Abstract:Food choice is a complex phenomenon shaped by factors such as taste, ambience, culture or weather. In this paper, we explore food-related tweeting in different weather conditions. We inspect a Latvian food tweet dataset spanning the past decade in conjunction with a weather observation dataset consisting of average temperature, precipitation, and other phenomena. We find which weather conditions lead to specific food information sharing; automatically classify tweet sentiment and discuss how it changes depending on the weather. This research contributes to the growing area of large-scale social network data understanding of food consumers' choices and perceptions.
Abstract:In this paper, we describe adaptation of a simple word guessing game that occupied the hearts and minds of people around the world. There are versions for all three Baltic countries and even several versions of each. We specifically pay attention to the Latvian version and look into how people form their guesses given any already uncovered hints. The paper analyses guess patterns, easy and difficult word characteristics, and player behaviour and response.
Abstract:One of the most popular methods for context-aware machine translation (MT) is to use separate encoders for the source sentence and context as multiple sources for one target sentence. Recent work has cast doubt on whether these models actually learn useful signals from the context or are improvements in automatic evaluation metrics just a side-effect. We show that multi-source transformer models improve MT over standard transformer-base models even with empty lines provided as context, but the translation quality improves significantly (1.51 - 2.65 BLEU) when a sufficient amount of correct context is provided. We also show that even though randomly shuffling in-domain context can also improve over baselines, the correct context further improves translation quality and random out-of-domain context further degrades it.
Abstract:We analysed sentiment and frequencies related to smell, taste and temperature expressed by food tweets in the Latvian language. To get a better understanding of the role of smell, taste and temperature in the mental map of food associations, we looked at such categories as 'tasty' and 'healthy', which turned out to be mutually exclusive. By analysing the occurrence frequency of words associated with these categories, we discovered that food discourse overall was permeated by `tasty' while the category of 'healthy' was relatively small. Finally, we used the analysis of temporal dynamics to see if we can trace seasonality or other temporal aspects in smell, taste and temperature as reflected in food tweets. Understanding the composition of social media content with relation to smell, taste and temperature in food tweets allows us to develop our work further - on food culture/seasonality and its relation to temperature, on our limited capacity to express smell-related sentiments, and the lack of the paradigm of taste in discussing food healthiness.
Abstract:Sentence-level (SL) machine translation (MT) has reached acceptable quality for many high-resourced languages, but not document-level (DL) MT, which is difficult to 1) train with little amount of DL data; and 2) evaluate, as the main methods and data sets focus on SL evaluation. To address the first issue, we present a document-aligned Japanese-English conversation corpus, including balanced, high-quality business conversation data for tuning and testing. As for the second issue, we manually identify the main areas where SL MT fails to produce adequate translations in lack of context. We then create an evaluation set where these phenomena are annotated to alleviate automatic evaluation of DL systems. We train MT models using our corpus to demonstrate how using context leads to improvements.
Abstract:While the progress of machine translation of written text has come far in the past several years thanks to the increasing availability of parallel corpora and corpora-based training technologies, automatic translation of spoken text and dialogues remains challenging even for modern systems. In this paper, we aim to boost the machine translation quality of conversational texts by introducing a newly constructed Japanese-English business conversation parallel corpus. A detailed analysis of the corpus is provided along with challenging examples for automatic translation. We also experiment with adding the corpus in a machine translation training scenario and show how the resulting system benefits from its use.
Abstract:We present the Latvian Twitter Eater Corpus - a set of tweets in the narrow domain related to food, drinks, eating and drinking. The corpus has been collected over time-span of over 8 years and includes over 2 million tweets entailed with additional useful data. We also separate two sub-corpora of question and answer tweets and sentiment annotated tweets. We analyse contents of the corpus and demonstrate use-cases for the sub-corpora by training domain-specific question-answering and sentiment-analysis models using data from the corpus.
Abstract:Large parallel corpora that are automatically obtained from the web, documents or elsewhere often exhibit many corrupted parts that are bound to negatively affect the quality of the systems and models that learn from these corpora. This paper describes frequent problems found in data and such data affects neural machine translation systems, as well as how to identify and deal with them. The solutions are summarised in a set of scripts that remove problematic sentences from input corpora.
Abstract:In this paper, we describe a tool for debugging the output and attention weights of neural machine translation (NMT) systems and for improved estimations of confidence about the output based on the attention. The purpose of the tool is to help researchers and developers find weak and faulty example translations that their NMT systems produce without the need for reference translations. Our tool also includes an option to directly compare translation outputs from two different NMT engines or experiments. In addition, we present a demo website of our tool with examples of good and bad translations: http://attention.lielakeda.lv
Abstract:Processing of multi-word expressions (MWEs) is a known problem for any natural language processing task. Even neural machine translation (NMT) struggles to overcome it. This paper presents results of experiments on investigating NMT attention allocation to the MWEs and improving automated translation of sentences that contain MWEs in English->Latvian and English->Czech NMT systems. Two improvement strategies were explored -(1) bilingual pairs of automatically extracted MWE candidates were added to the parallel corpus used to train the NMT system, and (2) full sentences containing the automatically extracted MWE candidates were added to the parallel corpus. Both approaches allowed to increase automated evaluation results. The best result - 0.99 BLEU point increase - has been reached with the first approach, while with the second approach minimal improvements achieved. We also provide open-source software and tools used for MWE extraction and alignment inspection.