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Prediction of geophysical properties of rocks on rare well data and attributes of seismic waves by machine learning methods on the example of the Achimov formation

Jun 24, 2021
Dmitry Ivlev

Figure 1 for Prediction of geophysical properties of rocks on rare well data and attributes of seismic waves by machine learning methods on the example of the Achimov formation
Figure 2 for Prediction of geophysical properties of rocks on rare well data and attributes of seismic waves by machine learning methods on the example of the Achimov formation
Figure 3 for Prediction of geophysical properties of rocks on rare well data and attributes of seismic waves by machine learning methods on the example of the Achimov formation
Figure 4 for Prediction of geophysical properties of rocks on rare well data and attributes of seismic waves by machine learning methods on the example of the Achimov formation

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