Picture for Deepak P

Deepak P

AI Safety: Necessary, but insufficient and possibly problematic

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Mar 26, 2024
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AI and Core Electoral Processes: Mapping the Horizons

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Feb 07, 2023
Figure 1 for AI and Core Electoral Processes: Mapping the Horizons
Figure 2 for AI and Core Electoral Processes: Mapping the Horizons
Figure 3 for AI and Core Electoral Processes: Mapping the Horizons
Figure 4 for AI and Core Electoral Processes: Mapping the Horizons
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Cluster-level Group Representativity Fairness in $k$-means Clustering

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Dec 29, 2022
Figure 1 for Cluster-level Group Representativity Fairness in $k$-means Clustering
Figure 2 for Cluster-level Group Representativity Fairness in $k$-means Clustering
Figure 3 for Cluster-level Group Representativity Fairness in $k$-means Clustering
Figure 4 for Cluster-level Group Representativity Fairness in $k$-means Clustering
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On Gender Bias in Fake News

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Sep 27, 2022
Figure 1 for On Gender Bias in Fake News
Figure 2 for On Gender Bias in Fake News
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Why are NLP Models Fumbling at Elementary Math? A Survey of Deep Learning based Word Problem Solvers

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May 31, 2022
Figure 1 for Why are NLP Models Fumbling at Elementary Math? A Survey of Deep Learning based Word Problem Solvers
Figure 2 for Why are NLP Models Fumbling at Elementary Math? A Survey of Deep Learning based Word Problem Solvers
Figure 3 for Why are NLP Models Fumbling at Elementary Math? A Survey of Deep Learning based Word Problem Solvers
Figure 4 for Why are NLP Models Fumbling at Elementary Math? A Survey of Deep Learning based Word Problem Solvers
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Exploring Rawlsian Fairness for K-Means Clustering

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May 04, 2022
Figure 1 for Exploring Rawlsian Fairness for K-Means Clustering
Figure 2 for Exploring Rawlsian Fairness for K-Means Clustering
Figure 3 for Exploring Rawlsian Fairness for K-Means Clustering
Figure 4 for Exploring Rawlsian Fairness for K-Means Clustering
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FiSH: Fair Spatial Hotspots

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Jun 01, 2021
Figure 1 for FiSH: Fair Spatial Hotspots
Figure 2 for FiSH: Fair Spatial Hotspots
Figure 3 for FiSH: Fair Spatial Hotspots
Figure 4 for FiSH: Fair Spatial Hotspots
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Exploring Thematic Coherence in Fake News

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Dec 17, 2020
Figure 1 for Exploring Thematic Coherence in Fake News
Figure 2 for Exploring Thematic Coherence in Fake News
Figure 3 for Exploring Thematic Coherence in Fake News
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ReSCo-CC: Unsupervised Identification of Key Disinformation Sentences

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Oct 21, 2020
Figure 1 for ReSCo-CC: Unsupervised Identification of Key Disinformation Sentences
Figure 2 for ReSCo-CC: Unsupervised Identification of Key Disinformation Sentences
Figure 3 for ReSCo-CC: Unsupervised Identification of Key Disinformation Sentences
Figure 4 for ReSCo-CC: Unsupervised Identification of Key Disinformation Sentences
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Local Connectivity in Centroid Clustering

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Oct 11, 2020
Figure 1 for Local Connectivity in Centroid Clustering
Figure 2 for Local Connectivity in Centroid Clustering
Figure 3 for Local Connectivity in Centroid Clustering
Figure 4 for Local Connectivity in Centroid Clustering
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