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Selectional Restrictions in HPSG

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Aug 23, 2000
Ion Androutsopoulos, Robert Dale

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Selectional restrictions are semantic sortal constraints imposed on the participants of linguistic constructions to capture contextually-dependent constraints on interpretation. Despite their limitations, selectional restrictions have proven very useful in natural language applications, where they have been used frequently in word sense disambiguation, syntactic disambiguation, and anaphora resolution. Given their practical value, we explore two methods to incorporate selectional restrictions in the HPSG theory, assuming that the reader is familiar with HPSG. The first method employs HPSG's Background feature and a constraint-satisfaction component pipe-lined after the parser. The second method uses subsorts of referential indices, and blocks readings that violate selectional restrictions during parsing. While theoretically less satisfactory, we have found the second method particularly useful in the development of practical systems.

* Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Saarbrucken, Germany, 31 July - 4 August 2000, pages 15-20 

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