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Fast whole-slide cartography in colon cancer histology using superpixels and CNN classification

Jun 30, 2021
Frauke Wilm, Michaela Benz, Volker Bruns, Serop Baghdadlian, Jakob Dexl, David Hartmann, Petr Kuritcyn, Martin Weidenfeller, Thomas Wittenberg, Susanne Merkel, Arndt Hartmann, Markus Eckstein, Carol I. Geppert

Figure 1 for Fast whole-slide cartography in colon cancer histology using superpixels and CNN classification
Figure 2 for Fast whole-slide cartography in colon cancer histology using superpixels and CNN classification
Figure 3 for Fast whole-slide cartography in colon cancer histology using superpixels and CNN classification
Figure 4 for Fast whole-slide cartography in colon cancer histology using superpixels and CNN classification

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