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Artificial Ant Colonies in Digital Image Habitats - A Mass Behaviour Effect Study on Pattern Recognition

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Dec 17, 2004
Vitorino Ramos, Filipe Almeida

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Some recent studies have pointed that, the self-organization of neurons into brain-like structures, and the self-organization of ants into a swarm are similar in many respects. If possible to implement, these features could lead to important developments in pattern recognition systems, where perceptive capabilities can emerge and evolve from the interaction of many simple local rules. The principle of the method is inspired by the work of Chialvo and Millonas who developed the first numerical simulation in which swarm cognitive map formation could be explained. From this point, an extended model is presented in order to deal with digital image habitats, in which artificial ants could be able to react to the environment and perceive it. Evolution of pheromone fields point that artificial ant colonies could react and adapt appropriately to any type of digital habitat. KEYWORDS: Swarm Intelligence, Self-Organization, Stigmergy, Artificial Ant Systems, Pattern Recognition and Perception, Image Segmentation, Gestalt Perception Theory, Distributed Computation.

* Proc. of ANTS 2000 - 2nd Int. Works. on Ant Algorithms (From Ant Colonies to Artificial Ants), Marco Dorigo, Martin Middendorf, Thomas Stuzle (Eds.), pp. 113, Brussels, Belgium, 7-9 Sep. 2000 
* 11 pages, 3 figures, Author at 

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