Abstract:Text-based person search is the task of finding person images that are the most relevant to the natural language text description given as query. The main challenge of this task is a large gap between the target images and text queries, which makes it difficult to establish correspondence and distinguish subtle differences across people. To address this challenge, we introduce an efficient encoder-decoder model that extracts coarse-to-fine embedding vectors which are semantically aligned across the two modalities without supervision for the alignment. There is another challenge of learning to capture fine-grained information with only person IDs as supervision, where similar body parts of different individuals are considered different due to the lack of part-level supervision. To tackle this, we propose a novel ranking loss, dubbed commonality-based margin ranking loss, which quantifies the degree of commonality of each body part and reflects it during the learning of fine-grained body part details. As a consequence, it enables our method to achieve the best records on three public benchmarks.
Abstract:Temporal action segmentation and long-term action anticipation are two popular vision tasks for the temporal analysis of actions in videos. Despite apparent relevance and potential complementarity, these two problems have been investigated as separate and distinct tasks. In this work, we tackle these two problems, action segmentation and action anticipation, jointly using a unified diffusion model dubbed ActFusion. The key idea to unification is to train the model to effectively handle both visible and invisible parts of the sequence in an integrated manner; the visible part is for temporal segmentation, and the invisible part is for future anticipation. To this end, we introduce a new anticipative masking strategy during training in which a late part of the video frames is masked as invisible, and learnable tokens replace these frames to learn to predict the invisible future. Experimental results demonstrate the bi-directional benefits between action segmentation and anticipation. ActFusion achieves the state-of-the-art performance across the standard benchmarks of 50 Salads, Breakfast, and GTEA, outperforming task-specific models in both of the two tasks with a single unified model through joint learning.
Abstract:Object-centric learning (OCL) aims to learn representations of individual objects within visual scenes without manual supervision, facilitating efficient and effective visual reasoning. Traditional OCL methods primarily employ bottom-up approaches that aggregate homogeneous visual features to represent objects. However, in complex visual environments, these methods often fall short due to the heterogeneous nature of visual features within an object. To address this, we propose a novel OCL framework incorporating a top-down pathway. This pathway first bootstraps the semantics of individual objects and then modulates the model to prioritize features relevant to these semantics. By dynamically modulating the model based on its own output, our top-down pathway enhances the representational quality of objects. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple synthetic and real-world object-discovery benchmarks.
Abstract:We study the problem of training an unbiased and accurate model given a dataset with multiple biases. This problem is challenging since the multiple biases cause multiple undesirable shortcuts during training, and even worse, mitigating one may exacerbate the other. We propose a novel training method to tackle this challenge. Our method first groups training data so that different groups induce different shortcuts, and then optimizes a linear combination of group-wise losses while adjusting their weights dynamically to alleviate conflicts between the groups in performance; this approach, rooted in the multi-objective optimization theory, encourages to achieve the minimax Pareto solution. We also present a new benchmark with multiple biases, dubbed MultiCelebA, for evaluating debiased training methods under realistic and challenging scenarios. Our method achieved the best on three datasets with multiple biases, and also showed superior performance on conventional single-bias datasets.
Abstract:Large-scale image-text pre-trained models enable zero-shot classification and provide consistent accuracy across various data distributions. Nonetheless, optimizing these models in downstream tasks typically requires fine-tuning, which reduces generalization to out-of-distribution (OOD) data and demands extensive computational resources. We introduce Robust Adapter (R-Adapter), a novel method for fine-tuning zero-shot models to downstream tasks while simultaneously addressing both these issues. Our method integrates lightweight modules into the pre-trained model and employs novel self-ensemble techniques to boost OOD robustness and reduce storage expenses substantially. Furthermore, we propose MPM-NCE loss designed for fine-tuning on vision-language downstream tasks. It ensures precise alignment of multiple image-text pairs and discriminative feature learning. By extending the benchmark for robust fine-tuning beyond classification to include diverse tasks such as cross-modal retrieval and open vocabulary segmentation, we demonstrate the broad applicability of R-Adapter. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that R-Adapter achieves state-of-the-art performance across a diverse set of tasks, tuning only 13% of the parameters of the CLIP encoders.
Abstract:Online temporal action localization (On-TAL) is the task of identifying multiple action instances given a streaming video. Since existing methods take as input only a video segment of fixed size per iteration, they are limited in considering long-term context and require tuning the segment size carefully. To overcome these limitations, we propose memory-augmented transformer (MATR). MATR utilizes the memory queue that selectively preserves the past segment features, allowing to leverage long-term context for inference. We also propose a novel action localization method that observes the current input segment to predict the end time of the ongoing action and accesses the memory queue to estimate the start time of the action. Our method outperformed existing methods on two datasets, THUMOS14 and MUSES, surpassing not only TAL methods in the online setting but also some offline TAL methods.
Abstract:Video action detection (VAD) aims to detect actors and classify their actions in a video. We figure that VAD suffers more from classification rather than localization of actors. Hence, we analyze how prevailing methods form features for classification and find that they prioritize actor regions, yet often overlooking the essential contextual information necessary for accurate classification. Accordingly, we propose to reduce the bias toward actor and encourage paying attention to the context that is relevant to each action class. By assigning a class-dedicated query to each action class, our model can dynamically determine where to focus for effective classification. The proposed model demonstrates superior performance on three challenging benchmarks with significantly fewer parameters and less computation.
Abstract:Robust semantic segmentation under adverse conditions is crucial in real-world applications. To address this challenging task in practical scenarios where labeled normal condition images are not accessible in training, we propose FREST, a novel feature restoration framework for source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) of semantic segmentation to adverse conditions. FREST alternates two steps: (1) learning the condition embedding space that only separates the condition information from the features and (2) restoring features of adverse condition images on the learned condition embedding space. By alternating these two steps, FREST gradually restores features where the effect of adverse conditions is reduced. FREST achieved a state of the art on two public benchmarks (i.e., ACDC and RobotCar) for SFDA to adverse conditions. Moreover, it shows superior generalization ability on unseen datasets.
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel approach to learning instance segmentation using extreme points, i.e., the topmost, leftmost, bottommost, and rightmost points, of each object. These points are readily available in the modern bounding box annotation process while offering strong clues for precise segmentation, and thus allows to improve performance at the same annotation cost with box-supervised methods. Our work considers extreme points as a part of the true instance mask and propagates them to identify potential foreground and background points, which are all together used for training a pseudo label generator. Then pseudo labels given by the generator are in turn used for supervised learning of our final model. On three public benchmarks, our method significantly outperforms existing box-supervised methods, further narrowing the gap with its fully supervised counterpart. In particular, our model generates high-quality masks when a target object is separated into multiple parts, where previous box-supervised methods often fail.
Abstract:We propose a method to distill a complex multistep diffusion model into a single-step conditional GAN student model, dramatically accelerating inference, while preserving image quality. Our approach interprets diffusion distillation as a paired image-to-image translation task, using noise-to-image pairs of the diffusion model's ODE trajectory. For efficient regression loss computation, we propose E-LatentLPIPS, a perceptual loss operating directly in diffusion model's latent space, utilizing an ensemble of augmentations. Furthermore, we adapt a diffusion model to construct a multi-scale discriminator with a text alignment loss to build an effective conditional GAN-based formulation. E-LatentLPIPS converges more efficiently than many existing distillation methods, even accounting for dataset construction costs. We demonstrate that our one-step generator outperforms cutting-edge one-step diffusion distillation models - DMD, SDXL-Turbo, and SDXL-Lightning - on the zero-shot COCO benchmark.