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Undercomplete Blind Subspace Deconvolution

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May 20, 2007
Zoltan Szabo, Barnabas Poczos, Andras Lorincz

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We introduce the blind subspace deconvolution (BSSD) problem, which is the extension of both the blind source deconvolution (BSD) and the independent subspace analysis (ISA) tasks. We examine the case of the undercomplete BSSD (uBSSD). Applying temporal concatenation we reduce this problem to ISA. The associated `high dimensional' ISA problem can be handled by a recent technique called joint f-decorrelation (JFD). Similar decorrelation methods have been used previously for kernel independent component analysis (kernel-ICA). More precisely, the kernel canonical correlation (KCCA) technique is a member of this family, and, as is shown in this paper, the kernel generalized variance (KGV) method can also be seen as a decorrelation method in the feature space. These kernel based algorithms will be adapted to the ISA task. In the numerical examples, we (i) examine how efficiently the emerging higher dimensional ISA tasks can be tackled, and (ii) explore the working and advantages of the derived kernel-ISA methods.

* Zoltan Szabo, Barnabas Poczos, Andras Lorincz: Undercomplete Blind Subspace Deconvolution. Journal of Machine Learning Research 8(May):1063-1095, 2007 
* Final version, appeared in Journal of Machine Learning Research 

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