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Entropy-based Pruning of Backoff Language Models

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Jun 11, 2000
A. Stolcke

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A criterion for pruning parameters from N-gram backoff language models is developed, based on the relative entropy between the original and the pruned model. It is shown that the relative entropy resulting from pruning a single N-gram can be computed exactly and efficiently for backoff models. The relative entropy measure can be expressed as a relative change in training set perplexity. This leads to a simple pruning criterion whereby all N-grams that change perplexity by less than a threshold are removed from the model. Experiments show that a production-quality Hub4 LM can be reduced to 26% its original size without increasing recognition error. We also compare the approach to a heuristic pruning criterion by Seymore and Rosenfeld (1996), and show that their approach can be interpreted as an approximation to the relative entropy criterion. Experimentally, both approaches select similar sets of N-grams (about 85% overlap), with the exact relative entropy criterion giving marginally better performance.

* Proceedings DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop, pp. 270-274, Lansdowne, VA, 1998 
* 5 pages. Typos in published version fixed 

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