Abstract:\texttt{ml\_edm} is a Python 3 library, designed for early decision making of any learning tasks involving temporal/sequential data. The package is also modular, providing researchers an easy way to implement their own triggering strategy for classification, regression or any machine learning task. As of now, many Early Classification of Time Series (ECTS) state-of-the-art algorithms, are efficiently implemented in the library leveraging parallel computation. The syntax follows the one introduce in \texttt{scikit-learn}, making estimators and pipelines compatible with \texttt{ml\_edm}. This software is distributed over the BSD-3-Clause license, source code can be found at \url{https://github.com/ML-EDM/ml_edm}.
Abstract:In many situations, the measurements of a studied phenomenon are provided sequentially, and the prediction of its class needs to be made as early as possible so as not to incur too high a time penalty, but not too early and risk paying the cost of misclassification. This problem has been particularly studied in the case of time series, and is known as Early Classification of Time Series (ECTS). Although it has been the subject of a growing body of literature, there is still a lack of a systematic, shared evaluation protocol to compare the relative merits of the various existing methods. This document begins by situating these methods within a principle-based taxonomy. It defines dimensions for organizing their evaluation, and then reports the results of a very extensive set of experiments along these dimensions involving nine state-of-the art ECTS algorithms. In addition, these and other experiments can be carried out using an open-source library in which most of the existing ECTS algorithms have been implemented (see \url{https://github.com/ML-EDM/ml_edm}).
Abstract:This paper proposes a method for the automatic creation of variables (in the case of regression) that complement the information contained in the initial input vector. The method works as a pre-processing step in which the continuous values of the variable to be regressed are discretized into a set of intervals which are then used to define value thresholds. Then classifiers are trained to predict whether the value to be regressed is less than or equal to each of these thresholds. The different outputs of the classifiers are then concatenated in the form of an additional vector of variables that enriches the initial vector of the regression problem. The implemented system can thus be considered as a generic pre-processing tool. We tested the proposed enrichment method with 5 types of regressors and evaluated it in 33 regression datasets. Our experimental results confirm the interest of the approach.
Abstract:Score-based generative models (SGMs) aim at estimating a target data distribution by learning score functions using only noise-perturbed samples from the target. Recent literature has focused extensively on assessing the error between the target and estimated distributions, gauging the generative quality through the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence and Wasserstein distances. All existing results have been obtained so far for time-homogeneous speed of the noise schedule. Under mild assumptions on the data distribution, we establish an upper bound for the KL divergence between the target and the estimated distributions, explicitly depending on any time-dependent noise schedule. Assuming that the score is Lipschitz continuous, we provide an improved error bound in Wasserstein distance, taking advantage of favourable underlying contraction mechanisms. We also propose an algorithm to automatically tune the noise schedule using the proposed upper bound. We illustrate empirically the performance of the noise schedule optimization in comparison to standard choices in the literature.
Abstract:The problem of Novel Class Discovery (NCD) consists in extracting knowledge from a labeled set of known classes to accurately partition an unlabeled set of novel classes. While NCD has recently received a lot of attention from the community, it is often solved on computer vision problems and under unrealistic conditions. In particular, the number of novel classes is usually assumed to be known in advance, and their labels are sometimes used to tune hyperparameters. Methods that rely on these assumptions are not applicable in real-world scenarios. In this work, we focus on solving NCD in tabular data when no prior knowledge of the novel classes is available. To this end, we propose to tune the hyperparameters of NCD methods by adapting the $k$-fold cross-validation process and hiding some of the known classes in each fold. Since we have found that methods with too many hyperparameters are likely to overfit these hidden classes, we define a simple deep NCD model. This method is composed of only the essential elements necessary for the NCD problem and performs impressively well under realistic conditions. Furthermore, we find that the latent space of this method can be used to reliably estimate the number of novel classes. Additionally, we adapt two unsupervised clustering algorithms ($k$-means and Spectral Clustering) to leverage the knowledge of the known classes. Extensive experiments are conducted on 7 tabular datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and hyperparameter tuning process, and show that the NCD problem can be solved without relying on knowledge from the novel classes.
Abstract:Recent research in active learning, and more precisely in uncertainty sampling, has focused on the decomposition of model uncertainty into reducible and irreducible uncertainties. In this paper, we propose to simplify the computational phase and remove the dependence on observations, but more importantly to take into account the uncertainty already present in the labels, \emph{i.e.} the uncertainty of the oracles. Two strategies are proposed, sampling by Klir uncertainty, which addresses the exploration-exploitation problem, and sampling by evidential epistemic uncertainty, which extends the reducible uncertainty to the evidential framework, both using the theory of belief functions.
Abstract:There are now many comprehension algorithms for understanding the decisions of a machine learning algorithm. Among these are those based on the generation of counterfactual examples. This article proposes to view this generation process as a source of creating a certain amount of knowledge that can be stored to be used, later, in different ways. This process is illustrated in the additive model and, more specifically, in the case of the naive Bayes classifier, whose interesting properties for this purpose are shown.
Abstract:Training machine learning models from data with weak supervision and dataset shifts is still challenging. Designing algorithms when these two situations arise has not been explored much, and existing algorithms cannot always handle the most complex distributional shifts. We think the biquality data setup is a suitable framework for designing such algorithms. Biquality Learning assumes that two datasets are available at training time: a trusted dataset sampled from the distribution of interest and the untrusted dataset with dataset shifts and weaknesses of supervision (aka distribution shifts). The trusted and untrusted datasets available at training time make designing algorithms dealing with any distribution shifts possible. We propose two methods, one inspired by the label noise literature and another by the covariate shift literature for biquality learning. We experiment with two novel methods to synthetically introduce concept drift and class-conditional shifts in real-world datasets across many of them. We opened some discussions and assessed that developing biquality learning algorithms robust to distributional changes remains an interesting problem for future research.
Abstract:The democratization of Data Mining has been widely successful thanks in part to powerful and easy-to-use Machine Learning libraries. These libraries have been particularly tailored to tackle Supervised Learning. However, strong supervision signals are scarce in practice, and practitioners must resort to weak supervision. In addition to weaknesses of supervision, dataset shifts are another kind of phenomenon that occurs when deploying machine learning models in the real world. That is why Biquality Learning has been proposed as a machine learning framework to design algorithms capable of handling multiple weaknesses of supervision and dataset shifts without assumptions on their nature and level by relying on the availability of a small trusted dataset composed of cleanly labeled and representative samples. Thus we propose biquality-learn: a Python library for Biquality Learning with an intuitive and consistent API to learn machine learning models from biquality data, with well-proven algorithms, accessible and easy to use for everyone, and enabling researchers to experiment in a reproducible way on biquality data.
Abstract:Time Series Classification (TSC) has received much attention in the past two decades and is still a crucial and challenging problem in data science and knowledge engineering. Indeed, along with the increasing availability of time series data, many TSC algorithms have been suggested by the research community in the literature. Besides state-of-the-art methods based on similarity measures, intervals, shapelets, dictionaries, deep learning methods or hybrid ensemble methods, several tools for extracting unsupervised informative summary statistics, aka features, from time series have been designed in the recent years. Originally designed for descriptive analysis and visualization of time series with informative and interpretable features, very few of these feature engineering tools have been benchmarked for TSC problems and compared with state-of-the-art TSC algorithms in terms of predictive performance. In this article, we aim at filling this gap and propose a simple TSC process to evaluate the potential predictive performance of the feature sets obtained with existing feature engineering tools. Thus, we present an empirical study of 11 feature engineering tools branched with 9 supervised classifiers over 112 time series data sets. The analysis of the results of more than 10000 learning experiments indicate that feature-based methods perform as accurately as current state-of-the-art TSC algorithms, and thus should rightfully be considered further in the TSC literature.