Abstract:Recent advances in data collection technology, accompanied by the ever-rising volume and velocity of streaming data, underscore the vital need for time series analytics. In this regard, time-series anomaly detection has been an important activity, entailing various applications in fields such as cyber security, financial markets, law enforcement, and health care. While traditional literature on anomaly detection is centered on statistical measures, the increasing number of machine learning algorithms in recent years call for a structured, general characterization of the research methods for time-series anomaly detection. This survey groups and summarizes anomaly detection existing solutions under a process-centric taxonomy in the time series context. In addition to giving an original categorization of anomaly detection methods, we also perform a meta-analysis of the literature and outline general trends in time-series anomaly detection research.
Abstract:Distance measures have been recognized as one of the fundamental building blocks in time-series analysis tasks, e.g., querying, indexing, classification, clustering, anomaly detection, and similarity search. The vast proliferation of time-series data across a wide range of fields has increased the relevance of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of these distance measures. To provide a comprehensive view of this field, this work considers over 100 state-of-the-art distance measures, classified into 7 categories: lock-step measures, sliding measures, elastic measures, kernel measures, feature-based measures, model-based measures, and embedding measures. Beyond providing comprehensive mathematical frameworks, this work also delves into the distinctions and applications across these categories for both univariate and multivariate cases. By providing comprehensive collections and insights, this study paves the way for the future development of innovative time-series distance measures.
Abstract:Time series, as one of the most fundamental representations of sequential data, has been extensively studied across diverse disciplines, including computer science, biology, geology, astronomy, and environmental sciences. The advent of advanced sensing, storage, and networking technologies has resulted in high-dimensional time-series data, however, posing significant challenges for analyzing latent structures over extended temporal scales. Time-series clustering, an established unsupervised learning strategy that groups similar time series together, helps unveil hidden patterns in these complex datasets. In this survey, we trace the evolution of time-series clustering methods from classical approaches to recent advances in neural networks. While previous surveys have focused on specific methodological categories, we bridge the gap between traditional clustering methods and emerging deep learning-based algorithms, presenting a comprehensive, unified taxonomy for this research area. This survey highlights key developments and provides insights to guide future research in time-series clustering.
Abstract:The convolutional layers are core building blocks of neural network architectures. In general, a convolutional filter applies to the entire frequency spectrum of the input data. We explore artificially constraining the frequency spectra of these filters and data, called band-limiting, during training. The frequency domain constraints apply to both the feed-forward and back-propagation steps. Experimentally, we observe that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are resilient to this compression scheme and results suggest that CNNs learn to leverage lower-frequency components. In particular, we found: (1) band-limited training can effectively control the resource usage (GPU and memory); (2) models trained with band-limited layers retain high prediction accuracy; and (3) requires no modification to existing training algorithms or neural network architectures to use unlike other compression schemes.
Abstract:Language change is a complex social phenomenon, revealing pathways of communication and sociocultural influence. But, while language change has long been a topic of study in sociolinguistics, traditional linguistic research methods rely on circumstantial evidence, estimating the direction of change from differences between older and younger speakers. In this paper, we use a data set of several million Twitter users to track language changes in progress. First, we show that language change can be viewed as a form of social influence: we observe complex contagion for phonetic spellings and "netspeak" abbreviations (e.g., lol), but not for older dialect markers from spoken language. Next, we test whether specific types of social network connections are more influential than others, using a parametric Hawkes process model. We find that tie strength plays an important role: densely embedded social ties are significantly better conduits of linguistic influence. Geographic locality appears to play a more limited role: we find relatively little evidence to support the hypothesis that individuals are more influenced by geographically local social ties, even in their usage of geographical dialect markers.