Abstract:Accurate survival prediction is essential for personalized cancer treatment. However, genomic data - often a more powerful predictor than pathology data - is costly and inaccessible. We present the cross-modal genomic feature translation and alignment network for enhanced survival prediction from histopathology images (PathoGen-X). It is a deep learning framework that leverages both genomic and imaging data during training, relying solely on imaging data at testing. PathoGen-X employs transformer-based networks to align and translate image features into the genomic feature space, enhancing weaker imaging signals with stronger genomic signals. Unlike other methods, PathoGen-X translates and aligns features without projecting them to a shared latent space and requires fewer paired samples. Evaluated on TCGA-BRCA, TCGA-LUAD, and TCGA-GBM datasets, PathoGen-X demonstrates strong survival prediction performance, emphasizing the potential of enriched imaging models for accessible cancer prognosis.
Abstract:Our study introduces ResNet-L2 (RL2), a novel metric for evaluating generative models and image quality in histopathology, addressing limitations of traditional metrics, such as Frechet inception distance (FID), when the data is scarce. RL2 leverages ResNet features with a normalizing flow to calculate RMSE distance in the latent space, providing reliable assessments across diverse histopathology datasets. We evaluated the performance of RL2 on degradation types, such as blur, Gaussian noise, salt-and-pepper noise, and rectangular patches, as well as diffusion processes. RL2's monotonic response to increasing degradation makes it well-suited for models that assess image quality, proving a valuable advancement for evaluating image generation techniques in histopathology. It can also be used to discard low-quality patches while sampling from a whole slide image. It is also significantly lighter and faster compared to traditional metrics and requires fewer images to give stable metric value.
Abstract:We developed a software pipeline for quality control (QC) of histopathology whole slide images (WSIs) that segments various regions, such as blurs of different levels, tissue regions, tissue folds, and pen marks. Given the necessity and increasing availability of GPUs for processing WSIs, the proposed pipeline comprises multiple lightweight deep learning models to strike a balance between accuracy and speed. The pipeline was evaluated in all TCGAs, which is the largest publicly available WSI dataset containing more than 11,000 histopathological images from 28 organs. It was compared to a previous work, which was not based on deep learning, and it showed consistent improvement in segmentation results across organs. To minimize annotation effort for tissue and blur segmentation, annotated images were automatically prepared by mosaicking patches (sub-images) from various WSIs whose labels were identified using a patch classification tool HistoROI. Due to the generality of our trained QC pipeline and its extensive testing the potential impact of this work is broad. It can be used for automated pre-processing any WSI cohort to enhance the accuracy and reliability of large-scale histopathology image analysis for both research and clinical use. We have made the trained models, training scripts, training data, and inference results publicly available at https://github.com/abhijeetptl5/wsisegqc, which should enable the research community to use the pipeline right out of the box or further customize it to new datasets and applications in the future.
Abstract:Histopathology whole slide images (WSIs) are being widely used to develop deep learning-based diagnostic solutions, especially for precision oncology. Most of these diagnostic softwares are vulnerable to biases and impurities in the training and test data which can lead to inaccurate diagnoses. For instance, WSIs contain multiple types of tissue regions, at least some of which might not be relevant to the diagnosis. We introduce HistoROI, a robust yet lightweight deep learning-based classifier to segregate WSI into six broad tissue regions -- epithelium, stroma, lymphocytes, adipose, artifacts, and miscellaneous. HistoROI is trained using a novel human-in-the-loop and active learning paradigm that ensures variations in training data for labeling-efficient generalization. HistoROI consistently performs well across multiple organs, despite being trained on only a single dataset, demonstrating strong generalization. Further, we have examined the utility of HistoROI in improving the performance of downstream deep learning-based tasks using the CAMELYON breast cancer lymph node and TCGA lung cancer datasets. For the former dataset, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for metastasis versus normal tissue of a neural network trained using weakly supervised learning increased from 0.88 to 0.92 by filtering the data using HistoROI. Similarly, the AUC increased from 0.88 to 0.93 for the classification between adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma on the lung cancer dataset. We also found that the performance of the HistoROI improves upon HistoQC for artifact detection on a test dataset of 93 annotated WSIs. The limitations of the proposed model are analyzed, and potential extensions are also discussed.
Abstract:The current standard for detecting human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status in breast cancer patients relies on HER2 amplification, identified through fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or immunohistochemistry (IHC). However, hematoxylin and eosin (H\&E) tumor stains are more widely available, and accurately predicting HER2 status using H\&E could reduce costs and expedite treatment selection. Deep Learning algorithms for H&E have shown effectiveness in predicting various cancer features and clinical outcomes, including moderate success in HER2 status prediction. In this work, we employed a customized weak supervision classification technique combined with MoCo-v2 contrastive learning to predict HER2 status. We trained our pipeline on 182 publicly available H&E Whole Slide Images (WSIs) from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), for which annotations by the pathology team at Yale School of Medicine are publicly available. Our pipeline achieved an Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 0.85 across four different test folds. Additionally, we tested our model on 44 H&E slides from the TCGA-BRCA dataset, which had an HER2 score of 2+ and included corresponding HER2 status and FISH test results. These cases are considered equivocal for IHC, requiring an expensive FISH test on their IHC slides for disambiguation. Our pipeline demonstrated an AUC of 0.81 on these challenging H&E slides. Reducing the need for FISH test can have significant implications in cancer treatment equity for underserved populations.
Abstract:The alignment of tissue between histopathological whole-slide-images (WSI) is crucial for research and clinical applications. Advances in computing, deep learning, and availability of large WSI datasets have revolutionised WSI analysis. Therefore, the current state-of-the-art in WSI registration is unclear. To address this, we conducted the ACROBAT challenge, based on the largest WSI registration dataset to date, including 4,212 WSIs from 1,152 breast cancer patients. The challenge objective was to align WSIs of tissue that was stained with routine diagnostic immunohistochemistry to its H&E-stained counterpart. We compare the performance of eight WSI registration algorithms, including an investigation of the impact of different WSI properties and clinical covariates. We find that conceptually distinct WSI registration methods can lead to highly accurate registration performances and identify covariates that impact performances across methods. These results establish the current state-of-the-art in WSI registration and guide researchers in selecting and developing methods.
Abstract:Performance of deep learning algorithms decreases drastically if the data distributions of the training and testing sets are different. Due to variations in staining protocols, reagent brands, and habits of technicians, color variation in digital histopathology images is quite common. Color variation causes problems for the deployment of deep learning-based solutions for automatic diagnosis system in histopathology. Previously proposed color normalization methods consider a small patch as a reference for normalization, which creates artifacts on out-of-distribution source images. These methods are also slow as most of the computation is performed on CPUs instead of the GPUs. We propose a color normalization technique, which is fast during its self-supervised training as well as inference. Our method is based on a lightweight fully-convolutional neural network and can be easily attached to a deep learning-based pipeline as a pre-processing block. For classification and segmentation tasks on CAMELYON17 and MoNuSeg datasets respectively, the proposed method is faster and gives a greater increase in accuracy than the state of the art methods.
Abstract:With the increase in the use of deep learning for computer-aided diagnosis in medical images, the criticism of the black-box nature of the deep learning models is also on the rise. The medical community needs interpretable models for both due diligence and advancing the understanding of disease and treatment mechanisms. In histology, in particular, while there is rich detail available at the cellular level and that of spatial relationships between cells, it is difficult to modify convolutional neural networks to point out the relevant visual features. We adopt an approach to model histology tissue as a graph of nuclei and develop a graph convolutional network framework based on attention mechanism and node occlusion for disease diagnosis. The proposed method highlights the relative contribution of each cell nucleus in the whole-slide image. Our visualization of such networks trained to distinguish between invasive and in-situ breast cancers, and Gleason 3 and 4 prostate cancers generate interpretable visual maps that correspond well with our understanding of the structures that are important to experts for their diagnosis.
Abstract:Development of either drought-resistant or drought-tolerant varieties in rice (Oryza sativa L.), especially for high yield in the context of climate change, is a crucial task across the world. The need for high yielding rice varieties is a prime concern for developing nations like India, China, and other Asian-African countries where rice is a primary staple food. The present investigation is carried out for discriminating drought tolerant, and susceptible genotypes. A total of 150 genotypes were grown under controlled conditions to evaluate at High Throughput Plant Phenomics facility, Nanaji Deshmukh Plant Phenomics Centre, Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. A subset of 10 genotypes is taken out of 150 for the current investigation. To discriminate against the genotypes, we considered features such as the number of leaves per plant, the convex hull and convex hull area of a plant-convex hull formed by joining the tips of the leaves, the number of leaves per unit convex hull of a plant, canopy spread - vertical spread, and horizontal spread of a plant. We trained You Only Look Once (YOLO) deep learning algorithm for leaves tips detection and to estimate the number of leaves in a rice plant. With this proposed framework, we screened the genotypes based on selected traits. These genotypes were further grouped among different groupings of drought-tolerant and drought susceptible genotypes using the Ward method of clustering.
Abstract:Breast cancer has the highest mortality among cancers in women. Computer-aided pathology to analyze microscopic histopathology images for diagnosis with an increasing number of breast cancer patients can bring the cost and delays of diagnosis down. Deep learning in histopathology has attracted attention over the last decade of achieving state-of-the-art performance in classification and localization tasks. The convolutional neural network, a deep learning framework, provides remarkable results in tissue images analysis, but lacks in providing interpretation and reasoning behind the decisions. We aim to provide a better interpretation of classification results by providing localization on microscopic histopathology images. We frame the image classification problem as weakly supervised multiple instance learning problem where an image is collection of patches i.e. instances. Attention-based multiple instance learning (A-MIL) learns attention on the patches from the image to localize the malignant and normal regions in an image and use them to classify the image. We present classification and localization results on two publicly available BreakHIS and BACH dataset. The classification and visualization results are compared with other recent techniques. The proposed method achieves better localization results without compromising classification accuracy.