Abstract:Face parsing refers to the semantic segmentation of human faces into key facial regions such as eyes, nose, hair, etc. It serves as a prerequisite for various advanced applications, including face editing, face swapping, and facial makeup, which often require segmentation masks for classes like eyeglasses, hats, earrings, and necklaces. These infrequently occurring classes are called long-tail classes, which are overshadowed by more frequently occurring classes known as head classes. Existing methods, primarily CNN-based, tend to be dominated by head classes during training, resulting in suboptimal representation for long-tail classes. Previous works have largely overlooked the problem of poor segmentation performance of long-tail classes. To address this issue, we propose SegFace, a simple and efficient approach that uses a lightweight transformer-based model which utilizes learnable class-specific tokens. The transformer decoder leverages class-specific tokens, allowing each token to focus on its corresponding class, thereby enabling independent modeling of each class. The proposed approach improves the performance of long-tail classes, thereby boosting overall performance. To the best of our knowledge, SegFace is the first work to employ transformer models for face parsing. Moreover, our approach can be adapted for low-compute edge devices, achieving 95.96 FPS. We conduct extensive experiments demonstrating that SegFace significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art models, achieving a mean F1 score of 88.96 (+2.82) on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset and 93.03 (+0.65) on the LaPa dataset. Code: https://github.com/Kartik-3004/SegFace
Abstract:Pre-training on large-scale datasets and utilizing margin-based loss functions have been highly successful in training models for high-resolution face recognition. However, these models struggle with low-resolution face datasets, in which the faces lack the facial attributes necessary for distinguishing different faces. Full fine-tuning on low-resolution datasets, a naive method for adapting the model, yields inferior performance due to catastrophic forgetting of pre-trained knowledge. Additionally the domain difference between high-resolution (HR) gallery images and low-resolution (LR) probe images in low resolution datasets leads to poor convergence for a single model to adapt to both gallery and probe after fine-tuning. To this end, we propose PETALface, a Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning approach for low-resolution face recognition. Through PETALface, we attempt to solve both the aforementioned problems. (1) We solve catastrophic forgetting by leveraging the power of parameter efficient fine-tuning(PEFT). (2) We introduce two low-rank adaptation modules to the backbone, with weights adjusted based on the input image quality to account for the difference in quality for the gallery and probe images. To the best of our knowledge, PETALface is the first work leveraging the powers of PEFT for low resolution face recognition. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms full fine-tuning on low-resolution datasets while preserving performance on high-resolution and mixed-quality datasets, all while using only 0.48% of the parameters. Code: https://kartik-3004.github.io/PETALface/
Abstract:Face recognition technology has become an integral part of modern security systems and user authentication processes. However, these systems are vulnerable to spoofing attacks and can easily be circumvented. Most prior research in face anti-spoofing (FAS) approaches it as a two-class classification task where models are trained on real samples and known spoof attacks and tested for detection performance on unknown spoof attacks. However, in practice, FAS should be treated as a one-class classification task where, while training, one cannot assume any knowledge regarding the spoof samples a priori. In this paper, we reformulate the face anti-spoofing task from a one-class perspective and propose a novel hyperbolic one-class classification framework. To train our network, we use a pseudo-negative class sampled from the Gaussian distribution with a weighted running mean and propose two novel loss functions: (1) Hyp-PC: Hyperbolic Pairwise Confusion loss, and (2) Hyp-CE: Hyperbolic Cross Entropy loss, which operate in the hyperbolic space. Additionally, we employ Euclidean feature clipping and gradient clipping to stabilize the training in the hyperbolic space. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work extending hyperbolic embeddings for face anti-spoofing in a one-class manner. With extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets: Rose-Youtu, MSU-MFSD, CASIA-MFSD, Idiap Replay-Attack, and OULU-NPU, we demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art, achieving better spoof detection performance.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce FaceXformer, an end-to-end unified transformer model for a comprehensive range of facial analysis tasks such as face parsing, landmark detection, head pose estimation, attributes recognition, and estimation of age, gender, race, and landmarks visibility. Conventional methods in face analysis have often relied on task-specific designs and preprocessing techniques, which limit their approach to a unified architecture. Unlike these conventional methods, our FaceXformer leverages a transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture where each task is treated as a learnable token, enabling the integration of multiple tasks within a single framework. Moreover, we propose a parameter-efficient decoder, FaceX, which jointly processes face and task tokens, thereby learning generalized and robust face representations across different tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to propose a single model capable of handling all these facial analysis tasks using transformers. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of effective backbones for unified face task processing and evaluated different task queries and the synergy between them. We conduct experiments against state-of-the-art specialized models and previous multi-task models in both intra-dataset and cross-dataset evaluations across multiple benchmarks. Additionally, our model effectively handles images "in-the-wild," demonstrating its robustness and generalizability across eight different tasks, all while maintaining the real-time performance of 37 FPS.
Abstract:Deepfake refers to tailored and synthetically generated videos which are now prevalent and spreading on a large scale, threatening the trustworthiness of the information available online. While existing datasets contain different kinds of deepfakes which vary in their generation technique, they do not consider progression of deepfakes in a "phylogenetic" manner. It is possible that an existing deepfake face is swapped with another face. This process of face swapping can be performed multiple times and the resultant deepfake can be evolved to confuse the deepfake detection algorithms. Further, many databases do not provide the employed generative model as target labels. Model attribution helps in enhancing the explainability of the detection results by providing information on the generative model employed. In order to enable the research community to address these questions, this paper proposes DeePhy, a novel Deepfake Phylogeny dataset which consists of 5040 deepfake videos generated using three different generation techniques. There are 840 videos of one-time swapped deepfakes, 2520 videos of two-times swapped deepfakes and 1680 videos of three-times swapped deepfakes. With over 30 GBs in size, the database is prepared in over 1100 hours using 18 GPUs of 1,352 GB cumulative memory. We also present the benchmark on DeePhy dataset using six deepfake detection algorithms. The results highlight the need to evolve the research of model attribution of deepfakes and generalize the process over a variety of deepfake generation techniques. The database is available at: http://iab-rubric.org/deephy-database