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Fast Context-Free Grammar Parsing Requires Fast Boolean Matrix Multiplication

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Dec 15, 2001
Lillian Lee

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In 1975, Valiant showed that Boolean matrix multiplication can be used for parsing context-free grammars (CFGs), yielding the asympotically fastest (although not practical) CFG parsing algorithm known. We prove a dual result: any CFG parser with time complexity $O(g n^{3 - \epsilson})$, where $g$ is the size of the grammar and $n$ is the length of the input string, can be efficiently converted into an algorithm to multiply $m \times m$ Boolean matrices in time $O(m^{3 - \epsilon/3})$. Given that practical, substantially sub-cubic Boolean matrix multiplication algorithms have been quite difficult to find, we thus explain why there has been little progress in developing practical, substantially sub-cubic general CFG parsers. In proving this result, we also develop a formalization of the notion of parsing.

* Journal of the ACM 49(1), pp. 1--15, January 2002 
* To appear in Journal of the ACM 

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