Abstract:Early detection of myocardial infarction (MI), a critical condition arising from coronary artery disease (CAD), is vital to prevent further myocardial damage. This study introduces a novel method for early MI detection using a one-class classification (OCC) algorithm in echocardiography. Our study overcomes the challenge of limited echocardiography data availability by adopting a novel approach based on Multi-modal Subspace Support Vector Data Description. The proposed technique involves a specialized MI detection framework employing multi-view echocardiography incorporating a composite kernel in the non-linear projection trick, fusing Gaussian and Laplacian sigmoid functions. Additionally, we enhance the update strategy of the projection matrices by adapting maximization for both or one of the modalities in the optimization process. Our method boosts MI detection capability by efficiently transforming features extracted from echocardiography data into an optimized lower-dimensional subspace. The OCC model trained specifically on target class instances from the comprehensive HMC-QU dataset that includes multiple echocardiography views indicates a marked improvement in MI detection accuracy. Our findings reveal that our proposed multi-view approach achieves a geometric mean of 71.24\%, signifying a substantial advancement in echocardiography-based MI diagnosis and offering more precise and efficient diagnostic tools.
Abstract:$\mathbb{X}$ (formerly Twitter) is a prominent online social media platform that plays an important role in sharing information making the content generated on this platform a valuable source of information. Ensuring trust on $\mathbb{X}$ is essential to determine the user credibility and prevents issues across various domains. While assigning credibility to $\mathbb{X}$ users and classifying them as trusted or untrusted is commonly carried out using traditional machine learning models, there is limited exploration about the use of One-Class Classification (OCC) models for this purpose. In this study, we use various OCC models for $\mathbb{X}$ user classification. Additionally, we propose using a subspace-learning-based approach that simultaneously optimizes both the subspace and data description for OCC. We also introduce a novel regularization term for Subspace Support Vector Data Description (SSVDD), expressing data concentration in a lower-dimensional subspace that captures diverse graph structures. Experimental results show superior performance of the introduced regularization term for SSVDD compared to baseline models and state-of-the-art techniques for $\mathbb{X}$ user classification.
Abstract:In an increasingly digitalized commerce landscape, the proliferation of credit card fraud and the evolution of sophisticated fraudulent techniques have led to substantial financial losses. Automating credit card fraud detection is a viable way to accelerate detection, reducing response times and minimizing potential financial losses. However, addressing this challenge is complicated by the highly imbalanced nature of the datasets, where genuine transactions vastly outnumber fraudulent ones. Furthermore, the high number of dimensions within the feature set gives rise to the ``curse of dimensionality". In this paper, we investigate subspace learning-based approaches centered on One-Class Classification (OCC) algorithms, which excel in handling imbalanced data distributions and possess the capability to anticipate and counter the transactions carried out by yet-to-be-invented fraud techniques. The study highlights the potential of subspace learning-based OCC algorithms by investigating the limitations of current fraud detection strategies and the specific challenges of credit card fraud detection. These algorithms integrate subspace learning into the data description; hence, the models transform the data into a lower-dimensional subspace optimized for OCC. Through rigorous experimentation and analysis, the study validated that the proposed approach helps tackle the curse of dimensionality and the imbalanced nature of credit card data for automatic fraud detection to mitigate financial losses caused by fraudulent activities.
Abstract:One-class classification refers to approaches of learning using data from a single class only. In this paper, we propose a deep learning one-class classification method suitable for multimodal data, which relies on two convolutional autoencoders jointly trained to reconstruct the positive input data while obtaining the data representations in the latent space as compact as possible. During inference, the distance of the latent representation of an input to the origin can be used as an anomaly score. Experimental results using a multimodal macroinvertebrate image classification dataset show that the proposed multimodal method yields better results as compared to the unimodal approach. Furthermore, study the effect of different input image sizes, and we investigate how recently proposed feature diversity regularizers affect the performance of our approach. We show that such regularizers improve performance.
Abstract:In this paper, we present an adaptation of Newton's method for the optimization of Subspace Support Vector Data Description (S-SVDD). The objective of S-SVDD is to map the original data to a subspace optimized for one-class classification, and the iterative optimization process of data mapping and description in S-SVDD relies on gradient descent. However, gradient descent only utilizes first-order information, which may lead to suboptimal results. To address this limitation, we leverage Newton's method to enhance data mapping and data description for an improved optimization of subspace learning-based one-class classification. By incorporating this auxiliary information, Newton's method offers a more efficient strategy for subspace learning in one-class classification as compared to gradient-based optimization. The paper discusses the limitations of gradient descent and the advantages of using Newton's method in subspace learning for one-class classification tasks. We provide both linear and nonlinear formulations of Newton's method-based optimization for S-SVDD. In our experiments, we explored both the minimization and maximization strategies of the objective. The results demonstrate that the proposed optimization strategy outperforms the gradient-based S-SVDD in most cases.
Abstract:Controller Area Network bus systems within vehicular networks are not equipped with the tools necessary to ward off and protect themselves from modern cyber-security threats. Work has been done on using machine learning methods to detect and report these attacks, but common methods are not robust towards unknown attacks. These methods usually rely on there being a sufficient representation of attack data, which may not be available due to there either not being enough data present to adequately represent its distribution or the distribution itself is too diverse in nature for there to be a sufficient representation of it. With the use of one-class classification methods, this issue can be mitigated as only normal data is required to train a model for the detection of anomalous instances. Research has been done on the efficacy of these methods, most notably One-Class Support Vector Machine and Support Vector Data Description, but many new extensions of these works have been proposed and have yet to be tested for injection attacks in vehicular networks. In this paper, we investigate the performance of various state-of-the-art one-class classification methods for detecting injection attacks on Controller Area Network bus traffic. We investigate the effectiveness of these techniques on attacks launched on Controller Area Network buses from two different vehicles during normal operation and while being attacked. We observe that the Subspace Support Vector Data Description method outperformed all other tested methods with a Gmean of about 85%.
Abstract:Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is an important task in many applications, such as environmental monitoring, medical imaging, and land use/land cover (LULC) classification. Due to the significant amount of spectral information from recent HSI sensors, analyzing the acquired images is challenging using traditional Machine Learning (ML) methods. As the number of frequency bands increases, the required number of training samples increases exponentially to achieve a reasonable classification accuracy, also known as the curse of dimensionality. Therefore, separate band selection or dimensionality reduction techniques are often applied before performing any classification task over HSI data. In this study, we investigate recently proposed subspace learning methods for one-class classification (OCC). These methods map high-dimensional data to a lower-dimensional feature space that is optimized for one-class classification. In this way, there is no separate dimensionality reduction or feature selection procedure needed in the proposed classification framework. Moreover, one-class classifiers have the ability to learn a data description from the category of a single class only. Considering the imbalanced labels of the LULC classification problem and rich spectral information (high number of dimensions), the proposed classification approach is well-suited for HSI data. Overall, this is a pioneer study focusing on subspace learning-based one-class classification for HSI data. We analyze the performance of the proposed subspace learning one-class classifiers in the proposed pipeline. Our experiments validate that the proposed approach helps tackle the curse of dimensionality along with the imbalanced nature of HSI data.
Abstract:As a consequence of global warming and climate change, the risk and extent of wildfires have been increasing in many areas worldwide. Warmer temperatures and drier conditions can cause quickly spreading fires and make them harder to control; therefore, early detection and accurate locating of active fires are crucial in environmental monitoring. Using satellite imagery to monitor and detect active fires has been critical for managing forests and public land. Many traditional statistical-based methods and more recent deep-learning techniques have been proposed for active fire detection. In this study, we propose a novel approach called Operational U-Nets for the improved early detection of active fires. The proposed approach utilizes Self-Organized Operational Neural Network (Self-ONN) layers in a compact U-Net architecture. The preliminary experimental results demonstrate that Operational U-Nets not only achieve superior detection performance but can also significantly reduce computational complexity.
Abstract:Myocardial infarction (MI) is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. Early therapeutics of MI can ensure the prevention of further myocardial necrosis. Echocardiography is the fundamental imaging technique that can reveal the earliest sign of MI. However, the scarcity of echocardiographic datasets for the MI detection is the major issue for training data-driven classification algorithms. In this study, we propose a framework for early detection of MI over multi-view echocardiography that leverages one-class classification (OCC) techniques. The OCC techniques are used to train a model for detecting a specific target class using instances from that particular category only. We investigated the usage of uni-modal and multi-modal one-class classification techniques in the proposed framework using the HMC-QU dataset that includes apical 4-chamber (A4C) and apical 2-chamber (A2C) views in a total of 260 echocardiography recordings. Experimental results show that the multi-modal approach achieves a sensitivity level of 85.23% and F1-Score of 80.21%.
Abstract:An image anomaly localization method based on the successive subspace learning (SSL) framework, called AnomalyHop, is proposed in this work. AnomalyHop consists of three modules: 1) feature extraction via successive subspace learning (SSL), 2) normality feature distributions modeling via Gaussian models, and 3) anomaly map generation and fusion. Comparing with state-of-the-art image anomaly localization methods based on deep neural networks (DNNs), AnomalyHop is mathematically transparent, easy to train, and fast in its inference speed. Besides, its area under the ROC curve (ROC-AUC) performance on the MVTec AD dataset is 95.9%, which is among the best of several benchmarking methods. Our codes are publicly available at Github.