Abstract:We present an approach to reduce the performance disparity between geographic regions without degrading performance on the overall user population for ASR. A popular approach is to fine-tune the model with data from regions where the ASR model has a higher word error rate (WER). However, when the ASR model is adapted to get better performance on these high-WER regions, its parameters wander from the previous optimal values, which can lead to worse performance in other regions. In our proposed method, we utilize the elastic weight consolidation (EWC) regularization loss to identify directions in parameters space along which the ASR weights can vary to improve for high-error regions, while still maintaining performance on the speaker population overall. Our results demonstrate that EWC can reduce the word error rate (WER) in the region with highest WER by 3.2% relative while reducing the overall WER by 1.3% relative. We also evaluate the role of language and acoustic models in ASR fairness and propose a clustering algorithm to identify WER disparities based on geographic region.
Abstract:Comprehending the overall intent of an utterance helps a listener recognize the individual words spoken. Inspired by this fact, we perform a novel study of the impact of explicitly incorporating intent representations as additional information to improve a recurrent neural network-transducer (RNN-T) based automatic speech recognition (ASR) system. An audio-to-intent (A2I) model encodes the intent of the utterance in the form of embeddings or posteriors, and these are used as auxiliary inputs for RNN-T training and inference. Experimenting with a 50k-hour far-field English speech corpus, this study shows that when running the system in non-streaming mode, where intent representation is extracted from the entire utterance and then used to bias streaming RNN-T search from the start, it provides a 5.56% relative word error rate reduction (WERR). On the other hand, a streaming system using per-frame intent posteriors as extra inputs for the RNN-T ASR system yields a 3.33% relative WERR. A further detailed analysis of the streaming system indicates that our proposed method brings especially good gain on media-playing related intents (e.g. 9.12% relative WERR on PlayMusicIntent).
Abstract:Acoustic unit discovery (AUD) is a process of automatically identifying a categorical acoustic unit inventory from speech and producing corresponding acoustic unit tokenizations. AUD provides an important avenue for unsupervised acoustic model training in a zero resource setting where expert-provided linguistic knowledge and transcribed speech are unavailable. Therefore, to further facilitate zero-resource AUD process, in this paper, we demonstrate acoustic feature representations can be significantly improved by (i) performing linear discriminant analysis (LDA) in an unsupervised self-trained fashion, and (ii) leveraging resources of other languages through building a multilingual bottleneck (BN) feature extractor to give effective cross-lingual generalization. Moreover, we perform comprehensive evaluations of AUD efficacy on multiple downstream speech applications, and their correlated performance suggests that AUD evaluations are feasible using different alternative language resources when only a subset of these evaluation resources can be available in typical zero resource applications.