Oregon State University
Abstract:When designing agents for operation in uncertain environments, designers need tools to automatically reason about what agents ought to do, how that conflicts with what is actually happening, and how a policy might be modified to remove the conflict. These obligations include ethical and social obligations, permissions and prohibitions, which constrain how the agent achieves its mission and executes its policy. We propose a new deontic logic, Expected Act Utilitarian deontic logic, for enabling this reasoning at design time: for specifying and verifying the agent's strategic obligations, then modifying its policy from a reference policy to meet those obligations. Unlike approaches that work at the reward level, working at the logical level increases the transparency of the trade-offs. We introduce two algorithms: one for model-checking whether an RL agent has the right strategic obligations, and one for modifying a reference decision policy to make it meet obligations expressed in our logic. We illustrate our algorithms on DAC-MDPs which accurately abstract neural decision policies, and on toy gridworld environments.
Abstract:We demonstrate the first Recurrent Neural Network architecture for learning Signal Temporal Logic formulas, and present the first systematic comparison of formula inference methods. Legacy systems embed much expert knowledge which is not explicitly formalized. There is great interest in learning formal specifications that characterize the ideal behavior of such systems -- that is, formulas in temporal logic that are satisfied by the system's output signals. Such specifications can be used to better understand the system's behavior and improve design of its next iteration. Previous inference methods either assumed certain formula templates, or did a heuristic enumeration of all possible templates. This work proposes a neural network architecture that infers the formula structure via gradient descent, eliminating the need for imposing any specific templates. It combines learning of formula structure and parameters in one optimization. Through systematic comparison, we demonstrate that this method achieves similar or better mis-classification rates (MCR) than enumerative and lattice methods. We also observe that different formulas can achieve similar MCR, empirically demonstrating the under-determinism of the problem of temporal logic inference.
Abstract:We develop a formal framework for automatic reasoning about the obligations of autonomous cyber-physical systems, including their social and ethical obligations. Obligations, permissions and prohibitions are distinct from a system's mission, and are a necessary part of specifying advanced, adaptive AI-equipped systems. They need a dedicated deontic logic of obligations to formalize them. Most existing deontic logics lack corresponding algorithms and system models that permit automatic verification. We demonstrate how a particular deontic logic, Dominance Act Utilitarianism (DAU), is a suitable starting point for formalizing the obligations of autonomous systems like self-driving cars. We demonstrate its usefulness by formalizing a subset of Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) in DAU; RSS is an industrial proposal for how self-driving cars should and should not behave in traffic. We show that certain logical consequences of RSS are undesirable, indicating a need to further refine the proposal. We also demonstrate how obligations can change over time, which is necessary for long-term autonomy. We then demonstrate a model-checking algorithm for DAU formulas on weighted transition systems, and illustrate it by model-checking obligations of a self-driving car controller from the literature.
Abstract:Urban Air Mobility, the scenario where hundreds of manned and Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) carry out a wide variety of missions (e.g. moving humans and goods within the city), is gaining acceptance as a transportation solution of the future. One of the key requirements for this to happen is safely managing the air traffic in these urban airspaces. Due to the expected density of the airspace, this requires fast autonomous solutions that can be deployed online. We propose Learning-'N-Flying (LNF) a multi-UAS Collision Avoidance (CA) framework. It is decentralized, works on-the-fly and allows autonomous UAS managed by different operators to safely carry out complex missions, represented using Signal Temporal Logic, in a shared airspace. We initially formulate the problem of predictive collision avoidance for two UAS as a mixed-integer linear program, and show that it is intractable to solve online. Instead, we first develop Learning-to-Fly (L2F) by combining: a) learning-based decision-making, and b) decentralized convex optimization-based control. LNF extends L2F to cases where there are more than two UAS on a collision path. Through extensive simulations, we show that our method can run online (computation time in the order of milliseconds), and under certain assumptions has failure rates of less than 1% in the worst-case, improving to near 0% in more relaxed operations. We show the applicability of our scheme to a wide variety of settings through multiple case studies.
Abstract:With increasing urban population, there is global interest in Urban Air Mobility (UAM), where hundreds of autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) execute missions in the airspace above cities. Unlike traditional human-in-the-loop air traffic management, UAM requires decentralized autonomous approaches that scale for an order of magnitude higher aircraft densities and are applicable to urban settings. We present Learning-to-Fly (L2F), a decentralized on-demand airborne collision avoidance framework for multiple UAS that allows them to independently plan and safely execute missions with spatial, temporal and reactive objectives expressed using Signal Temporal Logic. We formulate the problem of predictively avoiding collisions between two UAS without violating mission objectives as a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP).This however is intractable to solve online. Instead, we develop L2F, a two-stage collision avoidance method that consists of: 1) a learning-based decision-making scheme and 2) a distributed, linear programming-based UAS control algorithm. Through extensive simulations, we show the real-time applicability of our method which is $\approx\!6000\times$ faster than the MILP approach and can resolve $100\%$ of collisions when there is ample room to maneuver, and shows graceful degradation in performance otherwise. We also compare L2F to two other methods and demonstrate an implementation on quad-rotor robots.
Abstract:In 2005 DARPA labeled the realization of viable autonomous vehicles (AVs) a grand challenge; a short time later the idea became a moonshot that could change the automotive industry. Today, the question of safety stands between reality and solved. Given the right platform the CPS community is poised to offer unique insights. However, testing the limits of safety and performance on real vehicles is costly and hazardous. The use of such vehicles is also outside the reach of most researchers and students. In this paper, we present F1/10: an open-source, affordable, and high-performance 1/10 scale autonomous vehicle testbed. The F1/10 testbed carries a full suite of sensors, perception, planning, control, and networking software stacks that are similar to full scale solutions. We demonstrate key examples of the research enabled by the F1/10 testbed, and how the platform can be used to augment research and education in autonomous systems, making autonomy more accessible.