Over the last years, software development in domains with high security demands transitioned from traditional methodologies to uniting modern approaches from software development and operations (DevOps). Key principles of DevOps gained more importance and are now applied to security aspects of software development, resulting in the automation of security-enhancing activities. In particular, it is common practice to use automated security testing tools that generate reports after inspecting a software artifact from multiple perspectives. However, this raises the challenge of generating duplicate security findings. To identify these duplicate findings manually, a security expert has to invest resources like time, effort, and knowledge. A partial automation of this process could reduce the analysis effort, encourage DevOps principles, and diminish the chance of human error. In this study, we investigated the potential of applying Natural Language Processing for clustering semantically similar security findings to support the identification of problem-specific duplicate findings. Towards this goal, we developed a web application for annotating and assessing security testing tool reports and published a human-annotated corpus of clustered security findings. In addition, we performed a comparison of different semantic similarity techniques for automatically grouping security findings. Finally, we assess the resulting clusters using both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods.