Abstract:A soundscape is defined by the acoustic environment a person perceives at a location. In this work, we propose a framework for mapping soundscapes across the Earth. Since soundscapes involve sound distributions that span varying spatial scales, we represent locations with multi-scale satellite imagery and learn a joint representation among this imagery, audio, and text. To capture the inherent uncertainty in the soundscape of a location, we design the representation space to be probabilistic. We also fuse ubiquitous metadata (including geolocation, time, and data source) to enable learning of spatially and temporally dynamic representations of soundscapes. We demonstrate the utility of our framework by creating large-scale soundscape maps integrating both audio and text with temporal control. To facilitate future research on this task, we also introduce a large-scale dataset, GeoSound, containing over $300k$ geotagged audio samples paired with both low- and high-resolution satellite imagery. We demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art on both GeoSound and the existing SoundingEarth dataset. Our dataset and code is available at https://github.com/mvrl/PSM.
Abstract:We introduce the task of mixed-view panorama synthesis, where the goal is to synthesize a novel panorama given a small set of input panoramas and a satellite image of the area. This contrasts with previous work which only uses input panoramas (same-view synthesis), or an input satellite image (cross-view synthesis). We argue that the mixed-view setting is the most natural to support panorama synthesis for arbitrary locations worldwide. A critical challenge is that the spatial coverage of panoramas is uneven, with few panoramas available in many regions of the world. We introduce an approach that utilizes diffusion-based modeling and an attention-based architecture for extracting information from all available input imagery. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. In particular, our model can handle scenarios when the available panoramas are sparse or far from the location of the panorama we are attempting to synthesize.
Abstract:In remote sensing, we are interested in modeling various modalities for some geographic location. Several works have focused on learning the relationship between a location and type of landscape, habitability, audio, textual descriptions, etc. Recently, a common way to approach these problems is to train a deep-learning model that uses satellite images to infer some unique characteristics of the location. In this work, we present a deep-learning model, GeoBind, that can infer about multiple modalities, specifically text, image, and audio, from satellite imagery of a location. To do this, we use satellite images as the binding element and contrastively align all other modalities to the satellite image data. Our training results in a joint embedding space with multiple types of data: satellite image, ground-level image, audio, and text. Furthermore, our approach does not require a single complex dataset that contains all the modalities mentioned above. Rather it only requires multiple satellite-image paired data. While we only align three modalities in this paper, we present a general framework that can be used to create an embedding space with any number of modalities by using satellite images as the binding element. Our results show that, unlike traditional unimodal models, GeoBind is versatile and can reason about multiple modalities for a given satellite image input.
Abstract:We present GeoSynth, a model for synthesizing satellite images with global style and image-driven layout control. The global style control is via textual prompts or geographic location. These enable the specification of scene semantics or regional appearance respectively, and can be used together. We train our model on a large dataset of paired satellite imagery, with automatically generated captions, and OpenStreetMap data. We evaluate various combinations of control inputs, including different types of layout controls. Results demonstrate that our model can generate diverse, high-quality images and exhibits excellent zero-shot generalization. The code and model checkpoints are available at https://github.com/mvrl/GeoSynth.
Abstract:We focus on the problem of species distribution modeling using global-scale presence-only data. Most previous studies have mapped the range of a given species using geographical and environmental features alone. To capture a stronger implicit relationship between species, we encode the taxonomic hierarchy of species using a large language model. This enables range mapping for any taxonomic rank and unseen species without additional supervision. Further, we propose a novel proximity-aware evaluation metric that enables evaluating species distribution models using any pixel-level representation of ground-truth species range map. The proposed metric penalizes the predictions of a model based on its proximity to the ground truth. We describe the effectiveness of our model by systematically evaluating on the task of species range prediction, zero-shot prediction and geo-feature regression against the state-of-the-art. Results show our model outperforms the strong baselines when trained with a variety of multi-label learning losses.
Abstract:We propose a metadata-aware self-supervised learning~(SSL)~framework useful for fine-grained classification and ecological mapping of bird species around the world. Our framework unifies two SSL strategies: Contrastive Learning~(CL) and Masked Image Modeling~(MIM), while also enriching the embedding space with metadata available with ground-level imagery of birds. We separately train uni-modal and cross-modal ViT on a novel cross-view global bird species dataset containing ground-level imagery, metadata (location, time), and corresponding satellite imagery. We demonstrate that our models learn fine-grained and geographically conditioned features of birds, by evaluating on two downstream tasks: fine-grained visual classification~(FGVC) and cross-modal retrieval. Pre-trained models learned using our framework achieve SotA performance on FGVC of iNAT-2021 birds and in transfer learning settings for CUB-200-2011 and NABirds datasets. Moreover, the impressive cross-modal retrieval performance of our model enables the creation of species distribution maps across any geographic region. The dataset and source code will be released at https://github.com/mvrl/BirdSAT}.
Abstract:We focus on the task of soundscape mapping, which involves predicting the most probable sounds that could be perceived at a particular geographic location. We utilise recent state-of-the-art models to encode geotagged audio, a textual description of the audio, and an overhead image of its capture location using contrastive pre-training. The end result is a shared embedding space for the three modalities, which enables the construction of soundscape maps for any geographic region from textual or audio queries. Using the SoundingEarth dataset, we find that our approach significantly outperforms the existing SOTA, with an improvement of image-to-audio Recall@100 from 0.256 to 0.450. Our code is available at https://github.com/mvrl/geoclap.
Abstract:We propose a novel weakly supervised approach for creating maps using free-form textual descriptions (or captions). We refer to this new line of work of creating textual maps as zero-shot mapping. Prior works have approached mapping tasks by developing models that predict over a fixed set of attributes using overhead imagery. However, these models are very restrictive as they can only solve highly specific tasks for which they were trained. Mapping text, on the other hand, allows us to solve a large variety of mapping problems with minimal restrictions. To achieve this, we train a contrastive learning framework called Sat2Cap on a new large-scale dataset of paired overhead and ground-level images. For a given location, our model predicts the expected CLIP embedding of the ground-level scenery. Sat2Cap is also conditioned on temporal information, enabling it to learn dynamic concepts that vary over time. Our experimental results demonstrate that our models successfully capture fine-grained concepts and effectively adapt to temporal variations. Our approach does not require any text-labeled data making the training easily scalable. The code, dataset, and models will be made publicly available.
Abstract:There have been several post-hoc explanation approaches developed to explain pre-trained black-box neural networks. However, there is still a gap in research efforts toward designing neural networks that are inherently explainable. In this paper, we utilize a recently proposed instance-wise post-hoc causal explanation method to make an existing transformer architecture inherently explainable. Once trained, our model provides an explanation in the form of top-$k$ regions in the input space of the given instance contributing to its decision. We evaluate our method on binary classification tasks using three image datasets: MNIST, FMNIST, and CIFAR. Our results demonstrate that compared to the causality-based post-hoc explainer model, our inherently explainable model achieves better explainability results while eliminating the need of training a separate explainer model. Our code is available at https://github.com/mvrl/CAT-XPLAIN.