Abstract:In addition to the ability to generate fluent text in various languages, large language models have been successful at tasks that involve basic forms of logical "reasoning" over their context. Recent work found that selectively removing certain components from weight matrices in pre-trained models can improve such reasoning capabilities. We investigate this phenomenon further by carefully studying how certain global associations tend to be stored in specific weight components or Transformer blocks, in particular feed-forward layers. Such associations may hurt predictions in reasoning tasks, and removing the corresponding components may then improve performance. We analyze how this arises during training, both empirically and theoretically, on a two-layer Transformer trained on a basic reasoning task with noise, a toy associative memory model, and on the Pythia family of pre-trained models tested on simple reasoning tasks.
Abstract:Transformers have revolutionized machine learning across diverse domains, yet understanding their behavior remains crucial, particularly in high-stakes applications. This paper introduces the contextual counting task, a novel toy problem aimed at enhancing our understanding of Transformers in quantitative and scientific contexts. This task requires precise localization and computation within datasets, akin to object detection or region-based scientific analysis. We present theoretical and empirical analysis using both causal and non-causal Transformer architectures, investigating the influence of various positional encodings on performance and interpretability. In particular, we find that causal attention is much better suited for the task, and that no positional embeddings lead to the best accuracy, though rotary embeddings are competitive and easier to train. We also show that out of distribution performance is tightly linked to which tokens it uses as a bias term.
Abstract:We study level set teleportation, an optimization sub-routine which seeks to accelerate gradient methods by maximizing the gradient norm on a level-set of the objective function. Since the descent lemma implies that gradient descent (GD) decreases the objective proportional to the squared norm of the gradient, level-set teleportation maximizes this one-step progress guarantee. For convex functions satisfying Hessian stability, we prove that GD with level-set teleportation obtains a combined sub-linear/linear convergence rate which is strictly faster than standard GD when the optimality gap is small. This is in sharp contrast to the standard (strongly) convex setting, where we show level-set teleportation neither improves nor worsens convergence rates. To evaluate teleportation in practice, we develop a projected-gradient-type method requiring only Hessian-vector products. We use this method to show that gradient methods with access to a teleportation oracle uniformly out-perform their standard versions on a variety of learning problems.
Abstract:Adam has been shown to outperform gradient descent in optimizing large language transformers empirically, and by a larger margin than on other tasks, but it is unclear why this happens. We show that the heavy-tailed class imbalance found in language modeling tasks leads to difficulties in the optimization dynamics. When training with gradient descent, the loss associated with infrequent words decreases slower than the loss associated with frequent ones. As most samples come from relatively infrequent words, the average loss decreases slowly with gradient descent. On the other hand, Adam and sign-based methods do not suffer from this problem and improve predictions on all classes. To establish that this behavior is indeed caused by class imbalance, we show empirically that it persist through different architectures and data types, on language transformers, vision CNNs, and linear models. We further study this phenomenon on a linear classification with cross-entropy loss, showing that heavy-tailed class imbalance leads to ill-conditioning, and that the normalization used by Adam can counteract it.
Abstract:This work focuses on the training dynamics of one associative memory module storing outer products of token embeddings. We reduce this problem to the study of a system of particles, which interact according to properties of the data distribution and correlations between embeddings. Through theory and experiments, we provide several insights. In overparameterized regimes, we obtain logarithmic growth of the ``classification margins.'' Yet, we show that imbalance in token frequencies and memory interferences due to correlated embeddings lead to oscillatory transitory regimes. The oscillations are more pronounced with large step sizes, which can create benign loss spikes, although these learning rates speed up the dynamics and accelerate the asymptotic convergence. In underparameterized regimes, we illustrate how the cross-entropy loss can lead to suboptimal memorization schemes. Finally, we assess the validity of our findings on small Transformer models.
Abstract:We study gradient flow on the multi-index regression problem for high-dimensional Gaussian data. Multi-index functions consist of a composition of an unknown low-rank linear projection and an arbitrary unknown, low-dimensional link function. As such, they constitute a natural template for feature learning in neural networks. We consider a two-timescale algorithm, whereby the low-dimensional link function is learnt with a non-parametric model infinitely faster than the subspace parametrizing the low-rank projection. By appropriately exploiting the matrix semigroup structure arising over the subspace correlation matrices, we establish global convergence of the resulting Grassmannian population gradient flow dynamics, and provide a quantitative description of its associated `saddle-to-saddle' dynamics. Notably, the timescales associated with each saddle can be explicitly characterized in terms of an appropriate Hermite decomposition of the target link function. In contrast with these positive results, we also show that the related \emph{planted} problem, where the link function is known and fixed, in fact has a rough optimization landscape, in which gradient flow dynamics might get trapped with high probability.
Abstract:We introduce multiple physics pretraining (MPP), an autoregressive task-agnostic pretraining approach for physical surrogate modeling. MPP involves training large surrogate models to predict the dynamics of multiple heterogeneous physical systems simultaneously by learning features that are broadly useful across diverse physical tasks. In order to learn effectively in this setting, we introduce a shared embedding and normalization strategy that projects the fields of multiple systems into a single shared embedding space. We validate the efficacy of our approach on both pretraining and downstream tasks over a broad fluid mechanics-oriented benchmark. We show that a single MPP-pretrained transformer is able to match or outperform task-specific baselines on all pretraining sub-tasks without the need for finetuning. For downstream tasks, we demonstrate that finetuning MPP-trained models results in more accurate predictions across multiple time-steps on new physics compared to training from scratch or finetuning pretrained video foundation models. We open-source our code and model weights trained at multiple scales for reproducibility and community experimentation.
Abstract:We present AstroCLIP, a strategy to facilitate the construction of astronomical foundation models that bridge the gap between diverse observational modalities. We demonstrate that a cross-modal contrastive learning approach between images and optical spectra of galaxies yields highly informative embeddings of both modalities. In particular, we apply our method on multi-band images and optical spectra from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), and show that: (1) these embeddings are well-aligned between modalities and can be used for accurate cross-modal searches, and (2) these embeddings encode valuable physical information about the galaxies -- in particular redshift and stellar mass -- that can be used to achieve competitive zero- and few- shot predictions without further finetuning. Additionally, in the process of developing our approach, we also construct a novel, transformer-based model and pretraining approach for processing galaxy spectra.
Abstract:Large Language Models have not yet been broadly adapted for the analysis of scientific datasets due in part to the unique difficulties of tokenizing numbers. We propose xVal, a numerical encoding scheme that represents any real number using just a single token. xVal represents a given real number by scaling a dedicated embedding vector by the number value. Combined with a modified number-inference approach, this strategy renders the model end-to-end continuous when considered as a map from the numbers of the input string to those of the output string. This leads to an inductive bias that is generally more suitable for applications in scientific domains. We empirically evaluate our proposal on a number of synthetic and real-world datasets. Compared with existing number encoding schemes, we find that xVal is more token-efficient and demonstrates improved generalization.
Abstract:Learning arguably involves the discovery and memorization of abstract rules. The aim of this paper is to study associative memory mechanisms. Our model is based on high-dimensional matrices consisting of outer products of embeddings, which relates to the inner layers of transformer language models. We derive precise scaling laws with respect to sample size and parameter size, and discuss the statistical efficiency of different estimators, including optimization-based algorithms. We provide extensive numerical experiments to validate and interpret theoretical results, including fine-grained visualizations of the stored memory associations.