared and visible image fusion task aims to generate a fused image which contains salient features and rich texture details from multi-source images. However, under complex illumination conditions, few algorithms pay attention to the edge information of local regions which is crucial for downstream tasks. To this end, we propose a fusion network based on the local edge enhancement, named LE2Fusion. Specifically, a local edge enhancement (LE2) module is proposed to improve the edge information under complex illumination conditions and preserve the essential features of image. For feature extraction, a multi-scale residual attention (MRA) module is applied to extract rich features. Then, with LE2, a set of enhancement weights are generated which are utilized in feature fusion strategy and used to guide the image reconstruction. To better preserve the local detail information and structure information, the pixel intensity loss function based on the local region is also presented. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits better fusion performance than the state-of-the-art fusion methods on public datasets.
Abstract:Infrared and visible image fusion aims to generate synthetic images simultaneously containing salient features and rich texture details, which can be used to boost downstream tasks. However, existing fusion methods are suffering from the issues of texture loss and edge information deficiency, which result in suboptimal fusion results. Meanwhile, the straight-forward up-sampling operator can not well preserve the source information from multi-scale features. To address these issues, a novel fusion network based on the wavelet-guided pooling (wave-pooling) manner is proposed, termed as WavePF. Specifically, a wave-pooling based encoder is designed to extract multi-scale image and detail features of source images at the same time. In addition, the spatial attention model is used to aggregate these salient features. After that, the fused features will be reconstructed by the decoder, in which the up-sampling operator is replaced by the wave-pooling reversed operation. Different from the common max-pooling technique, image features after the wave-pooling layer can retain abundant details information, which can benefit the fusion process. In this case, rich texture details and multi-scale information can be maintained during the reconstruction phase. The experimental results demonstrate that our method exhibits superior fusion performance over the state-of-the-arts on multiple image fusion benchmarks
Abstract:Recently, prompt-based learning has become a very popular solution in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks by inserting a template into model input, which converts the task into a cloze-style one to smoothing out differences between the Pre-trained Language Model (PLM) and the current task. But in the case of relation classification, it is difficult to map the masked output to the relation labels because of its abundant semantic information, e.g. org:founded_by''. Therefore, a pre-trained model still needs enough labelled data to fit the relations. To mitigate this challenge, in this paper, we present a novel prompt-based learning method, namely LabelPrompt, for the relation classification task. It is an extraordinary intuitive approach by a motivation: ``GIVE MODEL CHOICES!''. First, we define some additional tokens to represent the relation labels, which regards these tokens as the verbalizer with semantic initialisation and constructs them with a prompt template method. Then we revisit the inconsistency of the predicted relation and the given entities, an entity-aware module with the thought of contrastive learning is designed to mitigate the problem. At last, we apply an attention query strategy to self-attention layers to resolve two types of tokens, prompt tokens and sequence tokens. The proposed strategy effectively improves the adaptation capability of prompt-based learning in the relation classification task when only a small labelled data is available. Extensive experimental results obtained on several bench-marking datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed LabelPrompt method, particularly in the few-shot scenario.
Abstract:Recently, Flat-LAttice Transformer (FLAT) has achieved great success in Chinese Named Entity Recognition (NER). FLAT performs lexical enhancement by constructing flat lattices, which mitigates the difficulties posed by blurred word boundaries and the lack of word semantics. In FLAT, the positions of starting and ending characters are used to connect a matching word. However, this method is likely to match more words when dealing with long texts, resulting in long input sequences. Therefore, it significantly increases the memory and computational costs of the self-attention module. To deal with this issue, we advocate a novel lexical enhancement method, InterFormer, that effectively reduces the amount of computational and memory costs by constructing non-flat lattices. Furthermore, with InterFormer as the backbone, we implement NFLAT for Chinese NER. NFLAT decouples lexicon fusion and context feature encoding. Compared with FLAT, it reduces unnecessary attention calculations in "word-character" and "word-word". This reduces the memory usage by about 50% and can use more extensive lexicons or higher batches for network training. The experimental results obtained on several well-known benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art hybrid (character-word) models.
Abstract:Conventional subspace learning approaches based on image gradient orientations only employ the first-order gradient information. However, recent researches on human vision system (HVS) uncover that the neural image is a landscape or a surface whose geometric properties can be captured through the second order gradient information. The second order image gradient orientations (SOIGO) can mitigate the adverse effect of noises in face images. To reduce the redundancy of SOIGO, we propose compact SOIGO (CSOIGO) by applying linear complex principal component analysis (PCA) in SOIGO. Combined with collaborative representation based classification (CRC) algorithm, the classification performance of CSOIGO is further enhanced. CSOIGO is evaluated under real-world disguise, synthesized occlusion and mixed variations. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method is superior to its competing approaches with few training samples, and even outperforms some prevailing deep neural network based approaches. The source code of CSOIGO is available at https://github.com/yinhefeng/SOIGO.
Abstract:Recently, word enhancement has become very popular for Chinese Named Entity Recognition (NER), reducing segmentation errors and increasing the semantic and boundary information of Chinese words. However, these methods tend to ignore the information of the Chinese character structure after integrating the lexical information. Chinese characters have evolved from pictographs since ancient times, and their structure often reflects more information about the characters. This paper presents a novel Multi-metadata Embedding based Cross-Transformer (MECT) to improve the performance of Chinese NER by fusing the structural information of Chinese characters. Specifically, we use multi-metadata embedding in a two-stream Transformer to integrate Chinese character features with the radical-level embedding. With the structural characteristics of Chinese characters, MECT can better capture the semantic information of Chinese characters for NER. The experimental results obtained on several well-known benchmarking datasets demonstrate the merits and superiority of the proposed MECT method.\footnote{The source code of the proposed method is publicly available at https://github.com/CoderMusou/MECT4CNER.
Abstract:This paper presents a Depthwise Disout Convolutional Neural Network (DD-CNN) for the detection and classification of urban acoustic scenes. Specifically, we use log-mel as feature representations of acoustic signals for the inputs of our network. In the proposed DD-CNN, depthwise separable convolution is used to reduce the network complexity. Besides, SpecAugment and Disout are used for further performance boosting. Experimental results demonstrate that our DD-CNN can learn discriminative acoustic characteristics from audio fragments and effectively reduce the network complexity. Our DD-CNN was used for the low-complexity acoustic scene classification task of the DCASE2020 Challenge, which achieves 92.04% accuracy on the validation set.