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Physical Activity Recognition Based on a Parallel Approach for an Ensemble of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classifiers

Mar 02, 2021
M. Abid, A. Khabou, Y. Ouakrim, H. Watel, S. Chemkhi, A. Mitiche, A. Benazza-Benyahia, N. Mezghani

Figure 1 for Physical Activity Recognition Based on a Parallel Approach for an Ensemble of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classifiers
Figure 2 for Physical Activity Recognition Based on a Parallel Approach for an Ensemble of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classifiers
Figure 3 for Physical Activity Recognition Based on a Parallel Approach for an Ensemble of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classifiers
Figure 4 for Physical Activity Recognition Based on a Parallel Approach for an Ensemble of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classifiers

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