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Generating Multilingual Personalized Descriptions of Museum Exhibits - The M-PIRO Project

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Oct 29, 2001
Ion Androutsopoulos, Vassiliki Kokkinaki, Aggeliki Dimitromanolaki, Jo Calder, Jon Oberlander, Elena Not

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This paper provides an overall presentation of the M-PIRO project. M-PIRO is developing technology that will allow museums to generate automatically textual or spoken descriptions of exhibits for collections available over the Web or in virtual reality environments. The descriptions are generated in several languages from information in a language-independent database and small fragments of text, and they can be tailored according to the backgrounds of the users, their ages, and their previous interaction with the system. An authoring tool allows museum curators to update the system's database and to control the language and content of the resulting descriptions. Although the project is still in progress, a Web-based demonstrator that supports English, Greek and Italian is already available, and it is used throughout the paper to highlight the capabilities of the emerging technology.

* 15 pages. Presented at the 29th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Gotland, Sweden, 2001. A version of the paper with higher quality images can be downloaded from: 

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