Abstract:Land cover classification and change detection are two important applications of remote sensing and Earth observation (EO) that have benefited greatly from the advances of deep learning. Convolutional and transformer-based U-net models are the state-of-the-art architectures for these tasks, and their performances have been boosted by an increased availability of large-scale annotated EO datasets. However, the influence of different visual characteristics of the input EO data on a model's predictions is not well understood. In this work we systematically examine model sensitivities with respect to several color- and texture-based distortions on the input EO data during inference, given models that have been trained without such distortions. We conduct experiments with multiple state-of-the-art segmentation networks for land cover classification and show that they are in general more sensitive to texture than to color distortions. Beyond revealing intriguing characteristics of widely used land cover classification models, our results can also be used to guide the development of more robust models within the EO domain.
Abstract:Decentralized deep learning requires dealing with non-iid data across clients, which may also change over time due to temporal shifts. While non-iid data has been extensively studied in distributed settings, temporal shifts have received no attention. To the best of our knowledge, we are first with tackling the novel and challenging problem of decentralized learning with non-iid and dynamic data. We propose a novel algorithm that can automatically discover and adapt to the evolving concepts in the network, without any prior knowledge or estimation of the number of concepts. We evaluate our algorithm on standard benchmark datasets and demonstrate that it outperforms previous methods for decentralized learning.
Abstract:The grammatical gender of Swedish nouns is a mystery. While there are few rules that can indicate the gender with some certainty, it does in general not depend on either meaning or the structure of the word. In this paper we demonstrate the surprising fact that grammatical gender for Swedish nouns can be predicted with high accuracy using a recurrent neural network (RNN) working on the raw character sequence of the word, without using any contextual information.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel approach for privacy-preserving node selection in personalized decentralized learning, which we refer to as Private Personalized Decentralized Learning (PPDL). Our method mitigates the risk of inference attacks through the use of secure aggregation while simultaneously enabling efficient identification of collaborators. This is achieved by leveraging adversarial multi-armed bandit optimization that exploits dependencies between the different arms. Through comprehensive experimentation on various benchmarks under label and covariate shift, we demonstrate that our privacy-preserving approach outperforms previous non-private methods in terms of model performance.
Abstract:Generative adversarial networks have proven to be a powerful tool for learning complex and high-dimensional data distributions, but issues such as mode collapse have been shown to make it difficult to train them. This is an even harder problem when the data is decentralized over several clients in a federated learning setup, as problems such as client drift and non-iid data make it hard for federated averaging to converge. In this work, we study the task of how to learn a data distribution when training data is heterogeneously decentralized over clients and cannot be shared. Our goal is to sample from this distribution centrally, while the data never leaves the clients. We show using standard benchmark image datasets that existing approaches fail in this setting, experiencing so-called client drift when the local number of epochs becomes to large. We thus propose a novel approach we call EFFGAN: Ensembles of fine-tuned federated GANs. Being an ensemble of local expert generators, EFFGAN is able to learn the data distribution over all clients and mitigate client drift. It is able to train with a large number of local epochs, making it more communication efficient than previous works.
Abstract:We study the problem of training personalized deep learning models in a decentralized peer-to-peer setting, focusing on the setting where data distributions differ between the clients and where different clients have different local learning tasks. We study both covariate and label shift, and our contribution is an algorithm which for each client finds beneficial collaborations based on a similarity estimate for the local task. Our method does not rely on hyperparameters which are hard to estimate, such as the number of client clusters, but rather continuously adapts to the network topology using soft cluster assignment based on a novel adaptive gossip algorithm. We test the proposed method in various settings where data is not independent and identically distributed among the clients. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed method performs better than previous state-of-the-art algorithms for this problem setting, and handles situations well where previous methods fail.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a promising framework for distributed learning when data is private and sensitive. However, the state-of-the-art solutions in this framework are not optimal when data is heterogeneous and non-Independent and Identically Distributed (non-IID). We propose a practical and robust approach to personalization in FL that adjusts to heterogeneous and non-IID data by balancing exploration and exploitation of several global models. To achieve our aim of personalization, we use a Mixture of Experts (MoE) that learns to group clients that are similar to each other, while using the global models more efficiently. We show that our approach achieves an accuracy up to 29.78 % and up to 4.38 % better compared to a local model in a pathological non-IID setting, even though we tune our approach in the IID setting.
Abstract:We tackle the non-convex problem of learning a personalized deep learning model in a decentralized setting. More specifically, we study decentralized federated learning, a peer-to-peer setting where data is distributed among many clients and where there is no central server to orchestrate the training. In real world scenarios, the data distributions are often heterogeneous between clients. Therefore, in this work we study the problem of how to efficiently learn a model in a peer-to-peer system with non-iid client data. We propose a method named Performance-Based Neighbor Selection (PENS) where clients with similar data distributions detect each other and cooperate by evaluating their training losses on each other's data to learn a model suitable for the local data distribution. Our experiments on benchmark datasets show that our proposed method is able to achieve higher accuracies as compared to strong baselines.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is a promising approach to distributed compute, as well as distributed data, and provides a level of privacy and compliance to legal frameworks. This makes FL attractive for both consumer and healthcare applications. While the area is actively being explored, few studies have examined FL in the context of larger language models and there is a lack of comprehensive reviews of robustness across tasks, architectures, numbers of clients, and other relevant factors. In this paper, we explore the fine-tuning of Transformer-based language models in a federated learning setting. We evaluate three popular BERT-variants of different sizes (BERT, ALBERT, and DistilBERT) on a number of text classification tasks such as sentiment analysis and author identification. We perform an extensive sweep over the number of clients, ranging up to 32, to evaluate the impact of distributed compute on task performance in the federated averaging setting. While our findings suggest that the large sizes of the evaluated models are not generally prohibitive to federated training, we found that the different models handle federated averaging to a varying degree. Most notably, DistilBERT converges significantly slower with larger numbers of clients, and under some circumstances, even collapses to chance level performance. Investigating this issue presents an interesting perspective for future research.
Abstract:Federated learning has received attention for its efficiency and privacy benefits, in settings where data is distributed among devices. Although federated learning shows significant promise as a key approach when data cannot be shared or centralized, current incarnations show limited privacy properties and have shortcomings when applied to common real-world scenarios. One such scenario is heterogeneous data among devices, where data may come from different generating distributions. In this paper, we propose a federated learning framework using a mixture of experts to balance the specialist nature of a locally trained model with the generalist knowledge of a global model in a federated learning setting. Our results show that the mixture of experts model is better suited as a personalized model for devices when data is heterogeneous, outperforming both global and local models. Furthermore, our framework gives strict privacy guarantees, which allows clients to select parts of their data that may be excluded from the federation. The evaluation shows that the proposed solution is robust to the setting where some users require a strict privacy setting and do not disclose their models to a central server at all, opting out from the federation partially or entirely. The proposed framework is general enough to include any kind of machine learning models, and can even use combinations of different kinds.