Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Abstract:Gradient descent (GD) and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) have been widely used in a large number of application domains. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of GD and improving its convergence speed is still of great importance. This paper carefully analyzes the dynamics of GD based on the terminal attractor at different stages of its gradient flow. On the basis of the terminal sliding mode theory and the terminal attractor theory, four adaptive learning rates are designed. Their performances are investigated in light of a detailed theoretical investigation, and the running times of the learning procedures are evaluated and compared. The total times of their learning processes are also studied in detail. To evaluate their effectiveness, various simulation results are investigated on a function approximation problem and an image classification problem.
Abstract:Pre-trained LLMs have demonstrated substantial capabilities across a range of conventional natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as summarization and entity recognition. In this paper, we explore the application of LLMs in the generation of high-quality protein sequences. Specifically, we adopt a suite of pre-trained LLMs, including Mistral-7B1, Llama-2-7B2, Llama-3-8B3, and gemma-7B4, to produce valid protein sequences. All of these models are publicly available.5 Unlike previous work in this field, our approach utilizes a relatively small dataset comprising 42,000 distinct human protein sequences. We retrain these models to process protein-related data, ensuring the generation of biologically feasible protein structures. Our findings demonstrate that even with limited data, the adapted models exhibit efficiency comparable to established protein-focused models such as ProGen varieties, ProtGPT2, and ProLLaMA, which were trained on millions of protein sequences. To validate and quantify the performance of our models, we conduct comparative analyses employing standard metrics such as pLDDT, RMSD, TM-score, and REU. Furthermore, we commit to making the trained versions of all four models publicly available, fostering greater transparency and collaboration in the field of computational biology.
Abstract:Effectively learning from sequential data is a longstanding goal of Artificial Intelligence, especially in the case of long sequences. From the dawn of Machine Learning, several researchers engaged in the search of algorithms and architectures capable of processing sequences of patterns, retaining information about the past inputs while still leveraging the upcoming data, without losing precious long-term dependencies and correlations. While such an ultimate goal is inspired by the human hallmark of continuous real-time processing of sensory information, several solutions simplified the learning paradigm by artificially limiting the processed context or dealing with sequences of limited length, given in advance. These solutions were further emphasized by the large ubiquity of Transformers, that have initially shaded the role of Recurrent Neural Nets. However, recurrent networks are facing a strong recent revival due to the growing popularity of (deep) State-Space models and novel instances of large-context Transformers, which are both based on recurrent computations to go beyond several limits of currently ubiquitous technologies. In fact, the fast development of Large Language Models enhanced the interest in efficient solutions to process data over time. This survey provides an in-depth summary of the latest approaches that are based on recurrent models for sequential data processing. A complete taxonomy over the latest trends in architectural and algorithmic solutions is reported and discussed, guiding researchers in this appealing research field. The emerging picture suggests that there is room for thinking of novel routes, constituted by learning algorithms which depart from the standard Backpropagation Through Time, towards a more realistic scenario where patterns are effectively processed online, leveraging local-forward computations, opening to further research on this topic.
Abstract:Crafting quizzes from educational content is a pivotal activity that benefits both teachers and students by reinforcing learning and evaluating understanding. In this study, we introduce a novel approach to generate quizzes from Turkish educational texts, marking a pioneering endeavor in educational technology specifically tailored to the Turkish educational context. We present a specialized dataset, named the Turkish-Quiz-Instruct, comprising an extensive collection of Turkish educational texts accompanied by multiple-choice and short-answer quizzes. This research leverages the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), including GPT-4-Turbo, GPT-3.5-Turbo, Llama-2-7b-chat-hf, and Llama-2-13b-chat-hf, to automatically generate quiz questions and answers from the Turkish educational content. Our work delineates the methodology for employing these LLMs in the context of Turkish educational material, thereby opening new avenues for automated Turkish quiz generation. The study not only demonstrates the efficacy of using such models for generating coherent and relevant quiz content but also sets a precedent for future research in the domain of automated educational content creation for languages other than English. The Turkish-Quiz-Instruct dataset is introduced as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners aiming to explore the boundaries of educational technology and language-specific applications of LLMs in Turkish. By addressing the challenges of quiz generation in a non-English context specifically Turkish, this study contributes significantly to the field of Turkish educational technology, providing insights into the potential of leveraging LLMs for educational purposes across diverse linguistic landscapes.
Abstract:This paper introduces the first Turkish crossword puzzle generator designed to leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for educational purposes. In this work, we introduced two specially created datasets: one with over 180,000 unique answer-clue pairs for generating relevant clues from the given answer, and another with over 35,000 samples containing text, answer, category, and clue data, aimed at producing clues for specific texts and keywords within certain categories. Beyond entertainment, this generator emerges as an interactive educational tool that enhances memory, vocabulary, and problem-solving skills. It's a notable step in AI-enhanced education, merging game-like engagement with learning for Turkish and setting new standards for interactive, intelligent learning tools in Turkish.
Abstract:Malware detection is a constant challenge in cybersecurity due to the rapid development of new attack techniques. Traditional signature-based approaches struggle to keep pace with the sheer volume of malware samples. Machine learning offers a promising solution, but faces issues of generalization to unseen samples and a lack of explanation for the instances identified as malware. However, human-understandable explanations are especially important in security-critical fields, where understanding model decisions is crucial for trust and legal compliance. While deep learning models excel at malware detection, their black-box nature hinders explainability. Conversely, interpretable models often fall short in performance. To bridge this gap in this application domain, we propose the use of Logic Explained Networks (LENs), which are a recently proposed class of interpretable neural networks providing explanations in the form of First-Order Logic (FOL) rules. This paper extends the application of LENs to the complex domain of malware detection, specifically using the large-scale EMBER dataset. In the experimental results we show that LENs achieve robustness that exceeds traditional interpretable methods and that are rivaling black-box models. Moreover, we introduce a tailored version of LENs that is shown to generate logic explanations with higher fidelity with respect to the model's predictions.
Abstract:Crossword puzzles are popular linguistic games often used as tools to engage students in learning. Educational crosswords are characterized by less cryptic and more factual clues that distinguish them from traditional crossword puzzles. Despite there exist several publicly available clue-answer pair databases for traditional crosswords, educational clue-answer pairs datasets are missing. In this article, we propose a methodology to build educational clue generation datasets that can be used to instruct Large Language Models (LLMs). By gathering from Wikipedia pages informative content associated with relevant keywords, we use Large Language Models to automatically generate pedagogical clues related to the given input keyword and its context. With such an approach, we created clue-instruct, a dataset containing 44,075 unique examples with text-keyword pairs associated with three distinct crossword clues. We used clue-instruct to instruct different LLMs to generate educational clues from a given input content and keyword. Both human and automatic evaluations confirmed the quality of the generated clues, thus validating the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:This paper presents a general framework to integrate prior knowledge in the form of logic constraints among a set of task functions into kernel machines. The logic propositions provide a partial representation of the environment, in which the learner operates, that is exploited by the learning algorithm together with the information available in the supervised examples. In particular, we consider a multi-task learning scheme, where multiple unary predicates on the feature space are to be learned by kernel machines and a higher level abstract representation consists of logic clauses on these predicates, known to hold for any input. A general approach is presented to convert the logic clauses into a continuous implementation, that processes the outputs computed by the kernel-based predicates. The learning task is formulated as a primal optimization problem of a loss function that combines a term measuring the fitting of the supervised examples, a regularization term, and a penalty term that enforces the constraints on both supervised and unsupervised examples. The proposed semi-supervised learning framework is particularly suited for learning in high dimensionality feature spaces, where the supervised training examples tend to be sparse and generalization difficult. Unlike for standard kernel machines, the cost function to optimize is not generally guaranteed to be convex. However, the experimental results show that it is still possible to find good solutions using a two stage learning schema, in which first the supervised examples are learned until convergence and then the logic constraints are forced. Some promising experimental results on artificial multi-task learning tasks are reported, showing how the classification accuracy can be effectively improved by exploiting the a priori rules and the unsupervised examples.
Abstract:A longstanding challenge for the Machine Learning community is the one of developing models that are capable of processing and learning from very long sequences of data. The outstanding results of Transformers-based networks (e.g., Large Language Models) promotes the idea of parallel attention as the key to succeed in such a challenge, obfuscating the role of classic sequential processing of Recurrent Models. However, in the last few years, researchers who were concerned by the quadratic complexity of self-attention have been proposing a novel wave of neural models, which gets the best from the two worlds, i.e., Transformers and Recurrent Nets. Meanwhile, Deep Space-State Models emerged as robust approaches to function approximation over time, thus opening a new perspective in learning from sequential data, followed by many people in the field and exploited to implement a special class of (linear) Recurrent Neural Networks. This survey is aimed at providing an overview of these trends framed under the unifying umbrella of Recurrence. Moreover, it emphasizes novel research opportunities that become prominent when abandoning the idea of processing long sequences whose length is known-in-advance for the more realistic setting of potentially infinite-length sequences, thus intersecting the field of lifelong-online learning from streamed data.
Abstract:The spectacular results achieved in machine learning, including the recent advances in generative AI, rely on large data collections. On the opposite, intelligent processes in nature arises without the need for such collections, but simply by online processing of the environmental information. In particular, natural learning processes rely on mechanisms where data representation and learning are intertwined in such a way to respect spatiotemporal locality. This paper shows that such a feature arises from a pre-algorithmic view of learning that is inspired by related studies in Theoretical Physics. We show that the algorithmic interpretation of the derived "laws of learning", which takes the structure of Hamiltonian equations, reduces to Backpropagation when the speed of propagation goes to infinity. This opens the doors to machine learning studies based on full on-line information processing that are based the replacement of Backpropagation with the proposed spatiotemporal local algorithm.