Abstract:Compressing a set of unordered points is far more challenging than compressing images/videos of regular sample grids, because of the difficulties in characterizing neighboring relations in an irregular layout of points. Many researchers resort to voxelization to introduce regularity, but this approach suffers from quantization loss. In this research, we use the KNN method to determine the neighborhoods of raw surface points. This gives us a means to determine the spatial context in which the latent features of 3D points are compressed by arithmetic coding. As such, the conditional probability model is adaptive to local geometry, leading to significant rate reduction. Additionally, we propose a dual-layer architecture where a non-learning base layer reconstructs the main structures of the point cloud at low complexity, while a learned refinement layer focuses on preserving fine details. This design leads to reductions in model complexity and coding latency by two orders of magnitude compared to SOTA methods. Moreover, we incorporate an implicit neural representation (INR) into the refinement layer, allowing the decoder to sample points on the underlying surface at arbitrary densities. This work is the first to effectively exploit content-aware local contexts for compressing irregular raw point clouds, achieving high rate-distortion performance, low complexity, and the ability to function as an arbitrary-scale upsampling network simultaneously.
Abstract:Recently, DNN models for lossless image coding have surpassed their traditional counterparts in compression performance, reducing the bit rate by about ten percent for natural color images. But even with these advances, mathematically lossless image compression (MLLIC) ratios for natural images still fall short of the bandwidth and cost-effectiveness requirements of most practical imaging and vision systems at present and beyond. To break the bottleneck of MLLIC in compression performance, we question the necessity of MLLIC, as almost all digital sensors inherently introduce acquisition noises, making mathematically lossless compression counterproductive. Therefore, in contrast to MLLIC, we propose a new paradigm of joint denoising and compression called functionally lossless image compression (FLLIC), which performs lossless compression of optimally denoised images (the optimality may be task-specific). Although not literally lossless with respect to the noisy input, FLLIC aims to achieve the best possible reconstruction of the latent noise-free original image. Extensive experiments show that FLLIC achieves state-of-the-art performance in joint denoising and compression of noisy images and does so at a lower computational cost.
Abstract:Recent supervised and unsupervised image representation learning algorithms have achieved quantum leaps. However, these techniques do not account for representation resilience against noise in their design paradigms. Consequently, these effective methods suffer failure when confronted with noise outside the training distribution, such as complicated real-world noise that is usually opaque to model training. To address this issue, dual domains are optimized to separately model a canonical space for noisy representations, namely the Noise-Robust (NR) domain, and a twinned canonical clean space, namely the Noise-Free (NF) domain, by maximizing the interaction information between the representations. Given the dual canonical domains, we design a target-guided implicit neural mapping function to accurately translate the NR representations to the NF domain, yielding noise-resistant representations by eliminating noise regencies. The proposed method is a scalable module that can be readily integrated into existing learning systems to improve their robustness against noise. Comprehensive trials of various tasks using both synthetic and real-world noisy data demonstrate that the proposed Target-Guided Dual-Domain Translation (TDDT) method is able to achieve remarkable performance and robustness in the face of complex noisy images.
Abstract:Ultra high resolution (UHR) images are almost always downsampled to fit small displays of mobile end devices and upsampled to its original resolution when exhibited on very high-resolution displays. This observation motivates us on jointly optimizing operation pairs of downsampling and upsampling that are spatially adaptive to image contents for maximal rate-distortion performance. In this paper, we propose an adaptive downsampled dual-layer (ADDL) image compression system. In the ADDL compression system, an image is reduced in resolution by learned content-adaptive downsampling kernels and compressed to form a coded base layer. For decompression the base layer is decoded and upconverted to the original resolution using a deep upsampling neural network, aided by the prior knowledge of the learned adaptive downsampling kernels. We restrict the downsampling kernels to the form of Gabor filters in order to reduce the complexity of filter optimization and also reduce the amount of side information needed by the decoder for adaptive upsampling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed ADDL compression approach of jointly optimized, spatially adaptive downsampling and upconversion outperforms the state of the art image compression methods.
Abstract:Lossless and near-lossless image compression is of paramount importance to professional users in many technical fields, such as medicine, remote sensing, precision engineering and scientific research. But despite rapidly growing research interests in learning-based image compression, no published method offers both lossless and near-lossless modes. In this paper, we propose a unified and powerful deep lossy plus residual (DLPR) coding framework for both lossless and near-lossless image compression. In the lossless mode, the DLPR coding system first performs lossy compression and then lossless coding of residuals. We solve the joint lossy and residual compression problem in the approach of VAEs, and add autoregressive context modeling of the residuals to enhance lossless compression performance. In the near-lossless mode, we quantize the original residuals to satisfy a given $\ell_\infty$ error bound, and propose a scalable near-lossless compression scheme that works for variable $\ell_\infty$ bounds instead of training multiple networks. To expedite the DLPR coding, we increase the degree of algorithm parallelization by a novel design of coding context, and accelerate the entropy coding with adaptive residual interval. Experimental results demonstrate that the DLPR coding system achieves both the state-of-the-art lossless and near-lossless image compression performance with competitive coding speed.
Abstract:For image restoration, most existing deep learning based methods tend to overfit the training data leading to bad results when encountering unseen degradations out of the assumptions for training. To improve the robustness, generative adversarial network (GAN) prior based methods have been proposed, revealing a promising capability to restore photo-realistic and high-quality results. But these methods suffer from semantic confusion, especially on semantically significant images such as face images. In this paper, we propose a semantic-aware latent space exploration method for image restoration (SAIR). By explicitly modeling referenced semantics information, SAIR can consistently restore severely degraded images not only to high-resolution highly-realistic looks but also to correct semantics. Quantitative and qualitative experiments collectively demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SAIR. Our code can be found in https://github.com/Liamkuo/SAIR.
Abstract:To enrich the functionalities of traditional cameras, light field cameras record both the intensity and direction of light rays, so that images can be rendered with user-defined camera parameters via computations. The added capability and flexibility are gained at the cost of gathering typically more than $100\times$ greater amount of information than conventional images. To cope with this issue, several light field compression schemes have been introduced. However, their ways of exploiting correlations of multidimensional light field data are complex and are hence not suited for inexpensive light field cameras. In this work, we propose a novel $\ell_\infty$-constrained light-field image compression system that has a very low-complexity DPCM encoder and a CNN-based deep decoder. Targeting high-fidelity reconstruction, the CNN decoder capitalizes on the $\ell_\infty$-constraint and light field properties to remove the compression artifacts and achieves significantly better performance than existing state-of-the-art $\ell_2$-based light field compression methods.
Abstract:Almost every single image restoration problem has a closely related parameter, such as the scale factor in super-resolution, the noise level in image denoising, and the quality factor in JPEG deblocking. Although recent studies on image restoration problems have achieved great success due to the development of deep neural networks, they handle the parameter involved in an unsophisticated way. Most previous researchers either treat problems with different parameter levels as independent tasks, and train a specific model for each parameter level; or simply ignore the parameter, and train a single model for all parameter levels. The two popular approaches have their own shortcomings. The former is inefficient in computing and the latter is ineffective in performance. In this work, we propose a novel system called functional neural network (FuncNet) to solve a parametric image restoration problem with a single model. Unlike a plain neural network, the smallest conceptual element of our FuncNet is no longer a floating-point variable, but a function of the parameter of the problem. This feature makes it both efficient and effective for a parametric problem. We apply FuncNet to super-resolution, image denoising, and JPEG deblocking. The experimental results show the superiority of our FuncNet on all three parametric image restoration tasks over the state of the arts.
Abstract:For deep learning methods of image super-resolution, the most critical issue is whether the paired low and high resolution images for training accurately reflect the sampling process of real cameras. Low and high resolution (LR$\sim$HR) image pairs synthesized by existing degradation models (e.g. bicubic downsampling) deviate from those in reality; thus the super-resolution CNN trained by these synthesized LR$\sim$HR image pairs does not perform well when being applied to real images. In this paper, we propose a novel method to capture a large set of realistic LR$\sim$HR image pairs using real cameras. The data acquisition is carried out under controllable lab conditions with minimum human intervention and at high throughput (about 500 image pairs per hour). The high level of automation makes it easy to produce a set of real LR$\sim$HR training image pairs for each camera.Our innovation is to shoot images displayed on an ultra-high quality screen at different resolutions. There are three distinctive advantages of our method for image super-resolution. First, as the LR and HR images are taken of a 3D planar surface (the screen) the registration problem fits exactly to a homography model and we can display specially designed markers on the image to improve the registration precision. Second, the displayed digital image file can be exploited as a reference to optimize the high frequency content of the restored image. Third, this high-efficiency data collection method makes it possible to collect a customized dataset for each camera sensor, for which one can train a specific model for the intended camera sensor. Experimental results show that training a super-resolution CNN by our LR$\sim$HR dataset has superior restoration performance than training it by existing datasets on real world images at the inference stage.
Abstract:Arguably the most common and salient object in daily video communications is the talking head, as encountered in social media, virtual classrooms, teleconferences, news broadcasting, talk shows, etc. When communication bandwidth is limited by network congestions or cost effectiveness, compression artifacts in talking head videos are inevitable. The resulting video quality degradation is highly visible and objectionable due to high acuity of human visual system to faces. To solve this problem, we develop a multi-modality deep convolutional neural network method for restoring face videos that are aggressively compressed. The main innovation is a new DCNN architecture that incorporates known priors of multiple modalities: the video-synchronized speech signal and semantic elements of the compression code stream, including motion vectors, code partition map and quantization parameters. These priors strongly correlate with the latent video and hence they are able to enhance the capability of deep learning to remove compression artifacts. Ample empirical evidences are presented to validate the superior performance of the proposed DCNN method on face videos over the existing state-of-the-art methods.