Abstract:Recently, Conditional Neural Fields (NeFs) have emerged as a powerful modelling paradigm for PDEs, by learning solutions as flows in the latent space of the Conditional NeF. Although benefiting from favourable properties of NeFs such as grid-agnosticity and space-time-continuous dynamics modelling, this approach limits the ability to impose known constraints of the PDE on the solutions -- e.g. symmetries or boundary conditions -- in favour of modelling flexibility. Instead, we propose a space-time continuous NeF-based solving framework that - by preserving geometric information in the latent space - respects known symmetries of the PDE. We show that modelling solutions as flows of pointclouds over the group of interest $G$ improves generalization and data-efficiency. We validated that our framework readily generalizes to unseen spatial and temporal locations, as well as geometric transformations of the initial conditions - where other NeF-based PDE forecasting methods fail - and improve over baselines in a number of challenging geometries.
Abstract:Domain adaptation aims to use training data from one or multiple source domains to learn a hypothesis that can be generalized to a different, but related, target domain. As such, having a reliable measure for evaluating the discrepancy of both marginal and conditional distributions is crucial. We introduce Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) divergence to the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). The CS divergence offers a theoretically tighter generalization error bound than the popular Kullback-Leibler divergence. This holds for the general case of supervised learning, including multi-class classification and regression. Furthermore, we illustrate that the CS divergence enables a simple estimator on the discrepancy of both marginal and conditional distributions between source and target domains in the representation space, without requiring any distributional assumptions. We provide multiple examples to illustrate how the CS divergence can be conveniently used in both distance metric- or adversarial training-based UDA frameworks, resulting in compelling performance.
Abstract:Accelerating dynamic MRI is essential for enhancing clinical applications, such as adaptive radiotherapy, and improving patient comfort. Traditional deep learning (DL) approaches for accelerated dynamic MRI reconstruction typically rely on predefined or random subsampling patterns, applied uniformly across all temporal phases. This standard practice overlooks the potential benefits of leveraging temporal correlations and lacks the adaptability required for case-specific subsampling optimization, which holds the potential for maximizing reconstruction quality. Addressing this gap, we present a novel end-to-end framework for adaptive dynamic MRI subsampling and reconstruction. Our pipeline integrates a DL-based adaptive sampler, generating case-specific dynamic subsampling patterns, trained end-to-end with a state-of-the-art 2D dynamic reconstruction network, namely vSHARP, which effectively reconstructs the adaptive dynamic subsampled data into a moving image. Our method is assessed using dynamic cine cardiac MRI data, comparing its performance against vSHARP models that employ common subsampling trajectories, and pipelines trained to optimize dataset-specific sampling schemes alongside vSHARP reconstruction. Our results indicate superior reconstruction quality, particularly at high accelerations.
Abstract:Few-shot point cloud segmentation seeks to generate per-point masks for previously unseen categories, using only a minimal set of annotated point clouds as reference. Existing prototype-based methods rely on support prototypes to guide the segmentation of query point clouds, but they encounter challenges when significant object variations exist between the support prototypes and query features. In this work, we present dynamic prototype adaptation (DPA), which explicitly learns task-specific prototypes for each query point cloud to tackle the object variation problem. DPA achieves the adaptation through prototype rectification, aligning vanilla prototypes from support with the query feature distribution, and prototype-to-query attention, extracting task-specific context from query point clouds. Furthermore, we introduce a prototype distillation regularization term, enabling knowledge transfer between early-stage prototypes and their deeper counterparts during adaption. By iteratively applying these adaptations, we generate task-specific prototypes for accurate mask predictions on query point clouds. Extensive experiments on two popular benchmarks show that DPA surpasses state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin, e.g., 7.43\% and 6.39\% under the 2-way 1-shot setting on S3DIS and ScanNet, respectively. Code is available at https://github.com/jliu4ai/DPA.
Abstract:Cone Beam CT (CBCT) is an essential imaging modality nowadays, but the image quality of CBCT still lags behind the high quality standards established by the conventional Computed Tomography. We propose LIRE+, a learned iterative scheme for fast and memory-efficient CBCT reconstruction, which is a substantially faster and more parameter-efficient alternative to the recently proposed LIRE method. LIRE+ is a rotationally-equivariant multiscale learned invertible primal-dual iterative scheme for CBCT reconstruction. Memory usage is optimized by relying on simple reversible residual networks in primal/dual cells and patch-wise computations inside the cells during forward and backward passes, while increased inference speed is achieved by making the primal-dual scheme multiscale so that the reconstruction process starts at low resolution and with low resolution primal/dual latent vectors. A LIRE+ model was trained and validated on a set of 260 + 22 thorax CT scans and tested using a set of 142 thorax CT scans with additional evaluation with and without finetuning on an out-of-distribution set of 79 Head and Neck (HN) CT scans. Our method surpasses classical and deep learning baselines, including LIRE, on the thorax test set. For a similar inference time and with only 37 % of the parameter budget, LIRE+ achieves a +0.2 dB PSNR improvement over LIRE, while being able to match the performance of LIRE in 45 % less inference time and with 28 % of the parameter budget. Rotational equivariance ensures robustness of LIRE+ to patient orientation, while LIRE and other deep learning baselines suffer from substantial performance degradation when patient orientation is unusual. On the HN dataset in the absence of finetuning, LIRE+ is generally comparable to LIRE in performance apart from a few outlier cases, whereas after identical finetuning LIRE+ demonstates a +1.02 dB PSNR improvement over LIRE.
Abstract:Neural fields (NeFs) have recently emerged as a versatile method for modeling signals of various modalities, including images, shapes, and scenes. Subsequently, a number of works have explored the use of NeFs as representations for downstream tasks, e.g. classifying an image based on the parameters of a NeF that has been fit to it. However, the impact of the NeF hyperparameters on their quality as downstream representation is scarcely understood and remains largely unexplored. This is in part caused by the large amount of time required to fit datasets of neural fields. In this work, we propose $\verb|fit-a-nef|$, a JAX-based library that leverages parallelization to enable fast optimization of large-scale NeF datasets, resulting in a significant speed-up. With this library, we perform a comprehensive study that investigates the effects of different hyperparameters -- including initialization, network architecture, and optimization strategies -- on fitting NeFs for downstream tasks. Our study provides valuable insights on how to train NeFs and offers guidance for optimizing their effectiveness in downstream applications. Finally, based on the proposed library and our analysis, we propose Neural Field Arena, a benchmark consisting of neural field variants of popular vision datasets, including MNIST, CIFAR, variants of ImageNet, and ShapeNetv2. Our library and the Neural Field Arena will be open-sourced to introduce standardized benchmarking and promote further research on neural fields.
Abstract:Magnetic Resonance Imaging represents an important diagnostic modality; however, its inherently slow acquisition process poses challenges in obtaining fully sampled k-space data under motion in clinical scenarios such as abdominal, cardiac, and prostate imaging. In the absence of fully sampled acquisitions, which can serve as ground truth data, training deep learning algorithms in a supervised manner to predict the underlying ground truth image becomes an impossible task. To address this limitation, self-supervised methods have emerged as a viable alternative, leveraging available subsampled k-space data to train deep learning networks for MRI reconstruction. Nevertheless, these self-supervised approaches often fall short when compared to supervised methodologies. In this paper, we introduce JSSL (Joint Supervised and Self-supervised Learning), a novel training approach for deep learning-based MRI reconstruction algorithms aimed at enhancing reconstruction quality in scenarios where target dataset(s) containing fully sampled k-space measurements are unavailable. Our proposed method operates by simultaneously training a model in a self-supervised learning setting, using subsampled data from the target dataset(s), and in a supervised learning manner, utilizing data from other datasets, referred to as proxy datasets, where fully sampled k-space data is accessible. To demonstrate the efficacy of JSSL, we utilized subsampled prostate parallel MRI measurements as the target dataset, while employing fully sampled brain and knee k-space acquisitions as proxy datasets. Our results showcase a substantial improvement over conventional self-supervised training methods, thereby underscoring the effectiveness of our joint approach. We provide a theoretical motivation for JSSL and establish a practical "rule-of-thumb" for selecting the most appropriate training approach for deep MRI reconstruction.
Abstract:Image segmentation algorithms can be understood as a collection of pixel classifiers, for which the outcomes of nearby pixels are correlated. Classifier models can be calibrated using Inductive Conformal Prediction, but this requires holding back a sufficiently large calibration dataset for computing the distribution of non-conformity scores of the model's predictions. If one only requires only marginal calibration on the image level, this calibration set consists of all individual pixels in the images available for calibration. However, if the goal is to attain proper calibration for each individual pixel classifier, the calibration set consists of individual images. In a scenario where data are scarce (such as the medical domain), it may not always be possible to set aside sufficiently many images for this pixel-level calibration. The method we propose, dubbed ``Kandinsky calibration'', makes use of the spatial structure present in the distribution of natural images to simultaneously calibrate the classifiers of ``similar'' pixels. This can be seen as an intermediate approach between marginal (imagewise) and conditional (pixelwise) calibration, where non-conformity scores are aggregated over similar image regions, thereby making more efficient use of the images available for calibration. We run experiments on segmentation algorithms trained and calibrated on subsets of the public MS-COCO and Medical Decathlon datasets, demonstrating that Kandinsky calibration method can significantly improve the coverage. When compared to both pixelwise and imagewise calibration on little data, the Kandinsky method achieves much lower coverage errors, indicating the data efficiency of the Kandinsky calibration.
Abstract:Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is a valuable non-invasive tool for identifying cardiovascular diseases. For instance, Cine MRI is the benchmark modality for assessing the cardiac function and anatomy. On the other hand, multi-contrast (T1 and T2) mapping has the potential to assess pathologies and abnormalities in the myocardium and interstitium. However, voluntary breath-holding and often arrhythmia, in combination with MRI's slow imaging speed, can lead to motion artifacts, hindering real-time acquisition image quality. Although performing accelerated acquisitions can facilitate dynamic imaging, it induces aliasing, causing low reconstructed image quality in Cine MRI and inaccurate T1 and T2 mapping estimation. In this work, inspired by related work in accelerated MRI reconstruction, we present a deep learning (DL)-based method for accelerated cine and multi-contrast reconstruction in the context of dynamic cardiac imaging. We formulate the reconstruction problem as a least squares regularized optimization task, and employ vSHARP, a state-of-the-art DL-based inverse problem solver, which incorporates half-quadratic variable splitting and the alternating direction method of multipliers with neural networks. We treat the problem in two setups; a 2D reconstruction and a 2D dynamic reconstruction task, and employ 2D and 3D deep learning networks, respectively. Our method optimizes in both the image and k-space domains, allowing for high reconstruction fidelity. Although the target data is undersampled with a Cartesian equispaced scheme, we train our model using both Cartesian and simulated non-Cartesian undersampling schemes to enhance generalization of the model to unseen data. Furthermore, our model adopts a deep neural network to learn and refine the sensitivity maps of multi-coil k-space data. Lastly, our method is jointly trained on both, undersampled cine and multi-contrast data.
Abstract:Medical Imaging (MI) tasks, such as accelerated Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), often involve reconstructing an image from noisy or incomplete measurements. This amounts to solving ill-posed inverse problems, where a satisfactory closed-form analytical solution is not available. Traditional methods such as Compressed Sensing (CS) in MRI reconstruction can be time-consuming or prone to obtaining low-fidelity images. Recently, a plethora of supervised and self-supervised Deep Learning (DL) approaches have demonstrated superior performance in inverse-problem solving, surpassing conventional methods. In this study, we propose vSHARP (variable Splitting Half-quadratic ADMM algorithm for Reconstruction of inverse Problems), a novel DL-based method for solving ill-posed inverse problems arising in MI. vSHARP utilizes the Half-Quadratic Variable Splitting method and employs the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to unroll the optimization process. For data consistency, vSHARP unrolls a differentiable gradient descent process in the image domain, while a DL-based denoiser, such as a U-Net architecture, is applied to enhance image quality. vSHARP also employs a dilated-convolution DL-based model to predict the Lagrange multipliers for the ADMM initialization. We evaluate the proposed model by applying it to the task of accelerated Parallel MRI Reconstruction on two distinct datasets. We present a comparative analysis of our experimental results with state-of-the-art approaches, highlighting the superior performance of vSHARP.