Abstract:The solution of a PDE over varying initial/boundary conditions on multiple domains is needed in a wide variety of applications, but it is computationally expensive if the solution is computed de novo whenever the initial/boundary conditions of the domain change. We introduce a general operator learning framework, called DIffeomorphic Mapping Operator learNing (DIMON) to learn approximate PDE solutions over a family of domains $\{\Omega_{\theta}}_\theta$, that learns the map from initial/boundary conditions and domain $\Omega_\theta$ to the solution of the PDE, or to specified functionals thereof. DIMON is based on transporting a given problem (initial/boundary conditions and domain $\Omega_{\theta}$) to a problem on a reference domain $\Omega_{0}$, where training data from multiple problems is used to learn the map to the solution on $\Omega_{0}$, which is then re-mapped to the original domain $\Omega_{\theta}$. We consider several problems to demonstrate the performance of the framework in learning both static and time-dependent PDEs on non-rigid geometries; these include solving the Laplace equation, reaction-diffusion equations, and a multiscale PDE that characterizes the electrical propagation on the left ventricle. This work paves the way toward the fast prediction of PDE solutions on a family of domains and the application of neural operators in engineering and precision medicine.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new mathematical and numerical framework for surface analysis derived from the general setting of elastic Riemannian metrics on shape spaces. Traditionally, those metrics are defined over the infinite dimensional manifold of immersed surfaces and satisfy specific invariance properties enabling the comparison of surfaces modulo shape preserving transformations such as reparametrizations. The specificity of the approach we develop is to restrict the space of allowable transformations to predefined finite dimensional bases of deformation fields. These are estimated in a data-driven way so as to emulate specific types of surface transformations observed in a training set. The use of such bases allows to simplify the representation of the corresponding shape space to a finite dimensional latent space. However, in sharp contrast with methods involving e.g. mesh autoencoders, the latent space is here equipped with a non-Euclidean Riemannian metric precisely inherited from the family of aforementioned elastic metrics. We demonstrate how this basis restricted model can be then effectively implemented to perform a variety of tasks on surface meshes which, importantly, does not assume these to be pre-registered (i.e. with given point correspondences) or to even have a consistent mesh structure. We specifically validate our approach on human body shape and pose data as well as human face scans, and show how it generally outperforms state-of-the-art methods on problems such as shape registration, interpolation, motion transfer or random pose generation.
Abstract:We present BaRe-ESA, a novel Riemannian framework for human body scan representation, interpolation and extrapolation. BaRe-ESA operates directly on unregistered meshes, i.e., without the need to establish prior point to point correspondences or to assume a consistent mesh structure. Our method relies on a latent space representation, which is equipped with a Riemannian (non-Euclidean) metric associated to an invariant higher-order metric on the space of surfaces. Experimental results on the FAUST and DFAUST datasets show that BaRe-ESA brings significant improvements with respect to previous solutions in terms of shape registration, interpolation and extrapolation. The efficiency and strength of our model is further demonstrated in applications such as motion transfer and random generation of body shape and pose.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new framework for non-parallel emotion conversion in speech. Our framework is based on two key contributions. First, we propose a stochastic version of the popular CycleGAN model. Our modified loss function introduces a Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence term that aligns the source and target data distributions learned by the generators, thus overcoming the limitations of sample wise generation. By using a variational approximation to this stochastic loss function, we show that our KL divergence term can be implemented via a paired density discriminator. We term this new architecture a variational CycleGAN (VCGAN). Second, we model the prosodic features of target emotion as a smooth and learnable deformation of the source prosodic features. This approach provides implicit regularization that offers key advantages in terms of better range alignment to unseen and out of distribution speakers. We conduct rigorous experiments and comparative studies to demonstrate that our proposed framework is fairly robust with high performance against several state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:This paper introduces a set of numerical methods for Riemannian shape analysis of 3D surfaces within the setting of invariant (elastic) second-order Sobolev metrics. More specifically, we address the computation of geodesics and geodesic distances between parametrized or unparametrized immersed surfaces represented as 3D meshes. Building on this, we develop tools for the statistical shape analysis of sets of surfaces, including methods for estimating Karcher means and performing tangent PCA on shape populations, and for computing parallel transport along paths of surfaces. Our proposed approach fundamentally relies on a relaxed variational formulation for the geodesic matching problem via the use of varifold fidelity terms, which enable us to enforce reparametrization independence when computing geodesics between unparametrized surfaces, while also yielding versatile algorithms that allow us to compare surfaces with varying sampling or mesh structures. Importantly, we demonstrate how our relaxed variational framework can be extended to tackle partially observed data. The different benefits of our numerical pipeline are illustrated over various examples, synthetic and real.
Abstract:Motivated by applications from computer vision to bioinformatics, the field of shape analysis deals with problems where one wants to analyze geometric objects, such as curves, while ignoring actions that preserve their shape, such as translations, rotations, or reparametrizations. Mathematical tools have been developed to define notions of distances, averages, and optimal deformations for geometric objects. One such framework, which has proven to be successful in many applications, is based on the square root velocity (SRV) transform, which allows one to define a computable distance between spatial curves regardless of how they are parametrized. This paper introduces a supervised deep learning framework for the direct computation of SRV distances between curves, which usually requires an optimization over the group of reparametrizations that act on the curves. The benefits of our approach in terms of computational speed and accuracy are illustrated via several numerical experiments.
Abstract:We propose a novel method for emotion conversion in speech based on a chained encoder-decoder-predictor neural network architecture. The encoder constructs a latent embedding of the fundamental frequency (F0) contour and the spectrum, which we regularize using the Large Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) registration framework. The decoder uses this embedding to predict the modified F0 contour in a target emotional class. Finally, the predictor uses the original spectrum and the modified F0 contour to generate a corresponding target spectrum. Our joint objective function simultaneously optimizes the parameters of three model blocks. We show that our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art approaches on both, the saliency of emotion conversion and the quality of resynthesized speech. In addition, the LDDMM regularization allows our model to convert phrases that were not present in training, thus providing evidence for out-of-sample generalization.
Abstract:Surface comparison and matching is a challenging problem in computer vision. While reparametrization-invariant Sobolev metrics provide meaningful elastic distances and point correspondences via the geodesic boundary value problem, solving this problem numerically tends to be difficult. Square root normal fields (SRNF) considerably simplify the computation of certain elastic distances between parametrized surfaces. Yet they leave open the issue of finding optimal reparametrizations, which induce elastic distances between unparametrized surfaces. This issue has concentrated much effort in recent years and led to the development of several numerical frameworks. In this paper, we take an alternative approach which bypasses the direct estimation of reparametrizations: we relax the geodesic boundary constraint using an auxiliary parametrization-blind varifold fidelity metric. This reformulation has several notable benefits. By avoiding altogether the need for reparametrizations, it provides the flexibility to deal with simplicial meshes of arbitrary topologies and sampling patterns. Moreover, the problem lends itself to a coarse-to-fine multi-resolution implementation, which makes the algorithm scalable to large meshes. Furthermore, this approach extends readily to higher-order feature maps such as square root curvature fields and is also able to include surface textures in the matching problem. We demonstrate these advantages on several examples, synthetic and real.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new mathematical formulation and numerical approach for the computation of distances and geodesics between immersed planar curves. Our approach combines the general simplifying transform for first-order elastic metrics that was recently introduced by Kurtek and Needham, together with a relaxation of the matching constraint using parametrization-invariant fidelity metrics. The main advantages of this formulation are that it leads to a simple optimization problem for discretized curves, and that it provides a flexible approach to deal with noisy, inconsistent or corrupted data. These benefits are illustrated via a few preliminary numerical results.
Abstract:Dictionary learning is a popular class of methods for modeling complex data by learning sparse representations directly from the data. For some large-scale applications, exploiting a known structure of the signal is often essential for reducing the complexity of algorithms and representations. One such method is tensor factorization by which a large multi-dimensional dataset can be explicitly factored or separated along each dimension of the data in order to break the representation up into smaller components. Learning dictionaries for tensor structured data is called tensor or separable dictionary learning. While there have been many recent works on separable dictionary learning, typical formulations involve solving a non-convex optimization problem and guaranteeing global optimality remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a framework that uses recent developments in matrix/tensor factorization to provide theoretical and numerical guarantees of the global optimality for the separable dictionary learning problem. We will demonstrate our algorithm on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) data, a medical imaging modality which measures water diffusion along multiple angular directions in every voxel of an MRI volume. For this application, state-of-the-art methods learn dictionaries for the angular domain of the signals without consideration for the spatial domain. In this work, we apply the proposed separable dictionary learning method to learn spatial and angular dMRI dictionaries jointly and show results on denoising phantom and real dMRI brain data.