Abstract:Trajectory prediction plays an essential role in autonomous vehicles. While numerous strategies have been developed to enhance the robustness of trajectory prediction models, these methods are predominantly heuristic and do not offer guaranteed robustness against adversarial attacks and noisy observations. In this work, we propose a certification approach tailored for the task of trajectory prediction. To this end, we address the inherent challenges associated with trajectory prediction, including unbounded outputs, and mutli-modality, resulting in a model that provides guaranteed robustness. Furthermore, we integrate a denoiser into our method to further improve the performance. Through comprehensive evaluations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique across various baselines and using standard trajectory prediction datasets. The code will be made available online: https://s-attack.github.io/
Abstract:The transferability of adversarial examples is a key issue in the security of deep neural networks. The possibility of an adversarial example crafted for a source model fooling another targeted model makes the threat of adversarial attacks more realistic. Measuring transferability is a crucial problem, but the Attack Success Rate alone does not provide a sound evaluation. This paper proposes a new methodology for evaluating transferability by putting distortion in a central position. This new tool shows that transferable attacks may perform far worse than a black box attack if the attacker randomly picks the source model. To address this issue, we propose a new selection mechanism, called FiT, which aims at choosing the best source model with only a few preliminary queries to the target. Our experimental results show that FiT is highly effective at selecting the best source model for multiple scenarios such as single-model attacks, ensemble-model attacks and multiple attacks (Code available at: https://github.com/t-maho/transferability_measure_fit).
Abstract:Deep neural networks have been known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are inputs that are modified slightly to fool the network into making incorrect predictions. This has led to a significant amount of research on evaluating the robustness of these networks against such perturbations. One particularly important robustness metric is the robustness to minimal l2 adversarial perturbations. However, existing methods for evaluating this robustness metric are either computationally expensive or not very accurate. In this paper, we introduce a new family of adversarial attacks that strike a balance between effectiveness and computational efficiency. Our proposed attacks are generalizations of the well-known DeepFool (DF) attack, while they remain simple to understand and implement. We demonstrate that our attacks outperform existing methods in terms of both effectiveness and computational efficiency. Our proposed attacks are also suitable for evaluating the robustness of large models and can be used to perform adversarial training (AT) to achieve state-of-the-art robustness to minimal l2 adversarial perturbations.
Abstract:Although current deep learning techniques have yielded superior performance on various computer vision tasks, yet they are still vulnerable to adversarial examples. Adversarial training and its variants have been shown to be the most effective approaches to defend against adversarial examples. These methods usually regularize the difference between output probabilities for an adversarial and its corresponding natural example. However, it may have a negative impact if the model misclassifies a natural example. To circumvent this issue, we propose a novel adversarial training scheme that encourages the model to produce similar outputs for an adversarial example and its ``inverse adversarial'' counterpart. These samples are generated to maximize the likelihood in the neighborhood of natural examples. Extensive experiments on various vision datasets and architectures demonstrate that our training method achieves state-of-the-art robustness as well as natural accuracy. Furthermore, using a universal version of inverse adversarial examples, we improve the performance of single-step adversarial training techniques at a low computational cost.
Abstract:Despite their impressive performance on image classification tasks, deep networks have a hard time generalizing to many common corruptions of their data. To fix this vulnerability, prior works have mostly focused on increasing the complexity of their training pipelines, combining multiple methods, in the name of diversity. However, in this work, we take a step back and follow a principled approach to achieve robustness to common corruptions. We propose PRIME, a general data augmentation scheme that consists of simple families of max-entropy image transformations. We show that PRIME outperforms the prior art for corruption robustness, while its simplicity and plug-and-play nature enables it to be combined with other methods to further boost their robustness. Furthermore, we analyze PRIME to shed light on the importance of the mixing strategy on synthesizing corrupted images, and to reveal the robustness-accuracy trade-offs arising in the context of common corruptions. Finally, we show that the computational efficiency of our method allows it to be easily used in both on-line and off-line data augmentation schemes.
Abstract:Vehicle trajectory prediction is nowadays a fundamental pillar of self-driving cars. Both the industry and research communities have acknowledged the need for such a pillar by running public benchmarks. While state-of-the-art methods are impressive, i.e., they have no off-road prediction, their generalization to cities outside of the benchmark is unknown. In this work, we show that those methods do not generalize to new scenes. We present a novel method that automatically generates realistic scenes that cause state-of-the-art models go off-road. We frame the problem through the lens of adversarial scene generation. We promote a simple yet effective generative model based on atomic scene generation functions along with physical constraints. Our experiments show that more than $60\%$ of the existing scenes from the current benchmarks can be modified in a way to make prediction methods fail (predicting off-road). We further show that (i) the generated scenes are realistic since they do exist in the real world, and (ii) can be used to make existing models robust by 30-40%. Code is available at https://s-attack.github.io/.
Abstract:Our field has recently witnessed an arms race of neural network-based trajectory predictors. While these predictors are at the core of many applications such as autonomous navigation or pedestrian flow simulations, their adversarial robustness has not been carefully studied. In this paper, we introduce a socially-attended attack to assess the social understanding of prediction models in terms of collision avoidance. An attack is a small yet carefully-crafted perturbations to fail predictors. Technically, we define collision as a failure mode of the output, and propose hard- and soft-attention mechanisms to guide our attack. Thanks to our attack, we shed light on the limitations of the current models in terms of their social understanding. We demonstrate the strengths of our method on the recent trajectory prediction models. Finally, we show that our attack can be employed to increase the social understanding of state-of-the-art models. The code is available online: https://s-attack.github.io/
Abstract:Adversarial training has been shown as an effective approach to improve the robustness of image classifiers against white-box attacks. However, its effectiveness against black-box attacks is more nuanced. In this work, we demonstrate that some geometric consequences of adversarial training on the decision boundary of deep networks give an edge to certain types of black-box attacks. In particular, we define a metric called robustness gain to show that while adversarial training is an effective method to dramatically improve the robustness in white-box scenarios, it may not provide such a good robustness gain against the more realistic decision-based black-box attacks. Moreover, we show that even the minimal perturbation white-box attacks can converge faster against adversarially-trained neural networks compared to the regular ones.
Abstract:For certain infinitely-wide neural networks, the neural tangent kernel (NTK) theory fully characterizes generalization. However, for the networks used in practice, the empirical NTK represents only a rough first-order approximation of these architectures. Still, a growing body of work keeps leveraging this approximation to successfully analyze important deep learning phenomena and derive algorithms for new applications. In our work, we provide strong empirical evidence to determine the practical validity of such approximation by conducting a systematic comparison of the behaviour of different neural networks and their linear approximations on different tasks. We show that the linear approximations can indeed rank the learning complexity of certain tasks for neural networks, albeit with important nuances. Specifically, we discover that, in contrast to what was previously observed, neural networks do not always perform better than their kernel approximations, and reveal that their performance gap heavily depends on architecture, number of samples and training task. In fact, we show that during training, deep networks increase the alignment of their empirical NTK with the target task, which explains why linear approximations at the end of training can better explain the dynamics of deep networks. Overall, our work provides concrete examples of novel deep learning phenomena which can inspire future theoretical research, as well as provides a new perspective on the use of the NTK approximation in deep learning.
Abstract:Previous work has cast doubt on the general framework of uniform convergence and its ability to explain generalization in neural networks. By considering a specific dataset, it was observed that a neural network completely misclassifies a projection of the training data (adversarial set), rendering any existing generalization bound based on uniform convergence vacuous. We provide an extensive theoretical investigation of the previously studied data setting through the lens of infinitely-wide models. We prove that the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) also suffers from the same phenomenon and we uncover its origin. We highlight the important role of the output bias and show theoretically as well as empirically how a sensible choice completely mitigates the problem. We identify sharp phase transitions in the accuracy on the adversarial set and study its dependency on the training sample size. As a result, we are able to characterize critical sample sizes beyond which the effect disappears. Moreover, we study decompositions of a neural network into a clean and noisy part by considering its canonical decomposition into its different eigenfunctions and show empirically that for too small bias the adversarial phenomenon still persists.