Abstract:The research topic is: data-driven Bayesian state estimation with compressed measurement (BSCM) of model-free process, say for a (causal) tracking application. The dimension of the temporal measurement vector is lower than the dimension of the temporal state vector to be estimated. Hence the state estimation problem is an underdetermined inverse problem. The state-space-model (SSM) of the underlying dynamical process is assumed to be unknown and hence, we use the terminology 'model-free process'. In absence of the SSM, we can not employ traditional model-driven methods like Kalman Filter (KF) and Particle Filter (PF) and instead require data-driven methods. We first experimentally show that two existing unsupervised learning-based data-driven methods fail to address the BSCM problem for model-free process; they are data-driven nonlinear state estimation (DANSE) method and deep Markov model (DMM) method. The unsupervised learning uses unlabelled data comprised of only noisy measurements. While DANSE provides a good predictive performance to model the temporal measurement data as time-series, its unsupervised learning lacks a regularization for state estimation. We then investigate use of a semi-supervised learning approach, and develop a semi-supervised learning-based DANSE method, referred to as SemiDANSE. In the semi-supervised learning, we use a limited amount of labelled data along-with a large amount of unlabelled data, and that helps to bring the desired regularization for BSCM problem in the absence of SSM. The labelled data means pairwise measurement-and-state data. Using three chaotic dynamical systems (or processes) with nonlinear SSMs as benchmark, we show that the data-driven SemiDANSE provides competitive performance for BSCM against three SSM-informed methods - a hybrid method called KalmanNet, and two traditional model-driven methods called extended KF and unscented KF.
Abstract:We consider reconstruction of an ambient signal in a compressed sensing (CS) setup where the ambient signal has a neural network based generative model. The generative model has a sparse-latent input and we refer to the generated ambient signal as generative sparse-latent signal (GSL). The proposed sparsity inducing reconstruction algorithm is inherently non-convex, and we show that a gradient based search provides a good reconstruction performance. We evaluate our proposed algorithm using simulated data.
Abstract:We address the tasks of Bayesian state estimation and forecasting for a model-free process in an unsupervised learning setup. In the article, we propose DANSE -- a Data-driven Nonlinear State Estimation method. DANSE provides a closed-form posterior of the state of the model-free process, given linear measurements of the state. In addition, it provides a closed-form posterior for forecasting. A data-driven recurrent neural network (RNN) is used in DANSE to provide the parameters of a prior of the state. The prior depends on the past measurements as input, and then we find the closed-form posterior of the state using the current measurement as input. The data-driven RNN captures the underlying non-linear dynamics of the model-free process. The training of DANSE, mainly learning the parameters of the RNN, is executed using an unsupervised learning approach. In unsupervised learning, we have access to a training dataset comprising only a set of measurement data trajectories, but we do not have any access to the state trajectories. Therefore, DANSE does not have access to state information in the training data and can not use supervised learning. Using simulated linear and non-linear process models (Lorenz attractor and Chen attractor), we evaluate the unsupervised learning-based DANSE. We show that the proposed DANSE, without knowledge of the process model and without supervised learning, provides a competitive performance against model-driven methods, such as the Kalman filter (KF), extended KF (EKF), unscented KF (UKF), and a recently proposed hybrid method called KalmanNet.
Abstract:Stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems are ubiquitous in modern, real-world applications. Yet, estimating the unknown parameters of stochastic, nonlinear dynamical models remains a challenging problem. The majority of existing methods employ maximum likelihood or Bayesian estimation. However, these methods suffer from some limitations, most notably the substantial computational time for inference coupled with limited flexibility in application. In this work, we propose DeepBayes estimators that leverage the power of deep recurrent neural networks in learning an estimator. The method consists of first training a recurrent neural network to minimize the mean-squared estimation error over a set of synthetically generated data using models drawn from the model set of interest. The a priori trained estimator can then be used directly for inference by evaluating the network with the estimation data. The deep recurrent neural network architectures can be trained offline and ensure significant time savings during inference. We experiment with two popular recurrent neural networks -- long short term memory network (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU). We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed method on different example models and perform detailed comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches. We also provide a study on a real-world nonlinear benchmark problem. The experimental evaluations show that the proposed approach is asymptotically as good as the Bayes estimator.
Abstract:In pursuit of explainability, we develop generative models for sequential data. The proposed models provide state-of-the-art classification results and robust performance for speech phone classification. We combine modern neural networks (normalizing flows) and traditional generative models (hidden Markov models - HMMs). Normalizing flow-based mixture models (NMMs) are used to model the conditional probability distribution given the hidden state in the HMMs. Model parameters are learned through judicious combinations of time-tested Bayesian learning methods and contemporary neural network learning methods. We mainly combine expectation-maximization (EM) and mini-batch gradient descent. The proposed generative models can compute likelihood of a data and hence directly suitable for maximum-likelihood (ML) classification approach. Due to structural flexibility of HMMs, we can use different normalizing flow models. This leads to different types of HMMs providing diversity in data modeling capacity. The diversity provides an opportunity for easy decision fusion from different models. For a standard speech phone classification setup involving 39 phones (classes) and the TIMIT dataset, we show that the use of standard features called mel-frequency-cepstral-coeffcients (MFCCs), the proposed generative models, and the decision fusion together can achieve $86.6\%$ accuracy by generative training only. This result is close to state-of-the-art results, for examples, $86.2\%$ accuracy of PyTorch-Kaldi toolkit [1], and $85.1\%$ accuracy using light gated recurrent units [2]. We do not use any discriminative learning approach and related sophisticated features in this article.
Abstract:We test the robustness of a maximum-likelihood (ML) based classifier where sequential data as observation is corrupted by noise. The hypothesis is that a generative model, that combines the state transitions of a hidden Markov model (HMM) and the neural network based probability distributions for the hidden states of the HMM, can provide a robust classification performance. The combined model is called normalizing-flow mixture model based HMM (NMM-HMM). It can be trained using a combination of expectation-maximization (EM) and backpropagation. We verify the improved robustness of NMM-HMM classifiers in an application to speech recognition.