Abstract:The difficulty of monitoring biodiversity at fine scales and over large areas limits ecological knowledge and conservation efforts. To fill this gap, Species Distribution Models (SDMs) predict species across space from spatially explicit features. Yet, they face the challenge of integrating the rich but heterogeneous data made available over the past decade, notably millions of opportunistic species observations and standardized surveys, as well as multi-modal remote sensing data. In light of that, we have designed and developed a new European-scale dataset for SDMs at high spatial resolution (10-50 m), including more than 10k species (i.e., most of the European flora). The dataset comprises 5M heterogeneous Presence-Only records and 90k exhaustive Presence-Absence survey records, all accompanied by diverse environmental rasters (e.g., elevation, human footprint, and soil) that are traditionally used in SDMs. In addition, it provides Sentinel-2 RGB and NIR satellite images with 10 m resolution, a 20-year time-series of climatic variables, and satellite time-series from the Landsat program. In addition to the data, we provide an openly accessible SDM benchmark (hosted on Kaggle), which has already attracted an active community and a set of strong baselines for single predictor/modality and multimodal approaches. All resources, e.g., the dataset, pre-trained models, and baseline methods (in the form of notebooks), are available on Kaggle, allowing one to start with our dataset literally with two mouse clicks.
Abstract:Deep learning models for plant species identification rely on large annotated datasets. The PlantNet system enables global data collection by allowing users to upload and annotate plant observations, leading to noisy labels due to diverse user skills. Achieving consensus is crucial for training, but the vast scale of collected data makes traditional label aggregation strategies challenging. Existing methods either retain all observations, resulting in noisy training data or selectively keep those with sufficient votes, discarding valuable information. Additionally, as many species are rarely observed, user expertise can not be evaluated as an inter-user agreement: otherwise, botanical experts would have a lower weight in the AI training step than the average user. Our proposed label aggregation strategy aims to cooperatively train plant identification AI models. This strategy estimates user expertise as a trust score per user based on their ability to identify plant species from crowdsourced data. The trust score is recursively estimated from correctly identified species given the current estimated labels. This interpretable score exploits botanical experts' knowledge and the heterogeneity of users. Subsequently, our strategy removes unreliable observations but retains those with limited trusted annotations, unlike other approaches. We evaluate PlantNet's strategy on a released large subset of the PlantNet database focused on European flora, comprising over 6M observations and 800K users. We demonstrate that estimating users' skills based on the diversity of their expertise enhances labeling performance. Our findings emphasize the synergy of human annotation and data filtering in improving AI performance for a refined dataset. We explore incorporating AI-based votes alongside human input. This can further enhance human-AI interactions to detect unreliable observations.
Abstract:The post-2020 global biodiversity framework needs ambitious, research-based targets. Estimating the accelerated extinction risk due to climate change is critical. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) measures the extinction risk of species. Automatic methods have been developed to provide information on the IUCN status of under-assessed taxa. However, these compensatory methods are based on current species characteristics, mainly geographical, which precludes their use in future projections. Here, we evaluate a novel method for classifying the IUCN status of species benefiting from the generalisation power of species distribution models based on deep learning. Our method matches state-of-the-art classification performance while relying on flexible SDM-based features that capture species' environmental preferences. Cross-validation yields average accuracies of 0.61 for status classification and 0.78 for binary classification. Climate change will reshape future species distributions. Under the species-environment equilibrium hypothesis, SDM projections approximate plausible future outcomes. Two extremes of species dispersal capacity are considered: unlimited or null. The projected species distributions are translated into features feeding our IUCN classification method. Finally, trends in threatened species are analysed over time and i) by continent and as a function of average ii) latitude or iii) altitude. The proportion of threatened species is increasing globally, with critical rates in Africa, Asia and South America. Furthermore, the proportion of threatened species is predicted to peak around the two Tropics, at the Equator, in the lowlands and at altitudes of 800-1,500 m.
Abstract:Although increasing threats on biodiversity are now widely recognised, there are no accurate global maps showing whether and where species assemblages are at risk. We hereby assess and map at kilometre resolution the conservation status of the iconic orchid family, and discuss the insights conveyed at multiple scales. We introduce a new Deep Species Distribution Model trained on 1M occurrences of 14K orchid species to predict their assemblages at global scale and at kilometre resolution. We propose two main indicators of the conservation status of the assemblages: (i) the proportion of threatened species, and (ii) the status of the most threatened species in the assemblage. We show and analyze the variation of these indicators at World scale and in relation to currently protected areas in Sumatra island. Global and interactive maps available online show the indicators of conservation status of orchid assemblages, with sharp spatial variations at all scales. The highest level of threat is found at Madagascar and the neighbouring islands. In Sumatra, we found good correspondence of protected areas with our indicators, but supplementing current IUCN assessments with status predictions results in alarming levels of species threat across the island. Recent advances in deep learning enable reliable mapping of the conservation status of species assemblages on a global scale. As an umbrella taxon, orchid family provides a reference for identifying vulnerable ecosystems worldwide, and prioritising conservation actions both at international and local levels.
Abstract:Average-K classification is an alternative to top-K classification in which the number of labels returned varies with the ambiguity of the input image but must average to K over all the samples. A simple method to solve this task is to threshold the softmax output of a model trained with the cross-entropy loss. This approach is theoretically proven to be asymptotically consistent, but it is not guaranteed to be optimal for a finite set of samples. In this paper, we propose a new loss function based on a multi-label classification head in addition to the classical softmax. This second head is trained using pseudo-labels generated by thresholding the softmax head while guaranteeing that K classes are returned on average. We show that this approach allows the model to better capture ambiguities between classes and, as a result, to return more consistent sets of possible classes. Experiments on two datasets from the literature demonstrate that our approach outperforms the softmax baseline, as well as several other loss functions more generally designed for weakly supervised multi-label classification. The gains are larger the higher the uncertainty, especially for classes with few samples.
Abstract:In supervised learning -- for instance in image classification -- modern massive datasets are commonly labeled by a crowd of workers. The obtained labels in this crowdsourcing setting are then aggregated for training. The aggregation step generally leverages a per worker trust score. Yet, such worker-centric approaches discard each task ambiguity. Some intrinsically ambiguous tasks might even fool expert workers, which could eventually be harmful for the learning step. In a standard supervised learning setting -- with one label per task and balanced classes -- the Area Under the Margin (AUM) statistic is tailored to identify mislabeled data. We adapt the AUM to identify ambiguous tasks in crowdsourced learning scenarios, introducing the Weighted AUM (WAUM). The WAUM is an average of AUMs weighted by worker and task dependent scores. We show that the WAUM can help discarding ambiguous tasks from the training set, leading to better generalization or calibration performance. We report improvements with respect to feature-blind aggregation strategies both for simulated settings and for the CIFAR-10H crowdsourced dataset.
Abstract:Supervised representation learning with deep networks tends to overfit the training classes and the generalization to novel classes is a challenging question. It is common to evaluate a learned embedding on held-out images of the same training classes. In real applications however, data comes from new sources and novel classes are likely to arise. We hypothesize that incorporating unlabelled images of novel classes in the training set in a semi-supervised fashion would be beneficial for the efficient retrieval of novel-class images compared to a vanilla supervised representation. To verify this hypothesis in a comprehensive way, we propose an original evaluation methodology that varies the degree of novelty of novel classes by partitioning the dataset category-wise either randomly, or semantically, i.e. by minimizing the shared semantics between base and novel classes. This evaluation procedure allows to train a representation blindly to any novel-class labels and evaluate the frozen representation on the retrieval of base or novel classes. We find that a vanilla supervised representation falls short on the retrieval of novel classes even more so when the semantics gap is higher. Semi-supervised algorithms allow to partially bridge this performance gap but there is still much room for improvement.
Abstract:In modern classification tasks, the number of labels is getting larger and larger, as is the size of the datasets encountered in practice. As the number of classes increases, class ambiguity and class imbalance become more and more problematic to achieve high top-1 accuracy. Meanwhile, Top-K metrics (metrics allowing K guesses) have become popular, especially for performance reporting. Yet, proposing top-K losses tailored for deep learning remains a challenge, both theoretically and practically. In this paper we introduce a stochastic top-K hinge loss inspired by recent developments on top-K calibrated losses. Our proposal is based on the smoothing of the top-K operator building on the flexible "perturbed optimizer" framework. We show that our loss function performs very well in the case of balanced datasets, while benefiting from a significantly lower computational time than the state-of-the-art top-K loss function. In addition, we propose a simple variant of our loss for the imbalanced case. Experiments on a heavy-tailed dataset show that our loss function significantly outperforms other baseline loss functions.
Abstract:When many labels are possible, choosing a single one can lead to low precision. A common alternative, referred to as top-$K$ classification, is to choose some number $K$ (commonly around 5) and to return the $K$ labels with the highest scores. Unfortunately, for unambiguous cases, $K>1$ is too many and, for very ambiguous cases, $K \leq 5$ (for example) can be too small. An alternative sensible strategy is to use an adaptive approach in which the number of labels returned varies as a function of the computed ambiguity, but must average to some particular $K$ over all the samples. We denote this alternative average-$K$ classification. This paper formally characterizes the ambiguity profile when average-$K$ classification can achieve a lower error rate than a fixed top-$K$ classification. Moreover, it provides natural estimation procedures for both the fixed-size and the adaptive classifier and proves their consistency. Finally, it reports experiments on real-world image data sets revealing the benefit of average-$K$ classification over top-$K$ in practice. Overall, when the ambiguity is known precisely, average-$K$ is never worse than top-$K$, and, in our experiments, when it is estimated, this also holds.
Abstract:In more and more application areas, we are witnessing the emergence of complex workflows that combine computing, analytics and learning. They often require a hybrid execution infrastructure with IoT devices interconnected to cloud/HPC systems (aka Computing Continuum). Such workflows are subject to complex constraints and requirements in terms of performance, resource usage, energy consumption and financial costs. This makes it challenging to optimize their configuration and deployment. We propose a methodology to support the optimization of real-life applications on the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum. We implement it as an extension of E2Clab, a previously proposed framework supporting the complete experimental cycle across the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum. Our approach relies on a rigorous analysis of possible configurations in a controlled testbed environment to understand their behaviour and related performance trade-offs. We illustrate our methodology by optimizing Pl@ntNet, a world-wide plant identification application. Our methodology can be generalized to other applications in the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum.