Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Abstract:In this work, we explore the usage of the Frequency Transformation for reducing the domain shift between the source and target domain (e.g., synthetic image and real image respectively) towards solving the Domain Adaptation task. Most of the Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) algorithms focus on reducing the global domain shift between labelled source and unlabelled target domains by matching the marginal distributions under a small domain gap assumption. UDA performance degrades for the cases where the domain gap between source and target distribution is large. In order to bring the source and the target domains closer, we propose a novel approach based on traditional image processing technique Class Aware Frequency Transformation (CAFT) that utilizes pseudo label based class consistent low-frequency swapping for improving the overall performance of the existing UDA algorithms. The proposed approach, when compared with the state-of-the-art deep learning based methods, is computationally more efficient and can easily be plugged into any existing UDA algorithm to improve its performance. Additionally, we introduce a novel approach based on absolute difference of top-2 class prediction probabilities (ADT2P) for filtering target pseudo labels into clean and noisy sets. Samples with clean pseudo labels can be used to improve the performance of unsupervised learning algorithms. We name the overall framework as CAFT++. We evaluate the same on the top of different UDA algorithms across many public domain adaptation datasets. Our extensive experiments indicate that CAFT++ is able to achieve significant performance gains across all the popular benchmarks.
Abstract:In this work, we study the task of sketch-guided image inpainting. Unlike the well-explored natural language-guided image inpainting, which excels in capturing semantic details, the relatively less-studied sketch-guided inpainting offers greater user control in specifying the object's shape and pose to be inpainted. As one of the early solutions to this task, we introduce a novel partial discrete diffusion process (PDDP). The forward pass of the PDDP corrupts the masked regions of the image and the backward pass reconstructs these masked regions conditioned on hand-drawn sketches using our proposed sketch-guided bi-directional transformer. The proposed novel transformer module accepts two inputs -- the image containing the masked region to be inpainted and the query sketch to model the reverse diffusion process. This strategy effectively addresses the domain gap between sketches and natural images, thereby, enhancing the quality of inpainting results. In the absence of a large-scale dataset specific to this task, we synthesize a dataset from the MS-COCO to train and extensively evaluate our proposed framework against various competent approaches in the literature. The qualitative and quantitative results and user studies establish that the proposed method inpaints realistic objects that fit the context in terms of the visual appearance of the provided sketch. To aid further research, we have made our code publicly available at .
Abstract:Gaussian process is an indispensable tool in clustering functional data, owing to it's flexibility and inherent uncertainty quantification. However, when the functional data is observed over a large grid (say, of length $p$), Gaussian process clustering quickly renders itself infeasible, incurring $O(p^2)$ space complexity and $O(p^3)$ time complexity per iteration; and thus prohibiting it's natural adaptation to large environmental applications. To ensure scalability of Gaussian process clustering in such applications, we propose to embed the popular Vecchia approximation for Gaussian processes at the heart of the clustering task, provide crucial theoretical insights towards algorithmic design, and finally develop a computationally efficient expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Empirical evidence of the utility of our proposal is provided via simulations and analysis of polar temperature anomaly (\href{}{}) data-sets.
Abstract:With the increasing deployment of deep neural networks in safety-critical applications such as self-driving cars, medical imaging, anomaly detection, etc., adversarial robustness has become a crucial concern in the reliability of these networks in real-world scenarios. A plethora of works based on adversarial training and regularization-based techniques have been proposed to make these deep networks robust against adversarial attacks. However, these methods require either retraining models or training them from scratch, making them infeasible to defend pre-trained models when access to training data is restricted. To address this problem, we propose a test time Data-free Adversarial Defense (DAD) containing detection and correction frameworks. Moreover, to further improve the efficacy of the correction framework in cases when the detector is under-confident, we propose a soft-detection scheme (dubbed as "DAD++"). We conduct a wide range of experiments and ablations on several datasets and network architectures to show the efficacy of our proposed approach. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach in imparting adversarial defense at test time under data-free (or data-efficient) applications/setups, such as Data-free Knowledge Distillation and Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, as well as Semi-supervised classification frameworks. We observe that in all the experiments and applications, our DAD++ gives an impressive performance against various adversarial attacks with a minimal drop in clean accuracy. The source code is available at:
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a machine learning paradigm that enables clients to jointly train a global model by aggregating the locally trained models without sharing any local training data. In practice, there can often be substantial heterogeneity (e.g., class imbalance) across the local data distributions observed by each of these clients. Under such non-iid data distributions across clients, FL suffers from the 'client-drift' problem where every client converges to its own local optimum. This results in slower convergence and poor performance of the aggregated model. To address this limitation, we propose a novel regularization technique based on adaptive self-distillation (ASD) for training models on the client side. Our regularization scheme adaptively adjusts to the client's training data based on: (1) the closeness of the local model's predictions with that of the global model and (2) the client's label distribution. The proposed regularization can be easily integrated atop existing, state-of-the-art FL algorithms leading to a further boost in the performance of these off-the-shelf methods. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed FL approach through extensive experiments on multiple real-world benchmarks (including datasets with common corruptions and perturbations) and show substantial gains in performance over the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:In this work, we investigate the problem of sketch-based object localization on natural images, where given a crude hand-drawn sketch of an object, the goal is to localize all the instances of the same object on the target image. This problem proves difficult due to the abstract nature of hand-drawn sketches, variations in the style and quality of sketches, and the large domain gap existing between the sketches and the natural images. To mitigate these challenges, existing works proposed attention-based frameworks to incorporate query information into the image features. However, in these works, the query features are incorporated after the image features have already been independently learned, leading to inadequate alignment. In contrast, we propose a sketch-guided vision transformer encoder that uses cross-attention after each block of the transformer-based image encoder to learn query-conditioned image features leading to stronger alignment with the query sketch. Further, at the output of the decoder, the object and the sketch features are refined to bring the representation of relevant objects closer to the sketch query and thereby improve the localization. The proposed model also generalizes to the object categories not seen during training, as the target image features learned by our method are query-aware. Our localization framework can also utilize multiple sketch queries via a trainable novel sketch fusion strategy. The model is evaluated on the images from the public object detection benchmark, namely MS-COCO, using the sketch queries from QuickDraw! and Sketchy datasets. Compared with existing localization methods, the proposed approach gives a $6.6\%$ and $8.0\%$ improvement in mAP for seen objects using sketch queries from QuickDraw! and Sketchy datasets, respectively, and a $12.2\%$ improvement in AP@50 for large objects that are `unseen' during training.
Abstract:Consider a scenario in one-shot query-guided object localization where neither an image of the object nor the object category name is available as a query. In such a scenario, a hand-drawn sketch of the object could be a choice for a query. However, hand-drawn crude sketches alone, when used as queries, might be ambiguous for object localization, e.g., a sketch of a laptop could be confused for a sofa. On the other hand, a linguistic definition of the category, e.g., a small portable computer small enough to use in your lap" along with the sketch query, gives better visual and semantic cues for object localization. In this work, we present a multimodal query-guided object localization approach under the challenging open-set setting. In particular, we use queries from two modalities, namely, hand-drawn sketch and description of the object (also known as gloss), to perform object localization. Multimodal query-guided object localization is a challenging task, especially when a large domain gap exists between the queries and the natural images, as well as due to the challenge of combining the complementary and minimal information present across the queries. For example, hand-drawn crude sketches contain abstract shape information of an object, while the text descriptions often capture partial semantic information about a given object category. To address the aforementioned challenges, we present a novel cross-modal attention scheme that guides the region proposal network to generate object proposals relevant to the input queries and a novel orthogonal projection-based proposal scoring technique that scores each proposal with respect to the queries, thereby yielding the final localization results. ...
Abstract:Recent work has shown that deep vision models tend to be overly dependent on low-level or "texture" features, leading to poor generalization. Various data augmentation strategies have been proposed to overcome this so-called texture bias in DNNs. We propose a simple, lightweight adversarial augmentation technique that explicitly incentivizes the network to learn holistic shapes for accurate prediction in an object classification setting. Our augmentations superpose edgemaps from one image onto another image with shuffled patches, using a randomly determined mixing proportion, with the image label of the edgemap image. To classify these augmented images, the model needs to not only detect and focus on edges but distinguish between relevant and spurious edges. We show that our augmentations significantly improve classification accuracy and robustness measures on a range of datasets and neural architectures. As an example, for ViT-S, We obtain absolute gains on classification accuracy gains up to 6%. We also obtain gains of up to 28% and 8.5% on natural adversarial and out-of-distribution datasets like ImageNet-A (for ViT-B) and ImageNet-R (for ViT-S), respectively. Analysis using a range of probe datasets shows substantially increased shape sensitivity in our trained models, explaining the observed improvement in robustness and classification accuracy.
Abstract:This work introduces the novel task of Source-free Multi-target Domain Adaptation and proposes adaptation framework comprising of \textbf{Co}nsistency with \textbf{N}uclear-Norm Maximization and \textbf{Mix}Up knowledge distillation (\textit{CoNMix}) as a solution to this problem. The main motive of this work is to solve for Single and Multi target Domain Adaptation (SMTDA) for the source-free paradigm, which enforces a constraint where the labeled source data is not available during target adaptation due to various privacy-related restrictions on data sharing. The source-free approach leverages target pseudo labels, which can be noisy, to improve the target adaptation. We introduce consistency between label preserving augmentations and utilize pseudo label refinement methods to reduce noisy pseudo labels. Further, we propose novel MixUp Knowledge Distillation (MKD) for better generalization on multiple target domains using various source-free STDA models. We also show that the Vision Transformer (VT) backbone gives better feature representation with improved domain transferability and class discriminability. Our proposed framework achieves the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results in various paradigms of source-free STDA and MTDA settings on popular domain adaptation datasets like Office-Home, Office-Caltech, and DomainNet. Project Page:
Abstract:Several companies often safeguard their trained deep models (i.e. details of architecture, learnt weights, training details etc.) from third-party users by exposing them only as black boxes through APIs. Moreover, they may not even provide access to the training data due to proprietary reasons or sensitivity concerns. We make the first attempt to provide adversarial robustness to the black box models in a data-free set up. We construct synthetic data via generative model and train surrogate network using model stealing techniques. To minimize adversarial contamination on perturbed samples, we propose `wavelet noise remover' (WNR) that performs discrete wavelet decomposition on input images and carefully select only a few important coefficients determined by our `wavelet coefficient selection module' (WCSM). To recover the high-frequency content of the image after noise removal via WNR, we further train a `regenerator' network with an objective to retrieve the coefficients such that the reconstructed image yields similar to original predictions on the surrogate model. At test time, WNR combined with trained regenerator network is prepended to the black box network, resulting in a high boost in adversarial accuracy. Our method improves the adversarial accuracy on CIFAR-10 by 38.98% and 32.01% on state-of-the-art Auto Attack compared to baseline, even when the attacker uses surrogate architecture (Alexnet-half and Alexnet) similar to the black box architecture (Alexnet) with same model stealing strategy as defender. The code is available at